Ranking Terrible Life Hacks with My Wife

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Thanks to everyone who sent me the life hacks:
egg spray - twitter.com/haught_topics/status/13066382651188551…
pistachios - twitter.com/minaisagreg/status/1306639918656114689…
bag proposal - twitter.com/gillibean33/status/1306644185357975552…
car scarf (please don’t do this one) - twitter.com/miasohungry/status/1306642231059570688…
apple juice - twitter.com/hanimunart/status/1306643636998860802?…
grass key - twitter.com/bubblbudd/status/1306641026522677264?s…
underwear - twitter.com/sims4foreva/status/1306641624663912449…

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follow me:
twitter - www.twitter.com/drewisgooden
instagram - www.instagram.com/drewisgooden

コメント (21)
  • drew still acts like he just started dating amanda
  • the fact drew is constantly looking over to Amanda to see if she's laughing when he tells a joke is so sweet
  • I was dating a girl who only liked 1 flavor of skittles, which was strawberry/banana, from the tropical mix. So one day I bought something like 6 bags, and separated them all out. I opened one of the bags by the bottom though, so I could keep the top intact, then filled it with the one flavor. So, I acted like I grabbed a bag of Skittles, gave it to her, and told her to pick out the strawberry/banana ones. She opened the bag from the top, like ya do, and it was a cute moment. The 'hide a ring in a bag of chips' seems to be doing the same thing, but it is, in my opinion, too cutesy for a proposal.
  • “Sudden camping” just sounds like another way to say “homelessness.”
  • that stress relieving balloon straight up looks like a ballsack, like why couldn't they have used literally any other kind of balloon??
  • Drew saying "happy birthday" and Amanda hesitantly saying "happy new year" at the same time will never not be funny
  • 1:53 if y’all want an actual pistachio life hack, use the shell of a pistachio to crack open other pistachios to save your fingernails
  • The idea of a hidden metal object in the grass while I mow the lawn is horrifying.
  • Since drew is 7 years old that means he got married when he was like 5
  • you can’t put a price on the human life The American healthcare system: oh yes you can
  • @noone3305
    it was really disturbing to see drew talk to himself for 16 minutes. he’s clearly still in denial after amanda went missing in afghanistan. wishing him the best
  • @gray.2081
    Imagine pulling up next to a car and seeing someone tied to their seat with a scarf over their face.
  • Amanda placing that ceramic pumpkin on the very edge of the table is exactly the same as Link putting his mug on the edge of the desk. These people live so dangerously, and I can't even cope.
  • i’ve watched this video so many times but for some reason i read it this time as “rating life hacks with my terrible wife”
  • Never seen two people more surprised that juice from an apple tastes like apple juice
  • @salemlinnet
    i can't stop laughing about the second time drew says "why did you hesitate" the delivery on this bit is better than anything comedy act i've ever paid to see