Last of Us Part 2's Platinum Is IMPOSSIBLE On The Hardest Difficulty

Published 2023-03-10

All Comments (21)
  • I always found Abby's story ironic, and I think that was intentional. She kills Joel for killing the Fireflies and her dad, but she doesn't realize WHY Joel did what he did. But then, she meets Lev, and Lev is what Ellie was to Joel. At a certain point, Abby becomes Joel. She's okay with killing anyone who would ever dare harm Lev. That's what I love about the story, is how beautiful and lethal love can be.
  • @zaylinth4989
    Ngl those screams from Ellie are chilling. Usually in horror games the mc screams usually sound like something you'd hear on a rollercoaster or like they're raging at something. There's no... shrill breaking in them. Ellie's va in this game absolutely put her everything into those death shrieks. I keep feeling my hair stand on end when i hear her. Good shit
  • @Whattheflip51
    Fun fact: If you manage to outrun the Bloater for long enough while Joel damages him, The game will spawn in a runner to grab you (I'm 90% sure you cant avoid this runner, you still have to spam click the button on screen or else the runner will actually kill you) and the bloater will grab you and then the cutscene will trigger of Joel killing the bloater.
  • @95iloveboobs
    The sniff thing Ellie did broke my fucking heart. That’s how I knew whoever wrote that part has truly experienced loss. When the only thing you have left of them is the smell on their fucking clothes. Man.
  • @_n_i_c_o_
    Most of the time when I watch challenge videos centred around tlou2 the creator spends half of the time complaining about Abby and how she’s the worst. I really liked how you talked about Abby’s story in a more positive demeanour and brought to light what Naughty Dog was trying to do with Abby’s story compared to Ellie’s. Good job man, and congrats on getting the platinum!
  • @soulses4549
    A second playthrough after accepting Joel's death is a must for sure. I remember on release being so pissed off at the game that it's all i thought about playing it but years later playing it again I just got it, it made sense once you can look passed it.
  • @chipotlelover2007
    Once I finally understood Ellie’s motivations for wanting abby dead, I realized why Abby was spared. Ellie wanted abby dead due to her guilt for not being able to forgive joel and just how horribly she treated him. After he dies, Ellie is unable to draw joels eyes because if you remember the abbys Joel in one, you would realize how disfigured his face was. Ellie is only reminded of his mangled face because it’s a metaphor for how she only viewed joel as a physical manifestation of his lie. It’s after Ellie heads back to SB and has abby right where she wants her…. she realizes how she never truly forgave joel. She always remembered Joel for what he did and the lie that ruined their relationship. She never remembers what he meant to not only her but many TLOU fans as well. He was the man who taught her how to play guitar, how to swim and cared deeply for her. That in essence was forgiveness… she never needed to avenge him to forgive him but, remember him for who he was. After this realization, Ellie basically had no reason to kill abby anymore. We also see this reflected in her journal when she goes to the farm for the last time. She doesn’t draw joel without his eyes but with him picking away at his six string on his porch. People seem to believe that ellie didnt get her happy ending but she did. She finally lets go of joels lie and remembers him for his character. She leaves the guitar to symbolize that she’s moved on from the anger she felt for him and carries on in his memory.
  • Just finished the game. And I hate to admit it but you were right. Definitely it's a game that needs a second playthrough to understand and appreciate the complexity of the characters and plot. I guess the first time watching Joel die really left me in shock and my automatic response was to hate the game from then on. Thank you again for this video. You've done a great service.
  • @knowone2240
    Great video, and I liked how playing through it again changed your perspective on the story, I hope other people get the chance to as well
  • Perma death is so unforgiving. But very rewarding when you play out an encounter like the trailers they showed for this game when It came out. I'd also like to say I'm one of the few to beat it on Grounded Permadeath and not per chapter. What do I have to show for it? A New appreciation for the series and a cool anecdote that last a total of 12 seconds about beating it on the hardest difficulty. It was truly the way to play the game for a much more immersive approach. Take about 50MG of THC and live through the brutality of killing hundreds of infected and people. 10/10
  • I loved every minute of playing this game. I didn't mind playing as Abby at all, first time in my gaming time I played as the protagonist & antagonist in a game and truly loved it. I got the platinum first then got the 100% when those trophies were updated. I played permadeath on easy & obviously grounded on grounded, there was no help tutorial videos on youtube when i did my grounded playthrough so I had to wing the entire thing (not that I used them often when gaming in general), but looking back at it, was one of my best gaming experiences ever. Great video
  • @Jokin_Jake
    I feel like this game will be a good example of a game that ages well. Play it once and you hate it. Play it twice and you understand it. Play it three times and you respect it.
  • @Kero_GG
    I'm sorry, a BRONZE trophy for completion with permadeath?! Ain't no way 💀💀
  • I'm currently doing a Grounded run myself and I'm about halfway through Abby Day 2. It is a brutal yet incredibly satisfying experience. Interesting to see you cruise through parts I really struggled with such as The Seraphites, and vice versa, I found the woods section with Yara and Lev pretty easy. I cannot imagine doing this on a permadeth run, that is true masochism!
  • @jeffextreme5498
    Tons of respect for you giving the game another go and really seeing the deeper meaning within. Great video and congrats on the accomplishment. Fantastic game.
  • @annie.sanders
    I agree. the story is much clearer when you've accepted Joel's death. it was spoiled for me when the game first came out so I took my time with it and by the time I decided to I watch a playthrough (I'm not a gamer and I don't have a console), I had already accepted his death. I watched the nicest gamer play both of the games back to back and I absolutely loved it. and I keep telling anyone who'll listen that Maggie, the girl I watched play part 2, killed the Rat King on her first try. she didn't even die. I'm so proud of her 😄
  • I recently beat the game on grounded so if you are looking for tips, I got some great ones 1. Scour every single inch of the world, supplies are so scarce that finding a single bottle could mean the difference between life and death 2. I didnt know this until I played in grounded, but you cannot sneak up on clickers from the front, because they will screech and sense you 3. Tall grass is your best friend, if you are being attacked, dive into grass behind cover and they will lose you. 4. Use a stealth approach to every single encounter when possible 5. good luck
  • @Zoepohey
    I loved Abby the first time I played through. At first I didn’t want to play her, but by the time she got to the aquarium I had the most respect and admiration for her. The forest cutscene is easily the most badass cutscene ever and it was so captivating watching it for the first time. Thanks for not talking smack about her like every other creator, she is easily my favorite character from any video game. Congrats on all the trophies!!
  • @user-rv6dy2kb7n
    Best game I ever played. Thousands of hours and still finding new things. Grounded permadeath (as someone who used to play everything on easy) took me about 9 months. It is A LOT! Will never stop playing these challenges and the story continues to amaze. The details are exceptional. Great video, good on you! And yes, the stalker forest is the hardest part for me too! You can learn the holdout but that forest is CURSED! Well done you!
  • @JK47-
    I like that they added the missable cutscenes (especially the music shop one) It also tells u who knows how to play LOU & who doesn’t when watching different ppls playthroughs