Publicado 2023-12-01
Cardiologists love to scare the crap out of their patients because of elevated cholesterols and use emotional manipulation to get patients to takes STATINS. But in this video DR CYWES REVIEWS A CARDIOLOGY PAPER THAT REPORTS NO BENEFIT AND POSSIBLY AN INCREASED RISK OF HEART ATTACK AND STROKE FROM TAKING STATINS. KNOW YOUR HgA1c to determine risk of HEART ATTACK, STROKE OR DYING OF HEARTATTACK OR STROKE. This paper documents that STATINS offer ZERO RISK BENEFIT!!!! DIABETES NOT CHOLESTEROL WILL KILL YOU. Please leave comments.
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References: Gyldenkerne C, et al. J Am Col Cardiol. 2023;82(16):1583-1594
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ROBERT CYWES M.D., PhD, ERIN SMITH PSYCHNP and SHERYL FOX RD ARE clinical PRACTITIONERS in Florida and COVER THE ENTIRE USA AND WORLD VIA TELEHEALTH. Our mission is to educate and treat CARBOHYDRATE ADDICTION in obesity, diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Replacing carbs with REAL FOOD while simultaneously replacing carbs as a toxic, harmful response to emotional tension with a diverse healthy set of emotion management tools for lifelong sustainability of mental and physical health, happiness and well-being. Converting people from toxic sugar burners to healthy fat (keto) burners while addressing the CAUSE of addiction to carbs from an emotion management perspective. Sometimes using medications such as GLP-1 agonists and obesity surgery/devices to help people including those who have had bariatric surgery.

Set up a consultation if you are looking for sustainable ways to treat obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, cholesterol and thyroid disease. If you need bloodwork/physician confirmation or if you are considering or struggling after Bariatric Surgery we can assist.
We can order bloodwork and Coronary Artery Calcium Scores as part of a consultation.
Please record your consult but inform Dr Cywes, Erin and Sheryl.
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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @jefffisher6481
    my cardiologist prescribed statin for me and I told him I wanted more tests before I do. He poo-pooed doing a CAC test and said he already knew how the test would come out and he would still prescribe the statins. He actually said "I'm the doctor and you need to do this if you don't we're going to have trust issues" I guess he doesn't realize trust is a two way street. Now i'm on the hunt for a new cardio doc.
  • @williamtodd250
    Thank you for this information, I am a carpenter in Canada that stopped taking statins 2 years back and have had great health improvements since then and eating carnivore with some fruit. Large list of improvements.. It has been obvious to me the carpenter for 2 years that low carb and a clean diet is the best option, most people don’t want to here this information and I have been shockingly insulted for my opinion. Especially when I suggest that sugar is one of our greatest problems. Thank you for your time.
  • @drironmom6815
    I’m a physician who agrees with you. I also get nasty letters from pharmacies and insurance companies complaining that my patients are not taking statins
  • @az10sbum1
    So if we know that diabetes significantly increases heart disease, and we know that some statins significantly increase diabetes, and we know that statins provide insignificant absolute risk reduction against heart disease, don't we then know that at least some statins should be immediately pulled from the market?
  • I had a stroke at 43 and was put on statins. Horrible side effects. Debilitating. Researched and took myself off, landed on carnivore and healthiest and happiest I've ever been at age 60yrs! They told me I would most likely die from a fatal stroke if I did this. They were so wrong. Thanks doc! It's people like you that I found online that I think saved my life and restored my health and wellbeing!❤
  • @petaross316
    Pity you didn’t talk about the harms statins do , muscle pain, 25% of people becoming type 2 diabetics after 5 years etc. This is all about $$$$
  • @meatvenus
    If they were willing to address & treat Diabetes 2, they know they’d bankrupt themselves 😮 Those who sell the pill 💊 sell the panic 😂
  • @rickknowles9620
    I'm in Canada and I have had a triple bypass. I have a friend who I discovered talking to him also had a tri bypass. He is 5 years younger than I and I'm now 74. I hadn't talked to him in several years when he told me about the bypass. I said to him my suspicions about sugar being the problem and said to him "I guess the have put you on a statin now" and that they are not effective. His reply was "I've been on statins since I was 35 years old" I promptly said. "Well you shouldn't have needed a bypass then". I have been trying to get to people that its the sugar and insulin resistance that is damaging your arteries but nobody is listening. My own doctor is insistent that I go on a statin and I just ignore him. I will get my bloodwork done and consult with you.
  • @1Hope4All
    So glad! One more video to share with people who are afraid of cholesterol and told to go on statins!
  • @captainbc52
    I had two different strokes two weeks apart about a year and a half ago due to a dissected left vertebral artery around C1... I was told I would have to be on a statin for the rest of my life. When I asked the doctor why she basically said that's just what you have to do after you have a stroke. I laughed at them and still haven't taken a statin to this day.
  • @canningjoy
    My cardiologist is DO and I am thrilled that he doesn't push statins. When I told him I refuse to take them, he just smiled and said ok.
  • @jeffmcelroy5437
    The fact they are so dogmatic about their lipid cvd beliefs that they won't even believe their lying eyes is disappointing.
  • @mystatinfreelife
    Wow! Dr. C. is even more hardcore anti-statin than I am! Thanks for this. The day may come when statins are relegated to the dust-bin of medical history. I certainly hope so.
  • @brenttuttle7268
    Great video doc. Just more confirmation of what we already knew. Statins absolutely do work....in the context of lowering LDL...unfortunately that doesn't change or improve your risk of dying of CVD
  • @hardtruth2039
    I’m seeing an interventional cardiologist on December 5th. I’m going to play this video for him if he gets out of line before I fire him.
  • @user-cc5od3zk4p
    Thank you so much for this! If there were only more doctors like you.
  • @KB0101
    My doctor just today insisted I take a statin. I’m following your advice and picking it up from the pharmacy but NOT ever taking it.
  • @user-jb3bg9og7b
    Well Doc, when we meet in June you will know more about myself and your impact. Recently just retired and will take a year to get my heath back before I start a new career. Bio as follows 48yr male. June 12th 2023 was 486lbs, high blood pressure. Yes addicted to carbs and junk food, not diabetic but most likely insulin resistance knocking on diabetes door. Blood work not great. 290 cholesterol and fatty liver. A1C was 5.9. I decided to try online health service to get Mounjaro from hearing stories. PCD wouldn’t prescribe when asking because of my A1C was good. I decided to cut carbs down big time, started eating healthy Whole Foods. Absolutely no processed food. I stared at the box of Mounjaro in the fridge. Took several weeks to get the courage to give myself a shot. Last week in June tried it, was really helpful in my food chatter while making proper decision's(first week the inflammation was down so much, felt 20 years old again). Over the months incorporated MCT oil in coffee in the morning. Started 2 meals a day. Noon and before 6pm. At the end of October, started intermittent fasting and realized I was really doing a keto diet. I have never went above 5mg of Mounjaro, and I stretch the shot out to 8-9 days. Been incorporating carnivore and more fat this past month. Today I weighed 366, A1C 5.1, cholesterol down to 220, blood pressure 108-118 over 68-76. Heart rate from 97-104 down to 68-74. PCD now realizes Mounjaro helped me, wants me to start taking Statins because he wants Cholesterol down under 200, didn’t before. I won’t take it. He also wants me to titrate up to 15mg Mounjaro. Won’t budge from 5mg, it’s working, I won’t abuse it. So my appointment is with you June 2024, I feel confident you will steer me in the final chapter of getting my health finalized and come up with my exit strategy to get off Mounjaro. Also my inflammation is down, walking 1-3 miles 2-4 times a week, started light weight lifting. When I see you in June, hopefully I will be around 250lb-270lb and will be guided by you in my health journey.thx
  • @bert_buikema
    I agree. LDL is a non-issue. We should better be obsessed with metabolic syndrome.
  • @jeffmcelroy5437
    I think a lot of cardiologist have built their entire practice around testing blood lipids and throwing pills that can make some of the numbers lower at their patients. I'm guessing those doctors have too much of a stake to admit it is doing more harm than good at this point.