Interracial marriages more common, but still face barriers

Published 2021-06-13
Many things have changed in the 54 years since the U.S. Supreme Court ruled, in Loving v. Virginia, that laws banning interracial marriage are unconstitutional. Today, at least 19% of new marriages in America involve spouses from different ethnic or racial groups. But that doesn't mean that the difficulties they face have disappeared. Correspondent Rita Braver talks with couples whose relationships and children still draw uncomfortable conversations about racism within families across every social and economic level, and about how their love ultimately conquers all.

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All Comments (21)
  • My parents had received soo much grief when they were to be married in mother is Mexican from East father is Japanese from Hawaii....they met in Los Angeles...married for 35 years....both sides of the family got along very well....
  • Living in the Bay Area, mixed marriages are so common, our kids and their friends are seen as normal, even the majority. It’s a wonderful way to raise mixed race children who feel completely at home. I wish this for all the other mixed families out there. However, when traveling in India, people assumed my husband was my tour guide!
  • I was married interracially for 43 years. I lost my husband last year to COVID. We had a son and a daughter and they were raised to be proud of their multicultural background
  • @Fiawordweaver
    My black in-law family show me true love. If I didn’t have them in my life I would never known what unconditional love is. I’m the only female in a family of five brothers. Mother, Sicilian and narcissistic -Father a racist Swede even hated the Italians. Also considered my mother’s family stupid. He was a Swedish covenant minister’s son. He passed his racist values down to four of his biological sons. Oldest brother, son of a Sicilian father. He and I were the oddballs. Me being female and my oldest brother full Sicilian. My mother didn’t like females. There are abusive stories that I don’t need to share that traumatized me. My husband’s family embraced me from day 1 and I finally felt loved and worthy of love. We’ve been together 16 years. Ours is an older marriage finding each other in our late 40’s. He and his family are love.
  • My Mom and Dad must have been real rebels. My Mom, a full blooded Italian, and my Dad, who was black, white, and Indian, ( More rebel ancestors), got married 58 years ago, and had 4 mixed kids. Growing up in a 99% white city wasn’t too bad. I think because everyone knew us since we were born, and saw us grow up. I only had a few nasty things said to me. I just figured they were so filled with hate, that they were the ones with issues, not me.
  • Love is love. My husband is white, I'm black and I couldn't have married a greater guy. He makes me laugh, smile and brightens up my day. I couldn't imagine someone not wanting people to have that. I know those people exist but it's still mind boggling.
  • So many beautiful couples featured!! I am African American and my husband is Latino. There are definitely challenges with an interracial marriage but the love is always strong ❤️❤️
  • @cardion411
    Just imagine being so pressed about who someone else is married to that has absolutely nothing to do with you. Humans are strange creatures.
  • @6ftbeauty378
    I love seeing people genuinely happy! No matter the race we all deserve someone who loves us unconditionally ❤️🤞🏾
  • That's so heartbreaking to watch, but I'm glad, that these two beautiful couple are strong enough to face anything. Much respect to them.
  • Such an important piece. 54 years later, the work is not done. 👏🏻✊🏻
  • @j.h.6081
    One in ten Americans disapproving probably isn't honest. As someone who's mostly dated interracially, I think it's higher than that.
  • @tarahunter3469
    Being in an interracial marriage and the mom of 5 interracial children I can sadly say that racism is still so prevalent and it does make it so hard as a family at times. But at the same time it brings us together as a family as well because we have to protect one another and be strong.
  • @suzannem651
    I'm American and my husband is North African (Egyptian). We will be moving to the US soon (1st time for him living there). I admittedly have some anxiety about racism rearing its ugly head. However in the end, our LOVE for each other is stronger than any hate we may face.
  • @nedyah151
    My wife is Mexican and I am white. Her family was extremely racist to me. It comes from all sides, not just one group.
  • @RichardRjmccoy
    Great story. As a biracial child, I enjoyed watching and like to add that there are couples of two races together where one of the partners is not white. My mom is Mexican, and my dad is black. Dual minority biracial.
  • @icc2010
    I remember a friend of mine saying she would never date a person of color. Due in part cause her father would never accept it. That was my first realization that this may be a common thing. Having been adopted and living in a multi-racial family I figured It was normal. But as you get older you realize just how un normal it may seem
  • I'm white, I was maybe 9 years old, had a friend over who was black, my father came in and said get that *** kid out of my house. As a nine year old, I knew that was wrong. No body told me, no body guided me. In my heart I knew then as I know now, it's not right to judge by color. I'm not a God fearing man but I'm thinking that if two people find happiness with one another, regardless of their color, sex or where they may have been born, I think God would be ok with it.
  • @pabloalvez915
    Trivia: First-ever recorded interracial marriage in American territory took place in Cuba (then a Spanish possession), in 1565, between a Spanish man and an African woman. One Love <3 Let´s get together and feel all right
  • My wife and I have been married for 12 years, she's black and I'm white. When our oldest child was about 6 months old (late summer) he had gotten really dark, I had the police call on me at a local grocery store (in a predominantly "white" area), the lady told dispatch "possible kidnapping of a tar-baby" Of course the police came and thank God one of the officers knew my wife and I.