The Monado Explained - Xenoblade Chronicles

Published 2018-12-29

All Comments (21)
  • @ontos8534
    It makes so much more sense why alvis was saying this universes time is short and why he was pressing shulk to make a decision since the conduit was disappearing and he was either going to loose his power or cease to exist
  • @cake6851
    Tfw the machina are so technologically advanced they can make replicas of one the trinity. And the trinity are AI made to process the power of the conduit. These guys got galaxy brains
  • @TonyDaExpert
    The Monado in detail Layer 1: Xenoblade 1; Details leading up to Alvis which is directly connected to the source which is not directly shown Layer 2: Xenoblade 2; Details on the “source” (actually shows it) and what it is mixed up with through its connections Layer 3: Xenogears/Xenosaga/Lore from the figure Box; History of the “source” itself and how it works overall
  • @imix360
    Monado, you Monado, he-she-me Monado. Monadoing, Monadology, the study of Monado! It's first grade, Spongebob
  • @XenoVis
    I think that they reason why Zanza was killed even though Shulk was the same but with only one sword is because Shulk wasn't just a homs at that point of the story. (Remember that the monado changes it's appearance depending on what the wielder is trying to fight). In Zanza's mind, Shulk was just a "mere mortal", a common folk homs while in reality he's probably an ascended homs/low level god. In Shulk's mind, however Zanza was a god. Nothing more, nothing less. That's why the true monado came into form, he was thinking about kiling a god, so the monado morphed into a god-slaying-sword.
  • I just noticed that Alvis says that he was part of a "phase transition experiment" and Klaus in Xenoblade 2 said that Ontos triggered a "space-time phase transition event", causing his disappearance. Coincidence?
  • @16ktsgamma
    Shulk's Monado:Very powerful. Kirby Monado:probably very powerful in the right numbs.
  • Woah, Xenoblade's sun and moon are balls of either? Is that info from NPC dialogue? There's so many secrets this game's world has that I still haven't heard about.
  • @ultraxdzn
    Does Alvis got Windows 10 up on him? 🤔
  • @freeze1280
    Thanks for posting! And here just my favourite quote: I am Monado. I was here from the beginning and I will proclaim the end. -Alvis
  • @jacobmarcia5471
    F in the chat for everyone that had to rock awful fashion choices before D.E.
  • @kiibo1786
    Let's see what we can actually make outta this reality warping blade
  • @maxg2335
    I assumed the monado's ability to freely manipulate ether was basically manipulating atoms and chemicals in the real world. I like how it's power is scientific and not magical because the replica monado's make complete sense that way, if it's scientific it has reverse engineered and replicated. I also see Alvis as the true god and the monado's as basically key's to tap into his power, all the keys need to be in agreement to use Alvis's power. I also think that's a really cool take on a god, having all the power but by his own programming can only use it when all the inputs have been made, like how my computer wont open windows unless I drag my mouse to it and click it, Alvis won't recreate the world until all the Monado's are in effect.
  • @RudiMyDear
    Warning: this comment is long, please bare through with it. There are different definitions of what a Monad is, the 2 most important for Xenoblade purposes, are Monad 1 = A soul (this is represented by the Monado swords) Monad 2 = True God Monad 1 refers to the version most prominently found in Monadology, with the pre-established harmony shit and whatnot(this detail was established by Meyneth, to Vanea, offscreen, and then Vanea revealed it to Shulk in a kind of offhand comment that nobody seems to remember) whereas Monad 2, refers to the True God in Gnosticism which is basically just existence itself and the Laws of physics through a complicated application of the Hermetic Principle of Mentalism. In Xenogears the Monad 2 is represented by “The Wavelength Existence” whereas in Xenoblade 1, it’s I guess Semi-represented by Alvis. As such, Alvis, no does not own the Monado swords, rather he owns the ability which all three used, to manifest their own Monados. Klaus and Galea manifested their’s with the whole birth of a universe thing and, Shulk gained the status through being the Demiurge, Zanza’s Messiah, with Alvis as Monad’s Christ (Valentinian Gnosticism, look it up) through this Alvis taught and nurtured Shulk’s mind to strengthen his Monad to being something worthy of being a God, which I shall refer to as the Gnosis phase. He had the aptitude to be worthy because Zanza, who already had a Monado, had previously killed him separating him from the Pre-established harmony, and making him technically already a God. Yes Shulk was a God before he owned his physical Monado, that has to do with Monadology.
  • @TempestRex_
    Let's press on and on and on! With the series.
  • some points I differ on in no real order. also im really sorry if I misspell any names. Zanza was using mainith's sword in its true form it turned into twin swords for that one battle because A) it was the best weapon for that bodies mussel memory or B) it was some form of shared control and Fiora was doing the actual fighting. we can know this because after Manith dies we see the swords fall and combined before flying to Zanza. Dunban was able to use the monado because Zanza didn't want to die/have his sword destroyed but even with permission the fact that Dunban is not a god cost him his arm. its likely that Ryan could also use it if he had the same permission. All three Monados likely have the same power level but during the final battle Alvis removed Zanza's admin privileges well giving that authority to Shulk. because of this Zanza couldn't use nearly as much of the monados power (similar to Dunban only having two arts) and Shulk could use far more power.