Survivor: Best Villain of Every Season (1-40) [Ads due to Copyright Claim]

Published 2021-07-05
The criteria to be a "villain" are unclear, and even murkier are the criteria to be a "good villain." For our purposes, a "villain" is anyone who serves an antagonist role in the general narrative of the season, and a "good villain" is entertaining, even if they are also frustrating.

All rights to CBS. Be sure to roast my obviously wrong opinion in the comments!

All Comments (21)
  • Naonka watching you put Chase over her like: I'm a joke to you🥴
  • @JLMac322
    I want another Heroes vs Villains season so bad. Can you imagine a villains tribe with Kass, Angelina, and Abi-Maria all together? It'd be so entertaining
  • @kasykah
    Not too sure why Terry is the villain in Panama. He was the underdog for almost the entire season.
  • @tjtg8861
    How is Laura from Blood vs Water a villain? Tyson was a way bigger villain. Otherwise, good list.
  • I disagree with Laura from Blood VS Water, I think it should’ve been Tyson. And I disagree with Angelina from David VS Goliath (I don’t think she was really a villain, I just think she was annoying), I think it should’ve been Natalie. But I agree with the rest of them! Great list!
  • @ajl9772
    My list vs this one 1. Rich 2. Jerri 3. Silas- Lex wasn't too much of a villain that season in my eyes, more of an anti hero. 4. John C. 5. Brian 6. Cesernino 7. Fairplay 8. Boston Rob 9. Ami- Twila is a good choice too, but Ami was much more smug and I enjoyed her downfall more 10. Katie 11. Judd 12. Shane- How the eff was Terry the villain? He was the underdog and honorable player. Seriously, he was the hero of the season. 13. Penner 14. Rocky 15. Todd 16. Parvati 17. Randy- Corrine is a good choice. She was good, but I feel Randy had more villainous moments and was a bigger character. 18. Coach 19. Russell 20. Russell 21. Naonka- Chase I guess was a villain, but IDK I don't remember him saying or doing anything mean. Naonka has a highlight reel of stuff lol 22. Boston Rob- Phillip was a good choice. Boston Rob to me was the hero and villain of the season. Phillip was simply a pawn. 23. Coach 24. Colton- Troyzan not bad, but he was more of a salty loser than a villain. Colton was a villain straight out of the gate. Also Alicia was a villain too. 25. Abi 26. Shamar- I guess Brandon was a villain, but it was really 1 episode in which he lost his mind. Shamar was dick the entire time. 27. Tyson- Laura? I don't really see it. Tyson was the puppet master and 1/2 of the coconut bandits. Gervase would be my 2nd choice. 28. Kass- I almost put Tony, but he was a little too likable, at a certain point we are rooting for him. Kass was the villain of the season. 29. Missy- Baylor was a brat, but Missy to me was the real villain. She backstabbed Keith, Jon and Jeremy. 30. Rodney- 31. Savage- How the hell was Wentworth the villain? She was the underdog and a likable one too. Honestly, Savage was a dick the entire time. 32. Scot 33. Taylor 34. Debbie- IDK Michaela didn't really do anything too villainous. Debbie was crazy and mean. She yelled at people for her mistakes. 35. Dr. Mike- Joe was a great choice. I went with Dr. Mike because he was a more unique villain and he threw half the idol into the fire lol. 36. Dom 37. Angelina 38. Wardog- How TF was Devens the villain? He was a likable underdog. Wardog was an arrogant bitter loser who back stabbed people 39. Aaron- Dean wasn't really a villain. Especially compared to Aaron, Missy and Elizabeth who used a serious situation to advance in the game and threw Janet under the bus for trying to do the right thing. 40. Sarah- Wendell was a villain. To me Sarah was the true villain. She was a large part of the dominant alliance and was really cocky most the game.
  • @kat673
    in my opinion, i feel like some of these "villains" were more like the under dogs or outsiders. Like Terry from Exile Island was only a "villain" because he was on the outs and a huge rival to Aras. Same with Wentworth, Devins, etc.
  • @rudohk
    Wentworth a villain? Jeez.
  • It's ironic that Coach was on the villains tribe, yet he was more heroic than the hero tribe
  • @gannonward771
    I didn’t Rick devens was a villain he was a underdog
  • @dinohall2595
    Can't wait to see who the best villain will be in season 41! Be sure to leave your own picks for the best villains. (I think I already know which season will be the most controversial.) Sorry about any ads. This video is not monetized, but YouTube has decided to copyright claim it.
  • @AV-jh2ss
    Several changes for Villains: Frank - Africa Tammy - Marquesas Amy - Vanuatu Caryn - Palau Shane Powers - Panama duh!) Candice - Cook Islands Jean Robert - China (duh!) Ozzy or James - Micronesia Tyson, too - Tocatins Na’Onka - Nicaragua (double duh!) Boston Rob - Redemption Island Colton or Alecia - One World Reynold, too - Caramoan Vytas - Blood vs. Water Case - Cagayan Missy, Dale, Drew, or John Rocker - San Juan Del Sur Andrew Savage - Cambodia Figgy - Millennials vs. Gen X Brad Culpepper, Debbie, JT, or Jeff Varner - Game Changers Ben - Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers Chris Noble or Bradley - Ghost Island Gabby, Natalia, or Natalie - David vs. Goliath Wardog or Reem - Edge of Extinction Dan, Karishma, Missy, or Elizabeth - Island of the Idols Adam or Ben - Winners at War
  • @NYChica23
    How is Chase a bigger villain than NaOnka, Laura a bigger villain than Tyson, Wentworth a bigger villain than Spencer/Savage/Abi Maria, and Angelina a bigger villain than Natalie?
  • @kendyll8483
    Really thought Jean-Robert was gonna be the villain of China
  • @asmodeus58XX
    Now Wendell is an even bigger villain! Dee has her part too but it's mostly Wendell's fault.
  • great vid man i agree wit most but there is a couple i disagree on