Survivor: Most Unlikeable Character of Every Season, Part 2 (21-40)

Same disclaimer as the last video: the "character" portrayed on the show is not necessarily an accurate depiction of what the person is really like, and is, in a strange way, almost fictional in a sense. So this isn't a hate video toward any of these people; just my opinion of which ones I didn't like on Survivor. I'm sure I would like many of these people if I met them face-to-face.

All rights to CBS, as usual. If you disagree with this list enough to vent aggressively at me about how wrong I am (and I know you want to!), the comments section is there for your use.

コメント (21)
  • @haazaaa
    imo Christine was a hero from south pacific. there were so many others that were more unlikeable. to name one, Whitney???
  • @ldrgtz
    Sandra was def not the most unlikeable - I couldn't stand how Ben treated Jeremy...
  • @WolfRebel
    Hard disagree on some of these Sandra was far more likeable than some other people And Reem was amazing over some other people on EoE
  • This second half is horribly done. You let Philip slide for the most innocent (naive) person in Natalie, you somehow let the WHOLE religious cult be bailed out by Christine, possibly the most heroic person on the season for not tolerating their shit, and personally I think there a lot more hated players than Reem (but that last is far more debateable).
  • @serbow
    I’d say Missi was worse than Baylor in SDS
  • I don’t know why more people aren’t agreeing with Jeff Varner being on that list, like he seriously said that Zeke was deceiving everyone and then outed him as transgender.
  • @ThorHC11
    I mean, Baylor was super annoying, but more unlikeable than Rocker? Nah fam.
  • Scot was more unlikeable than Jason on Kaoh Rong
  • @NYChica23
    You lost me at Natalie somehow being more unlikable than Phillip and Julie, and Christine being on there when she and Stacey were the only ones who had no problem openly calling Coach out on his BS
  • REEM??? REEM UNLIKABLE?? absolutely NOT she made that season ten times better than it should’ve been. and christine?? but bonus points for putting ben on lmao
  • Why is Reem on the list? Reem is a meme package! I’d rather have Wardog on there
  • Wow the only ones that I agree with are Colton and Brandon i love Natalie From DvG and Abi and Kass and Christine but that’s fine
  • Did you watch Season 40? Sandra was hilarious, but Ben and Wendell were insufferable. Never have I wanted someone off my screen more than those two, and I generally liked them in their original seasons!
  • @SB-jq8jj
    S21: Shannon S22: Ralph maybe S23: Whitney S24: Alicia S25: Skupin S26: Brandon S27: Colton S28: Linsey S29: John Rocker S30: Dan S31: Savage S32: Scott S33: (can't think of an answer rn) S34: Jeff S35: Patrick S36: Angela S37: Dan S38: Joe S39: Dan S40: Ben I love Christine, Abi-Maria and Kass
  • Such a lie Philip was definitely more hated then Natalie
  • I personally loved Ben I don't know why everyone hates him and also you didn't watch survivor or have 0 sense of humor if you doing my DUDE Reem like that xD
  • Christine was one of the only shining lights in the shit show that was SoPa. We are evidently not watching the same show lol