If You Run Out Of Things To Say, Play This Simple Game

How To Never Run Out Of Things To Say In Conversation

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[Music by Exurb1a]: goo.gl/TjP4YN
[Animation by Zeino]: goo.gl/344LHV

We’ve all been there - you’re in conversation, things are humming along nicely and then out of nowhere the awkward silence rears it’s head. At just that moment, your mind goes completely blank, you don’t know what to say and you can sense the other person’s eyes wandering as they look for someone else to talk to.

That scenario sucks so here are 5 tips to make sure you never run out of things to say in conversation

0:20 Play Reminds Me of
0:54 Ask open-ended questions
1:40 Use revival questions
2:37 Make a complimentary cold read
3:00 Flip the script and let them be the one to talk

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コメント (21)
  • Flirting with the bartender: “you come here often?”
  • @FonchoVidal
    - Whats are you doing? - Drinking - Why? - Because I want to forget - What? - The shame I feel for drinking (Awkward silence) - This reminds me of that time I was in Toranto
  • -So, how do you like Toronto? -I've never mentioned Toronto... - ... Why?
  • "I see you have a big mouth, do you like to talk a lot?"
  • 1. Say ‘this reminds me of..’ 2. Ask open ended questions. 3. Ask ‘why?’ 3. Use revival questions - like ‘How do you guys know each other?’ 5. Ask them about their future plans 6. Compliment them 7. Allow the other person to move the conversation by maintaining eye contact, or repeat the last words they said to encourage them to continue
  • My dad, who is really great at socializing, taught me one rule: Try asking your conversation partner questions about him/her. Not only will it lead to new conversation topics like they mentioned in the video, it also gives you time to think about how to follow up after they finish. As an introvert, this works greatly for me.
  • me at his house- “so do you come here often?”
  • I always say, “you too” at the wrong times. Usually it’s at the end of a conversation. Like to someone working at a movie theater and they say, “enjoy the movie”, and I say, “you too”. Or when the doctor ends with, “make sure you take your medicine”, and I’m just like, yea, “you too”.
  • I was wondering why this video was recommended to me until I saw the comments section. It all makes sense now.
  • @carageak
    Me with my girlfriend at their place meeting her family: So how do you all know each other?
  • I've never wanted to meet someone who's been to Toronto this much in my life.
  • I tried that complimentary cold read technique at a work event - "What do you like to do for fun" and "You look like you're pretty into fitness" after introducing myself. The woman (a complete stranger) thought I was flirting with her and I ended up in a disciplinary with HR for inappropriate behaviour. Be very careful who you use this advice with.
  • Them: How old are you? Me: Toronto Them: That’s not an age Me: Why?
  • @oljenka88
    Most important thing imo - make yourself genuinely interested in the person. A lot of the conversation will just fall into place by itself instead of trying to come up with the next best thing to say 🙂 This helped me so much in life
  • The more I see videos like this, the more I understand that I just have anxiety. I follow this script, I don't do anything incredibly weird. But my mind puts everything under a microscope. And sometimes I just got to accept that I just don't vibe with everyone. Some conversations just arent going to be great.