Xenoblade Retcons

Published 2023-07-30
I feel like I started this video with the aim of doing showing that retcons aren't all bad but mostly ended up just showing that the series doesn't have as many as you think. My point still stands, though, unless you're a really big 2 hater who also doesn't think 3 was worth what 2 brought to the table you probably won't complain too hard about any of the stuff that is a retcon.

Xenoblade 1 Player Guide Translations: docs.google.com/document/d/1tt5tgI5BkdGAcEm7IvuY_T…

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All Comments (21)
  • @thefaceofchlo5390
    Also also I just realized something. The Telethia flying into the Fog King and destroying it was probably meant to foreshadow the main issue of 3, with the worlds colliding and canceling each other out. That Telethia probably sacrificed itself by colliding with the Fog King in such a way that they both just... blipped out of existence. ...Why do the Telethias keep getting sadder
  • @talonhowe8131
    Around 14:50, that's not depicting the actual universes colliding, just individual particles meeting. It's established by the Chapter 7 infodump and the challenge mode portals that the colors corresponding to each universe are red and blue, whereas going off of Keves and Agnus's color schemes, yellow and blue at least represent the ether particles from each universe, if not all their matter. That scene also contains those transparent hexagons that universally represent shields or barriers in the series, here representing Origin's attempts to keep the particles separated. The immediate cut to an annihilation event hollowing out Uraya implies these specific particles meeting caused that annihilation, but it may also just be alluding to annihilation events in general being caused by these collisions.
  • @gmaster2647
    While I understand that some may have wanted Xenoblade 1 to stand alone as its own game, I generally feel that Monolith Soft did retcons right. They did it in a way that benefitted the franchise and, to me, made XC1 even more interesting retroactively. Anyway, on to watching the video since I only really know of two retcons, lol.
  • @user-jn7rz9ew2l
    33:50 in Xenoblade 2 the stuff that made the world tree is said be very durable and able to stand the harsh effects of time and remain in pristine condition unlike the stuff that Elysium was built on
  • @battleben2
    32:45 I think the implication behind Origin metal is that it was originally ordinary metal from Bionis/Mechonis/Alrest (possibly steel, if Riku's explanation of the creation of Lucky 7 is accurate), and only has the power it does inside Aionios. In the base game Nia states Lucky 7 has the strength it does because it is "external to the flow", and A and Riku reveal in Future Redeemed that it is connected to the souls within Origin. Basically, Origin metal is linked to the souls of everyone stored in Origin, and is able to cut through the false world their fear of the unknown created. As something that exists outside of Moebius's world, they have no control over it.
  • @yourtrubers1728
    The origin concept totally needs MUCH more explanation. I'm ok with the vagueness of it just for the sake of letting peoples imagination run wild, but if Monolithsoft can build any future plot out of it, I am all for it.
  • @Squirtle128
    Honestly always interpreted the different Birth of a Universe cutscenes outside of being a retcon being how Zanza viewed it in his mind vs. how the Architect viewed it in his mind. One very egotistical and one very mournful and reflected. And with Alvis only appearing in 1's world after a set amount of time, it's possible they didn't have the full picture anyways
  • @johnhoftb
    Alvis didn't show the full context to Shulk of the previous world because time was of the essence due to Bionis collapsing and because even Alvis doesn't have a full picture of the events.
  • @JoshuaBublin
    25:30 His world is only the two titans and an endless ocean. Shulk would have never seen or heard of a planet before this.
  • @jam13roll66
    43:10 My understanding of this is that A/lvis didn’t foresee Aionios. A says ‘all I see is what the flow encompasses’. Since Aionios isn’t part of the flow of time, A/lvis couldn’t foresee it.
  • @CarkeysLive
    Technically Torna does retcon some minor visuals. Clearly they didn't have all the models ready, so just using the wastelands of Temperantia as a place holder was easier than deciding on what they wanted locations like Aletta to look like. Most importantly of all those minor changes was changing Addam's eyes from blue to gold because the color of his eyes have an impact on the plot. It's almost surprising how few retcons there are with how much the base game talks about the Aegis War. It just manages to leave enough room for new interpretations, such as Mythra having little involvement up until the very end of it.
  • @athuldamodar2899
    I think that the two worlds recombining would release the same Conduit energy that initially split them (conservation of energy), and that would explain why Origin would work: its recycling the leftover reality warping power from the Conduit.
  • @Fatalordi
    About the radio and the potential links with Xenogears and Xenosaga, that was already the case in Xenoblade 2. The artbook of Xenoblade 2 states that KOS-MOS Re was designed by Shion and Allen. These must come from the same universe as the Dimitri Yuriev mentionned by the radio.
  • Shulk isn't stupid for not recognizing Earth as a planet, he's just ignorant. If we were a space fairing species we'd probably have the same exact reactions to uncharted planets.
  • @robindabank9616
    I think it’s kinda neat when you look back on xenoblade 1 with the idea that ontos is a part of the trinity processor as essentially an arbiter of power, you start to notice that alvis is present in quite a few “trinities” like you can consider him, zanza and meyneth a trinity, the disciple trinity and also at the end of the game with him shulk and zanza sort of being one too. Maybe I was the only one ever confused by this but I never got the logic behind the providence of the universe limiting zanzas power here at the end of all things but viewing it as Alvis using his position as an arbiter to err on the side of shulk and his friends’ desires to be rid of zanza really helped me in finally solidly understanding or having an interpretation on how his power works
  • @RSanchez111
    32:20 Matter and antimatter colliding would probably supply enough energy for Origin to boot up after the worlds merged.
  • @robhillen8007
    31:33 I don't remember where in 3 I heard it, but I remember hearing something about Origin getting the energy needed to recreate the universes from the light generate by annihilation events. It make sense, considering a matter-antimatter collision would convert 100% of its mass into energy (mostly in the form of light), which Origin could just convert back into the original objects as either all matter or all antimatter. I'd imagine something about its total control over Aionios is what allows it to collect that light without literal solar panels.
  • @Shadow_OA
    The mentions of things like the pocket dimensions always being the plan/intent reminds me of something from the Monado Files. In the short story that helps explain how Fiora got her body back, a portion of it mentions how Shulk wants to build Monado replicas for everyone in the colonies for protection while they go fight the final threats. The Monado REX in Future Connected is definitely partly intended to be a good nod to Shulk's intent to make monado replicas himself, albeit in collaboration with Machina.
  • @TainoMoya
    Thank you papa Lux, for coming back with the milk Oh there he goes