
Published 2019-01-20

All Comments (21)
  • Update, the Definitive Edition has changed Alvis' necklace into an Aegis shaped Core Crystal.
  • @TheSast
    8:33 "So it's just kinda putting 1 and 2 togheter to get 3" Ah yes, Luxin, the accidental prophet.
  • @xenghuong
    "The key means nothing..." *inserts XBC DE
  • @str8ien
    Now that Future Redeemed has released, this video has aged like fine wine
  • @mazhaa3989
    * Laughs with the latest Xenoblade trailer *
  • I love how ridiculously right he was about the setting of Xenoblade 3, and this was like 3 years prior to the release. Its a funny coincidence
  • @CJluvsMJ27
    Slight spoiler... I wonder if anyone ever noticed how similar Alvis's lines are with Pyra's when they first met Shulk/Rex? Pyra: My name is Pyra. Rex: Oh right. Mine is-- Pyra: I know you. You're Rex, right? Rex: How did you know my name? Alvis: My name is Alvis. Shulk: Alvis? Um, my name's-- Alvis: It's Shulk. Isn't it? Shulk: How did you know that? Plus Alvis calls the Xeno2 universe his home. And Alvis literally performs a blade combo when he was teaching Shulk Monado Purge. Even does the same weapon toss back to the "driver". Also becomes affected by the Apocrypha like how Rex & crew were affected by the waves from Obrona in chapter 3. The particles were red as well. There are more similarities, but I gotta remember them first. lol
  • @jude485
    Alvis's key is actually just the key to my heart
  • @Pacheco0016
    "the key on his chest means nothing" Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Hold my sake
  • @tatltails3923
    Don't forget the time when Shulk first fights a Telethia and Alvis LITERALLY pulls off a Level 4 Blade Special to fend it off.
  • @EvilMike349
    This video is hitting different knowing Alvis is coming back in 3's DLC.
  • @owen3177
    i like that they changed Alvis’s key around his neck to a core crystal like malos’s
  • I am Greek and when I first saw Mythra/Pyra transform I was quite shocked 😅,seeing pneuma(pneuma means spirit in greek) and in the final chapter hearing logos(meaning reason) made me appreciate the game even more.
  • @dorisnov
    Ontos color is orange. This is Pneumas emerald in RGB: rgb(0, 255, 155). If you move the numbers to the next position you get Logos purple: rgb(155, 0, 255). So, if you move the numbers again to the next position you get Ontos' color: rgb(255, 155, 0). You can slightly modify the numbers, that just varies the tone. This 3 colors are perfect equidistant between them and white color.
  • @NintenRob
    Alvis having his own space time event is actually a mistranslation, in the Japanese script Ontos simply disappeared at the same the universe was created
  • @BabafiBafi
    I think there is another connection that you didn't cover that also leads credence this whole subject. Near chapter 6/7 Malos mentioned that the Aegises do indeed have redundancy and that's why he needs Mythra's core. Her core contained at least partial data of his own that he needed to repair his. I believe the same is true for Alvis. Zanza's and Meyneth's Monados, I believe, are Alvis' attempt in recreating the other two processors. Since there isn't full redundancy, he is only able to create thier weapons (yes I think Pnuema's three weapons parallel more to Meyneth's Monado as it also has three forms that share Pnuema's color scheme as well general shape) so Alvis decided to give the Monados to Zanza and Meyneth to fill in the gaps. This is why "Shulk's" Monado is called the True Monado. It's Alvis' Aegis weapon. The only one Alvis has full data on.
  • @Marg_Sabl
    6:00 also mythra has an ability called “foresight” that can see the opponent’s attacks seconds before they happen. THATS LITERLLY WATERED DOWN MONADO VISION
  • @isaackerr2793
    Ohhhh. I LIKE that Sword Valley/Torna parallel. That's NICE.