Published 2023-05-26
Part 3 of a series explaining cardiovascular disease: STATINS – THE TRUTH – side effects of statins. This explanation helps to debunk the myth that LDL, LIPIDS AND CHOLESTEROL CAUSE CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE. THIS IS EVIDENCE-BASED. Know the scientific truth about how your body works. Ask and answer the right questions to optimize your health! Whether you agree or disagree with our content, if we’ve made you think and ask questions, we’ve done our job. Leave comments below. #bloodclots #heartattack #stroke #LDL #cholesterol #statin #insulinresistance #complications #sideeffects #fat #lipids #glucose #keto #bloodglucose #ketosis #sugar #carbohydrate #carbs #lowcarb

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ROBERT CYWES M.D., PhD, ERIN SMITH PSYCHNP and SHERYL FOX RD ARE clinical PRACTITIONERS in Florida and COVER THE ENTIRE USA AND WORLD VIA TELEHEALTH. Our mission is to educate and treat CARBOHYDRATE ADDICTION in obesity, diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Replacing carbs with REAL FOOD while simultaneously replacing carbs as a toxic, harmful response to emotional tension with a diverse healthy set of emotion management tools for lifelong sustainability of mental and physical health, happiness and well-being. Converting people from toxic sugar burners to healthy fat (keto) burners while addressing the CAUSE of addiction to carbs from an emotion management perspective. Sometimes using medications such as GLP-1 agonists and obesity surgery/devices to help people including those who have had bariatric surgery.

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All Comments (21)
  • My mom never took a statin because she said messing around with the liver wasn’t smart. That was 40 years before she passed away at the age of 95. Good advice. I took it. Don’t mess with the liver.
  • Hi Dr Cywes on my lipid screen done earlier this month my vldl was 3.2 and hdl 1.2 total 4.6 stopped statins a year ago due to horrible muscle fatigue. I went low carb and my practice stopped the metformin ( the only diabetic drug I was on) and this morning my fasting Blood sugar was 90. I was told my sugars would go up but in fact it's going down. I walk between 2-3 miles a day and the weight loss is accelerating now lost 124lbs. 4 more pounds and my Bmi will be 29.5 and will be just overweight. I started with a bmi of 52.5 I have never felt so healthy in years thank you for your sage advice. Low carb is the way to go.
  • @yerrterrb8435
    My mother went low carb (at my insistence) for early onset cognitive decline, and got off her antidepressant, anti-anxiety, and statins. Her total cholesterol went up to 620 and the boston heart lab called her doctor and said it was an emergency. She had a cac scan (at my insistence, as well, since her trigs, weight, and insulin, among other inflammatory markers are beautiful), her cac score is 0. But they've scared the shit out of her and have her back on statins. her cholesterol is now 120ish, and i say nothing because it's a losing battle when i cannot find a doctor who doesn't just scare the shit out of her, and can work with her to figure out why she produces so much cholesterol (her supposedly functional-medicine trained dr did not agree that she may just be a LMHR--and is the one who put her back on a statin and zetia). So now I just watch her cognition continue to go downhill. But that total cholesterol is where they want it, and that's the priority.
  • @mjones1122
    It is much easier to change your diet than to deal with the meds and their side effects imho.
  • @fastestone2
    5 heart attacks 2 strokes, been on statins since early 30's. I had no issue with high bp until having multiple rotator cuff surgeries , and having steroids for recovery. Now 55 and trying fix the issues I am sure all of the meds have caused.
  • @Straightdeal
    Insulin sensitivity must be the primary goal to achieve for any individual, because so many other issues are reversed and/or greatly reduced when you are insulin sensitive.
  • Read “The Clot Thickens” by Malcolm Kendrick. I’m in the middle of it right now. I’ve seen numerous videos by David Diamond and Paul Mason and read their study/paper on the effects of statins. But this book…..mind blown.
  • i had my cholesterol checked a few days ago as part of a new UK NHS health study ,it was 5.12 ,the nurse told me this was slighly elevated ,today in my capacity of a NHS employee (non medical ) , i was doing a quick job in a surgery and i told the Nurse about my results ,he told me that i should be on statins ,i refused his offer of a script for statins , i was stunned that two different medical professionals would come to different conclusions , your vblogs are most informative , thank you
  • @jennylowndes6860
    New to this channel and really like this doctor’s way of explaining things. Wish we could find this kind of help in the UK.
  • @hope46sf
    Thank you, Dr Cywes!! Ive had high cholesterol, high triglycerides, for years. Any statin I've tried, (w reluctance), Ive had too much muscle cramping, so I refuse to try any more. Im 77, a few pounds over ideal wt. Doing my best.
  • @annanorth7997
    My husband has labs going back 20 years. He has never had high glucose levels. Not even pre-diabetes. He's never been overweight and has moderately exercised. Yet, he had a major heart attack this summer at age 66. He had a triple bypass and was fortunate to survive.
  • @markiangooley
    I was on Lipitor for a few years — back when it was really expensive. Fortunately it didn’t lower my blood cholesterol (judging by tests) and had no apparent bad effects. Probably I just have good genes.
  • @garyradley5694
    Look for information about the former ABC ( Australian Broadcasting Commission ) medical investigational journalist Dr. Maryanne Demasi , who attempted from 2013 to initiate debate about the use of statins. She ended up being silenced by by her employer with a gag order, and her TV program "Catalyst" was cancelled, with all members from the executive producer down all sacked. Her very logical and extensive investigation showed that it was impossible to gain access to any of the statin research. She was continually told that the research shows that statins were safe and that you will just have to trust us on that. The only problem is that the authorities holding the statin research were financed by the pharmaceutical industries! No different to a drug carte saying that fentanyl is completely safe to use.
  • @shekatagani
    Thanks Dr! I went on a low Carb Diet and IF with ACV every day, Dropped my BP and 45 LBs. in a year. Changed My life!
  • Refuse to ever take any cholesterol lowering medication again, made that call years ago, Doctors do not listen to side effects. Had severe pain in my legs and feet, after stopped statin it went away.
  • @pimacanyon6208
    What do you think of Dr. Duane Graveline's book The Statin Damage Crisis? In that book he states that cholesterol cannot cross the blood brain barrier, so the brain's cholesterol is created by glia cells in the brain itself. Statins DO cross the blood brain barrier and thus prevent the glia cells from manufacturing cholesterol. No (or lower) cholesterol in the brain leads to memory problems, dementia, etc.
  • @dn6900
    Dr. Cywes is always on the cutting edge.
  • @emj6724
    Doc I can't thank you enough for the neurology where imparting to people I've learned more from you in a couple of videos over the last week or so that I have learned from 20 doctors in 20 years God bless you sir please keep rocking it okay you're amazing and you got a really cool accent as well