Dr. Paul Mason - 'The shady truth about statins'

Published 2022-12-10
This lecture is part 2 of 3 delivered by Dr Mason at the Low Carb Down Under Gold Coast conference in October 2022. Dr Mason exposes the catastrophic harms caused by the first cholesterol lowering drug, Triparanol, and the guilty verdict that followed.

This is followed by a brief history of statins, including the high rates of cancer in test animals seen with the first statin to come to market, and the massive (+$1,000,000,000) legal payouts made to settle lawsuits from statin side effects.

Specific statin side effects, including dementia are covered, followed by a close analysis of the measurable benefits that may be attributed to statins. This includes a review of a recent paper co-authored by David Diamond, Ben Bikman and Paul Mason that discusses how to identify who is likely and not likely to benefit from statin therapy using triglyceride and LDL levels.


Dr Paul Mason obtained his medical degree with honours from the University of Sydney. He is also a fellow of the Australasian College of Sports and Exercise Physicians, holds a Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy and a Masters degree in Occupational Health. He is currently Chief Medical Officer of the Defeat Diabetes program, an evidence-based program focussed on lifestyle management of metabolic illnesses, including type 2 diabetes.

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All Comments (21)
  • @KenJackson_US
    Years ago I told my doctor that I lost my job so I wasn't going to refill my statin prescription. They were expensive and that cost came directly out of my unemployed pocket. He heartlessly said "Well if you're not going to take your statins, I'm not going to be your doctor." Wow! I left without another word and never saw him again.
  • My father was on statins “Lipitor” for longer than I remember probably when they first came out. He developed Type 2 diabetes, and vascular dementia. He also had a quintuple bypass. And now my doctors want me on statins. Crestor. I am 71. I was have some side effects you described. My A1C was up to 6.0. Because of the A1C, I am on Keto with intermittent fasting now. After my research and your videos and others, I’m stopping statins.
  • @wann9333
    I wish more doctors are listening to this rather than money driven pharma industry
  • @jameshyde1270
    In 2012 I was a very athletic health person 58 no medication. My doctor recommended a statin. My first question - can I just change my Diets? He smiled and said “you mean eat nuts and berries “ Shortly after raking the Statins I became horribly I’ll with symmetrical joint pain, difficulty working getting out of bed etc. My doctor said “we don’t know the cause” I demanded tests Lyme disease etc. Then I googled Statins Side Effects. Discovered a thorough description of the ailment - fired my doctor, flushed the statins and began a dedicated study of nutrition science / human biochemistry. A very positive outcome for me. Dr Paul Mason continues to play an important role. You
  • @bmendonca2
    I became prediabetic months after starting Statin. I asked my doctor if the Statin was causing my insulin resistance. He said no its either control diabetes or heart attack. If Statins cause diabetes, the drugs makes drug companies rich they should be guilty of Crimes against Humanity.
  • @pticman
    I"m a M.D. with a specialty in Internal Medicine, Geriatrics and Obesity Medicine.If you are 65 years old and above and on a Medicare advantage plan insurance, I can assure you that your doctor will push STATINS in your throat. Here in the USA, the CMS (center for Medicare service) puts out a scoring system called HEDIS (HEALTH EFFECTIVENESS DATA AND INFORMATION SET) and 1 of the measure is putting patients with diabetes, atherosclerosis, heart disease or any of its heart disease equivalents, on statins. Their target is 80% of those patients should be on statins and the doctor/clinic/ health group companies gets a 5 star rating if 80% is reached which equates to more $$ reimbursement from CMS ( a government entity governing medicare). Therfore, medical groups, health care groups are pushing the doctors to write more statins. Doctos like me get a score card, like a school report card with all the scores on the HEDIS METRICS. In fact, I got a shout out from our medical director that I have the lowest score on statin prescription and that I should improve my statin star rating to bring in more money for the company I work for (OPTUM).It behooves me to think against my ethical principles. I discuss the pros and cons of statins with my patients and discus with them the NNT of these statins for primary and secondary prevention and then I let the patient decide. If the patient decides against it, then I dont give statins and I document it in the medical records. In fact I also add journal citations in my notes for other doctors in my group to see and perhaps explore. Hence, my low statin HEDIS score metric. I will stick to my conviction of informed consent with the patients. I think this is the best ethical way to practice medicine. Dr Mason I hope you will be at the Low carb conference in Denver in Feb 2023.
  • @markiangooley
    I have horrified several physicians by telling them I’ve been a type 1 diabetic since 1970 yet haven’t taken any statin in decades.
  • The increased risk of dementia from taking statins was news to me, & what's alarming is that could be the very reason that cases are on the rise everywhere!
  • @M-MMo
    Love the message of this lecture and agree wholeheartedly .....but please never ever throw your statins in the toilet! Fish and water organisms will appreciate!
  • My father was on statins and had about 2 years of crippling muscle pain. He stopped them and the pain went.
  • Excellent report. Most sensible folk have already guessed that these drugs are a money spinning scam.
  • Brilliant - As a secondary prevention patient, I am amazed by the pressure being put on to me by every doctor I see, to take statins. I am on a 97% carnivore almost zero carb diet, and I also have Alport syndrome. Since I am losing weight, I have told my doctors to look at my much improved Liver function numbers, and asked them to allow my liver to do the right thing, as my lipids are in a dynamic state due to my weight loss. I feel that my body knows what to do to make itself more healthy with my new direction, and I am prepared to take risk of not of taking statins.
  • @elderbob100
    I have had off the chart hyperlipidemia and hypercholesterolemia for over 50 years, and yet I have a perfect BMI and no symptoms of heart disease. Every time I get a blood test my physician gets hysterical and actually sends a prescription for statins to the pharmacy for me. My last physical I told him I don't take statins. He was pissed!
  • My mother was on statins as long as I remember. Today she has such bad dementia. She cannot walk eat talk or even recognize any of her loved ones. All we can do is watch her live in her own world. I believe that statins caused this. Both her parents died of old age and had no dementia.
  • @Ariel-oo1nc
    Paul Mason is always bringing the fire with facts. Loved this talk. Keep up the good work spreading the word!
  • @TrishLester
    I have a great triglycerides and HDL and my ratio is something like “1”. Because my LDL is above the medical establishment’s ever-changing acceptable level, my doctor told me I would “benefit from medication.” I never responded to her statin suggestion, but now I’m going to send her a link to this video! Many doctors are victims of Big Pharma propaganda, right alongside their patients!
  • I stopped generic Lipitor in February 2022. Felt fantastic. LDL is 535 November 2022. Doctor suggests taking statin again but Generic Crestor. Out of fear of the LDL number I took it 2 nights. Had terrible PVCs. I cut in half then half again. Same side affects. So back to Generic Lipitor. SAME side effect. I decided that it was taking the statin that had caused AFIB 15 years ago and having an Afib ablation in 7/2020. It's truly criminal. My cardiologist should have taken me off Statins 15 years ago. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫☹️☹️ My new MD says no more statins for me.
  • Thank you. They are trying to keep the hospitals and nursing homes full of customers. Run for your life.
  • @gpilsitz1783
    I was on Simvastatin for over 10 years. Developed T2D and was having trouble maintaining stable BS level. Had already dealt with brain fog, balance issues, muscle weakness, and pain the whole time. The BS thing was the last straw. Stopped taking statin 1 month ago just starting to feel better.