Sam Shamoun | Unitarian VS Trinitarian

Published 2020-07-07
Anti Trinitarian brings another challenge for Sam. It doesn't end well.

All Comments (18)
  • @forsizzle9019
    Brother Sam please don't tell any man to go to hell.. This man needs the truth and you just got fleshly Pray for repentance, love your work! God bless 🙏🏾
  • Legend has it that he's still looking at the verse to figure out who is speaking to this day.
  • God bless you Brother Sam. If I understand the unitarian argument. He The claimed that God became Jesus and in the Book of John 1:18, it says that no one can see God. Therefore if God became Jesus then men saw God. This unitarian refutes himself. Amen
  • @PeterBezemer
    He even wasn't a Unitarian, he was a "I have nu clue"
  • @stepbro4978
    I’m wondering if Sam has or will debate with top Jewish Rabbis?If so where can I find the videos.
  • @luvtru2069
    The Truth is , Some People do. not Seem to believe in the reality of After life. Brothers , Enough of all These jokes .Hell is Real, Heaven is Real There is no Salvation in Outside Christ .After Death Comes judgement. Eternity is for Ever. Leave this funny, Mockery. Lying., Sinful Religion and Come to Christ. You have issues with trinity.? (Three in One Person)You are also Triune like Your Father God You are Body, Soul And Spirit put together but You are just one Man and not Three Men . If you admit Being a Body, without Soul. And without Spirit that means you are a dead Man. God is Father, Word and Holy Spirit (1Jn 5:7). One God and not three Gods .Man is Body, Soul, and Spirit ( 1 Thess 5:23).Yet One man and not three Men . The Christian God is a Living God , By The Reason of Having His Word , He Created By His Word ,He Redeem The Doomed Man. by His Word “Jn 3:16”. God Also hasHis Holy Spirit . He is omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient By the Reason of His Holy Spirit. A God Without a Spirit is not Divine but. ,mortal. I wonder why Some, find it difficult to understand Trinity. Everyman is Triune since we are made in God’s . Image The three persons that make up Man is Reasonable. When the person of the Body die . ,he becomes Dust. ( Eccl 12;7) Then the Person of the Soul takes Over, this will be the One who will be judged . And Everyman will stand before the judgement Seat Of Christ (2Cor 5:10) Your Spirit returns to God. Dear Reader, if you are not Triune, You do not need to bother about your Afterlife when your body dies But this is not the case. You have heard of People that have experienced Near Death. That is NDE. The always Claim ,Their Spirit ,Watch their Soul, Leaving Their Body. These are the persons that make up Man. 2 Cor 12:2. Says Whether in Body, or Out Of Body, - - - - . The Bible ‘s Explanation of the Three in One Concept is What the Christian Call “TRINITY “
    Nobody knows the truth only god almighty! People can read whatever religious book but as we know it could be corrupted or mistranslated. Even if the book is true as we know any human being can interpret the verses in many different ways.
  • @Austinshore2005
    Although you were right you were very rude in this and I think you should treat people with love as Christ did and show them the truth in a better way
  • @Eas839
    Who's the me? Zachariah 🤦‍♂️ who's the me ? Jehovah 🤦‍♂️ lol😂😂
  • @milkshake5_-.m
    This verse is similar to 1 Kings 8:1 “Then, did Solomon call together the elders of Israel, and all the heads of the tribes, chiefs of the fathers of the sons of Israel, unto King Solomon in Jerusalem.” “Solomon” is mentioned twice for emphasis. Theefore there are no 2 or 3 Yahwehs.
  • @AstariahFox
    Thats a prayer ? That doesn't seem like its coming from the heart
  • @AstariahFox
    Lol sam is a trinitarian but hes not supporting his bielefs I think hes confused I snd father are one is a proof text used by trinitarians to support that jesus and father is same person but yet sam fiught against his own proof text to ssy deciples are one with jesus also lol Sam uses gen 19:24 to support trinity dogma