Jordan Peterson - Trust, betrayal and the underworld

Published 2018-01-09
Dr Jordan Peterson talks about what many of us try desperately to avoid thinking, but it's an integral part of life.

Original source:    • Lecture: Biblical Series II: Genesis ...  

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I curate content (edit little snippets of wisdom from the original material) and by giving it an original take and a coherent narrative, it adds value to the original content, plus makes it know to new people.

All Comments (21)
  • @DRE4Mzy
    I can't stop watching his videos. My world is being destroyed and rebuilt.
  • @computerbiscuit
    I love how Jordan said, if you are surrounded by snakes, become the master of snakes.
  • @nyChannel09
    Finally. Someone agrees with me of rating betrayal as the worst a human can do to another.
  • @TheRazzaManazza
    When my wife told me she had been sleeping with another man for 6 months, I lost consciousness. The shock was so strong, it literally shut my brain off. My life plan was shattered in an instant. Peterson is bang on with this assessment and it hurts, just hearing him describe the pain I experienced. This man is wise.
  • @Thomassina1
    Betrayal/infidelity has got to be one of the worst experiences to endure. You get catapulted onto a journey into the underworld where there's no quick fix or easy way out, you have to go thru it in order to escape it. Your very being becomes a stranger, how you view life is forever changed. It is amazing people are able to come through it and function again. JP describes the chaotic state very succinctly.
  • @cbdjeck8607
    Two days ago I found out that my girlfriend, who I wanted to ask to marry me next month, had been sleeping with her colleague the last 9 months. Everything went blank, I needed support to stand up. Then when I looked back at her I felt so terrified , everything we had been building up togetger for 4 years crumbled into pieces. All those years it was paradise but it just took an instant to be transported to the deepest hole of hell. Jordan Petersin is right, betrayal is the worst thing that can happend to someone.
  • @zildog
    It took me six MONTHS to recover from what Jordan is talking about. I was pretty much out of my body and bed ridden for much of it. My wife stood by me. I was betrayed not once but TWICE by the very people I helped build up. It cost me more than a million dollars but I'm here. What I wish he mentioned was how betrayal is parasitic in nature and benign most of the time until it is too late and once the host has been depleted, the parasite disposes of the body and moves onto a fresh victim, free from guilt and punishment... at least, that's what they think. Believe me when I say you never want to go to the depths of hell only to resurface and allow yourself to be plunged in again. It's not a pleasant experience. Where I am now, nobody who fucked with me then is foolish enough to try it again. And just as well as they'd suffer eternally. Not that all is forgiven but we've been taught that to err is human and to forgive is divine but I'd add that hell is never full and you'll find a line of people a billion strong that are still desperate to be there anyway and, sadly, at any cost. I am not among them but I know who they are and there's no coming back from that.
  • @vsrorrer
    I have watched and listen to him for almost a year....he is the Aristotle of our time.... His intellect..his perception..his logic...his facts....his studies...his life......his being...
  • @krissibee
    Jordan Peterson saved my life. I was on the verge of suicide after a deeply traumatic, life-destroying betrayal when he inexplicably popped up on my feed. His lectures saved my life by breaking me out of my traumatised state of life. He is a godsend
  • @cooldesigner501
    I haven't recovered from the multiple betrayal(s) I have gone through. Years wounds have not healed. I now understand what it means to be a 'dead soul'. 💀
  • Its the questioning all past events with your betrayer", reassessing them as a whole different person--and by extension reassessment of your whole life as a whole different phenomenon. That replaying hamster wheel, in your head, is what drives depression and pain. Somehow coming back to the here and now is essential, yet so slow and difficult.
  • @maxineboxer9714
    So have to question all past events and reassess them. It’s shocking.
  • @kennyx8482
    betrayal is one of the worst things that can happen to a human. you tend to lose faith in people and if that happens to you at a high frequency in ur life (if you are unfortunate enough!) that is a very very bad thing to happen to you. you may never recover to trust humans again
  • @robglobal1
    My girl betrayed me over and over from the begining and I stayed for 3 years caus she kept promising she would stop she kept begging me to stay saying she loved me and everything and now I'm a dead soul pushing everyday to continue to build my future even tho she damn near destroyed me. But I tell you what anyone going through this pain it will only get better if you decide you want it to and take it step by step til one day you realize your life is better than ever. Eat healthy exercise stay away from alcohol and drugs pray love watch things that make you laught keep your hygiene up work on making more money than ever etc. Wether you say you can ot you can't you're right. Make sure you always say you can. All of us can overcome whatever the situation. Personally I cant wait to become the best version of myself ever. Gonna be hard af but time goes by fast so it's all good
  • @maztersav
    Thumbs up for no commercial and useful information.
  • @angietaylor5256
    Betrayal is THE WORST, when you love someone who isn't who they say they are. I was So deceived, definitely got a tug from the underworld, and not sure how God pulled me from the clutches of death...
  • @Badlevhusky37
    This honestly got me through a really tough time, and I’d just like to say thank you to Dr. Peterson.
  • @Vittociclismo
    He says he thinks in words and not pictures, but it’s quite telling how he moves his hands romantically as if to shape clay into visions.
  • @graceg2716
    I certainly went to the end of the underworld/hell when my husband betrayed me after 35 yrs of loving and caring for him!
  • @annoybot
    @2:14 Trust & Betrayal @3:02 In dangerous place presently, map/past is profoundly incorrect & compass that got me here isn’t trustworthy to get me there (somewhere good/safe). @3:36 Inversion @4:48 Collapse