EVOLUTION OF ABBY | Last of Us & Last of Us 2 | "Most Hated Video game Character of ALL TIME"

Last of Us & Last of Us 2 | How She Lose "Everything" By Her Own "Decision"
Abby is the daughter of Jerry Anderson, the head surgeon who worked for the Fireflies and was killed by Joel Miller when rescuing Ellie
For revenge abby kills joel ( Story of TLOU 2 )

EVOLUTION OF ABBY | Last of Us & Last of Us 2 | How She Lose "Everything" By Her Own "Decision"

It is introduced in Last of Us 2 ( TLOU 2 )

LAST OF US 2 Killing ABBY's Father with All Weapons | Last of Us
LINK :    • LAST OF US 2 Killing ABBY's Father wi...  

Searching for Joel

Years later, Abby returns to the aquarium in search of Owen. Owen has made the aquarium something of a hideout, cleaning it up and furnishing it with lights and decorations. Abby and Owen chat and banter, though not quite as easily as before. In the time since they first discovered the aquarium, Abby and Owen have broken up, and he is now dating their friend Mel. When Abby beats his record for shooting targets with a toy bow and arrow set, Owen hesitates to put her name on the scoreboard, worried that Mel will be unhappy that Abby was here with him.

Abby and Owen head to the lounge, which Mel has decked out in Christmas fashion. They share some of Owen's home-brewed moonshine, and discuss what Abby came for. Though it has been years since the events in Salt Lake City, she has a tip that Tommy Miller is living in a settlement near Wyoming. Hoping this will lead to finally tracking down Joel, Abby wants to see the lead through. Owen discourages this, since the lead may be no good and she probably will not get approval from Isaac to travel so far from Seattle. Abby counters that she already has Isaac's permission, and their ex-Firefly friends are on board as well. Owen concedes, and agrees to join her on the journey to Jackson.
Abby and Owen3

Abby learns Owen got Mel pregnant.

By early March,[7] Abby and her crew take shelter in an abandoned lodge near Jackson. Abby jolts awake just before dawn, plagued by nightmares. She finds Owen already awake and dressed, who tells her to grab her gear so he can show her what he has found.

After a hike through the mountains, they come to an overlook of Jackson. They take stock of the settlement, Owen noting that an armed patrol had ridden out earlier. Seeing how large and well equipped the settlement at Jackson seems, Owen is skeptical that they will be able to get the information they came for. Abby insists they can corner and question one of the patrols, but Owen thinks the others will want to head back for Seattle rather than risk antagonizing such a large settlement. Owen also reveals that Mel is pregnant. They argue, leading to Owen returning to the lodge while Abby forges ahead to one of Jackson's lookouts alone.
Abby Joel guns

Abby convinces Joel and Tommy to flee Infected with her.

Along the way, Abby is forced to make her way through several abandoned houses, and encounters a few groups of Runners. Eventually, she crosses horse tracks, and follows them toward the lookout. A storm rolls in and Abby finds herself in the middle of a horde of the Infected. She outruns them for a time, but a Runner pins her down and attempts to bite her. Joel and Tommy rescue her and the three of them fight their way back to the horses. Abby suggests they retreat to the lodge as a way to escape the horde and they ride out.
Abby golf

"You stupid old man. You don't get to rush this."

Once Abby, Joel, and Tommy make it to the lodge, the rest of Abby's group secure the gates from the Infected. Tommy and Joel introduce themselves and thank the group them for their help and hospitality. The mood in the room changes upon Joel revealing his name. Abby shoots Joel in the leg with a shotgun, and the others subdue Tommy. Joel asks Abby who she is. Abby tells him to guess, but he tells her to make her speech and "get this over with." Abby orders Mel to tourniquet Joel's leg, while she grabs a golf club, then uses it to beat Joel.
Abby tortures Joel

Abby torturing Joel.

A while later, Ellie breaks into the room but Nora and Nick subdue her. Owen, worried more people from Jackson will find them, tells Abby to end it so they can leave. Ignoring Ellie's pleas for Joel's life, Abby smashes his head with the golf club, killing him. As the others argue about whether to leave Ellie and Tommy alive or not, Owen decides to spare them, and Abby watches as Ellie is knocked out. With Joel dead, and Ellie and Tommy unconscious, Abby and her group leave the lodge before reinforcements arrive.


コメント (21)
  • @snacc9940
    Everyone: you fight like a girl Ellie and Abby: Am I a joke to you?
  • I don't think she is only 15 in the flashback, she is more 17-18 and in the game 22-23
  • When Abby bit Ellie’s fingers off all I heard in my head was, owwww Charlie that really hurt
  • There’s no way she was 15 in the flash back because Ellie was roughly 15 at the end of the first game (my point is like Abby looks way older than 15 in that flashback and older than Ellie in general
  • @acow8260
    I think she was like 17/18 in the flashback
  • @Tia-gy1ij
    I'm crying so hard right now. The entire movie was so frustratingly painful. Perhaps I have a masochist side that is larger than I thought because I just watch this over and over and over again... just to feel the same horror and pain and frustration each time. Abby did not deserve getting her father killed... Joel did not deserve his death Ellie did not deserve to lose the man who had become like her father And each time the story continues more and more pain and suffering happens... Only a blind idiotic fool would side with one character. All of them have done irreparable damage and things that no one should have to do. But in a world that has been overrun with such horror and chaos... this kind of suffering and pain is not only expected... its normal. We are lucky today that we don't have to see this kind of life as a reality. because as supernatural as this may appear... this is how life is for some places... fighting each day for your life... hoping that you don't do something to inadvertently piss off some other person's family and lead to your own death... This is by far a devastatingly real portrait of humans. No one is just a side character here... everyone has their story... And in truth... it is appalling to me how many people side with Ellie because they knew her from the previous game... That kind of take is shallow and rather shows how little people try to put themselves in others shoes. that kind of lack of empathy is why we have these stories in the first place.
  • I know I'm going to go straight to hell for laughing at the part where Joel burns Abby's dad (Jerry)
  • @graboid78
    Okay here it goes..... I don't mind Abby's character I don't like Joel dying in the slightest, but I understand her reasoning and why she acted the way she did. If someone hurt my parents, I'd feel how she felt. Abby and Ellie felt similar to me, they both lose someone they love, they seek revenge and it costs them everyone they love and care about. Regardless how people felt about the story, it was admirable they took risks and it wasn't a carbon copy of Part 1
  • @r520jr8
    I really liked Abby’s character. I thought she was really interested and her motivations made sense
  • @bensmc
    Abby is older than 20 in the hospital flash back because she talks with Lev about her bedroom pre outbreak
  • The most hated protagonist in video games just for killing Joel? Hahahaha, few here know Micah Bell