The Maybe Man is coming… | AJR - The Maybe Man (ALBUM PREVIEW + PREDICTIONS)

Published 2023-09-23
Are you excited for the new AJR? Let me know!!

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The Maybe Man by AJR

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All Comments (18)
  • @TheTuneUp
    Hey y’all! I noticed some weird audio throughout the video so I’m gonna try to fix that going forward. My apologies for the weird occurrence. Hope you all enjoy!
  • @Plebcy
    I personally think The Maybe Man will be their best album they have released. As artists, they've grown a lot recently, and I think they are realizing that the over-the-top production in their songs aren't working for a lot of audiences, including their fans anymore. Take The Dumb Song for example, there wasn't overproduced instruments, It was more them singing lyrics that actually make sense, and aren't overlooked by overproduced, and unnecessary add-ins. I think It will be their best received album from fans, reviewers like you, Brad, AOTY, etc. and as someone who enjoys a lot of what AJR puts out, I'm expecting lyrics that are more grown up, and I've seen that in God Is Really Real and Dumb Song. I think I Won't and DJ Is Crying For Help are alright songs, but they still have a bit of that unnesseary, annoying-sounding vocals I really hope they let go of throughout the album. I've heard "Touchy Feely Fool," and it sounds amazing. There's no over-the-top "aHaHAHAHaAAA" vocals, no annoying instrumentals that add nothing but make the song more annoying, and that's everything this album needs to shine. AJR has so much potential for this album, and I hope they use it to their advantage. Reviewers like you actually giving an album a chance, explaining why you don't like something instead of just saying "oh this sounds bad because It's AJR" actually gives people hope for an album like this. The new album also has the most explicit songs off of any AJR album (11/12 songs being marked explicit) so I also hope that's a sign that AJR is maturing, as many people have said in the past that AJR is only for kids and whenever they swear It's them trying to be edgy.
  • @izzie2070
    its ok to take a break! we'll all be here when u come back :)
  • @Cashcorn
    I don’t think this album will make people who don’t like them like it. Usually the singles of their albums I don’t like but people who are not fans of them love them. This time around, I like them all. Which makes me think this album is for the fans and not to try and sway people’s opinions. I’m most looking forward to Touchy Feely Fool and Inertia. I think Inertia is the song from the “marching band teaser” and if that’s the case I cannot wait for it. Touchy Feely Fool (from what we’ve heard) is simple enough to where you don’t have to be a fan of them to enjoy it, but it also stays true to themselves. It’s also very mature in it’s writing unlike a lot of previous songs.. I don’t know what song this lyric is from but I love the song already: “Stop writing a song about writing a song, you’re losing their attention buddy move on.”
  • @Chromono22
    I’m honestly excited. I personally enjoy ajr, and I think this looks pretty cool :) Sure, some of the releases have been bad (the dj is pretty bad, but I enjoy the dumb song and God is really real) but I think from snippets released that it is promising! Ik it’s unpopular but hey, I enjoy it😭
  • @nEonM-C
    I feel like AJR has been improving in writing over the years, and I’ve always liked their production! I feel like this album will be their most ambitious or emotional one yet, though that’s my prediction. I’m very excited for the album since I loved all of the singles they released during the Maybe Man era, (though one thing I’m nervous about is the explicit tag put on all but one song in the album, since I feel like their profanity feels forced) I also heard a lot of people praising the album cover, it looks awesome!
  • @marvinwilfred
    i feel this is going to be the most personal album they’re gonna have and they’ve been teasing it for more than a year now and i jus can’t wait to hear it and see how it turns out
  • @Chromono22
    I appreciate the kindness, honestly Like I feel scared to say that I like ajr in other places, but I feel ok saying it here Like, the sound of the songs i enjoy. I enjoy more hype listens, like way less sad for example (that’s why I liked currents by tame Impala too, it’s exciting). I’m looking for stuff like that, while also having some of the more personal tracks as well, like they had my play on the past album. (Christmas in June is a good mix of it, imo) I do agree, they should dial it back on the crazy, hard to listen to production. This album, based on what has been released, is going to be heavier lyrically, while they still have mixed styles in production. I don’t want there to be a cut and dried style for the whole album, I want it to vary. You know, I HOPE they can turn around the opinion of them with haters. Of course, as a fan, I am going to hope for the best, but in reality, people seem to go in with a preconceived notion, and don’t let it go. I think the overall opinion will stay relatively the same, but I feel like this album will have a better reception amongst people overall.
  • @dynhh
    Very excited to see what awaits for us, whether we have a good time or bad time, im hoping for a surprise of an album nonetheless!
  • @Learke
    As a notorious AJR defender throughout the years, I'm both excited and cautious about this new album. Obviously I'm keen to see where they take it, especially with production and as you mentioned, the heavier lyrical themes, but this album so far is super hit or miss. I Won't was cool for like a week for me, but they teased it so much that I got bored very quickly, and the only time I would listen to it would be in a live setting (it does go hard live but the studio version just doesn't do it for me) The DJ was a cool track when it came out, and I love the production on it, but those higher vocals in the post-chorus feel really off to me, and I don't listen to it anywhere near as much anymore. The Dumb Song was a solid track imo, I love the production and writing, and the general performance of it. The only part that I can say I dislike is the bridge, it feels like they added that part in hopes it would turn into a TikTok trend. But I still listen to it a lot pretty nice track. God Is Really Real obviously carries a lot of weight, and means a lot to them given what it's about. I think it has their strongest writing possibly ever, and the production is just right, so this one gives me higher hopes. But then there's the snippets I'm gonna start with the positive: The "Pandemonium" snippet (from the album teaser, presumably the title track "Maybe Man") has such cool production and I think it has the potential to be their best song to date. Super excited for that one. Now let's get to the negative: Yes I'm a Mess (Snippet) is a tough one for me, because when I first heard it I hated the fact that the whistle melody was a key part of the song. I told a few people "oh god it sounds like they looked up AJR type beat on youtube and just used that", and while I still stand by that statement, the newer snippets they've shown of it are much better, with a seemingly anthemic chorus, but I know the whistle is going to ruin it for me. Touchy Feely Fool (snippet) is also another tough one for me, because I love the lyrics and the melodic structure and the topline of the production, but the rest of it sounds like one of those 1950s inspired Megan Trainor songs, which is a pop trend I cannot stand. Recently a longer snippet came out, and we have around 1 minute of the song, and again, I love the lyrics and the vocal processing and the melody and the chord progression, hell even the sound selection in the verses is perfect, but those claps and the aforementioned Megan Trainor-esque chorus production just takes me out of it. Idk, mixed feelings on this one Tl;dr, cautiously excited for the album
  • @DJDipstick
    my expectations are fairly low but definitely not on the floor. i don't totally hate any of the singles, i think they're pretty inoffensive all around. if there's anything to be hyped for, i guess it'd be the closer of the album, 2085, just because it's going to be their longest song yet, clocking in at over five and a half minutes
  • @giftedprodigy55
    I will say that AJR's my favorite band. Not all of their albums have been a complete hit, but in my opinion I think this album is actually going to be really good. I believe it will have a lot of inspiring messages within the songd.I don't like that they put God is really real on the album I felt like they should have left it as a single, and they should have replaced it with another song. I have high hopes for this album that it will be a banger
  • @villagelanding
    Personally I think the release will probably be their most disappointing yet. I feel like they will have stripped away certain elements that I found like impressively bad in their previous projects, to the point where it was entertaining. And now they are just doing their usual style but in an even more watered down format. I still think it would be awesome if AJR ever released an album that I feel generally positive about, but the singles and snippets I've heard for this album are seeming like we are still very far from that, unfortunately.
  • @Realjammerdog
    I’m late as fuck and i don’t mean to be mean but… if you’re so sure you don’t like and and you’re not gonna like it then why even bother on listening to it?