ONENESS DEBUNKED | Sam Shamoun vs. Praise I AM THAT I AM - Defending the Trinity

Published 2020-11-18
Oneness Theology forced into early retirement by Sam Shamoun.

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Glad you found our channel! We believe that the Bible is true and can be put to the test for validity. We obviously know that the Bible has parables, allegories, poems, laws, short stories, genealogy, proverbs, sermons, prayers, prophecy, proverbial text, epistles, etc. But most importantly History. What we do is test the history with science and let the evidence show itself. We discovered that the evidence is in favor of Creation which just so happens to falsify evolution theory. This is why they know we are a threat and must remove Creation science from the education system at any cost.
As Young Earth Creationists we believe God created only 2 human beings at creation. We also believe Genesis where it says God created all the animals in groups, and our definition of relation actually starts in genesis, that of “organisms that descend from the same ancestral gene pool.” The most popular definition today actually is in reference to the Biblical Flood of Noah’s definition, this is because of Frank Lewis Marsh who coined the term baramin who used the Noah's Ark definition to define a kind, in which he stated “that the ability to hybridize and create viable offspring was a sufficient condition for being members of the same baramin.” But this is After the flood, making sure that Noah brought species that could reproduce with one another, it's not the original definition which has thrown everyone off to this day.

We believe as things speciate they lose allele variety and inherit more mutations. This shows us clear limitations with evolution, and shows that ancestrally that things were superior than today.
Dollo's law of irreversibility also shows us that evolution cannot go in reverse, so when they lose this genetic information after speciation, they can never regain it. This is why all horses today are now homozygous and horses in the past were heterozygous. They cannot return to their once superior state allowing for more diversity.

Evolution falsifies itself constantly but because they cannot allow the theory to die, they just rename and rehash it to the public as though everything is fine without anyone even noticing. A few examples;
*Darwinian Gradualism becomes punctuated equilibrium when they need it too and Darwin's slow natural processes which do not make leaps, was found to make huge leaps and renamed Saltationism. (complete contradiction).
*Ernst Mayr predicted that because evolution must be true, living organisms shouldn't share any genetic similarities because deep time would have separated them far too much. Then it was found they share many! So his predictions were removed and now it's used as one of the best pieces of evidence FOR evolution when it's actually a falsification of the theory.
*Dead Worthless Junk DNA became non-coding regulatory DNA. A clever rhetorical strategy they often use: Call it evolutionary junk at first; Then when functions are found, call it the "motor of evolution." Notice their rescued device every time is that they just ASSERT or ASSUME co-option.
* Functionless evolutionary leftover organs become functional organs deemed vestigial organs (lost primary function).
• A Singular Evolutionary tree became a 3 tier domain bush of life = Bacteria, Achaea, Eukarya.
*Mitochondrial clocks (Observed fast rates from trio method) became the slow phylogenetic assumption method because the clocks were falsifying the deep time theory.

All Comments (17)
  • "Hypostatic union is a technical term in Christian theology employed in mainstream Christology to describe the union of Christ's humanity and divinity in one hypostasis, or individual existence. The most basic explanation for the hypostatic union is Jesus Christ being both God and man."
  • @jowilson8708
    The bible is so clear on the trinity I don't think people who deny it have truly read the scriptures for themselves. It's quite sad all this really. Needs exposing though. God bless from Bolton England
  • Is Sam willing to debate a Unitarian? Is anyone willing to debate a Unitarian on this channel or on Modern-Day Debate? If so, contact me. Btw I mean Unitarian as in one who believes only the Father is God.
  • @chriskeith5742
    Hey SFT, Srry if I threw off your concentration/interrupted when you were trying to explain to Neph where he was venturing into dangerous waters in respect to the Triunity of God. I sincerely missed some of the conversation trying to catch up on my phone, whilst trying to listen in real time. I've just been waiting for like a week to get some clarification from Neph, and as you tried, was wanting a little clarification from him. I'm still not 100% sure where he stands tbo. He claims he sees the distinction with respect, but after I just went back and listened to your guy's exchange I think I have some more questions for him. Hopefully when Neph goes live this weekend ( usually does) we can get brother Sam to come in for some edification and either help clarify things, or pull out any heretical views ( if both are willing/able). You did a really good job, it's just that it can be tough to get Neph to hear you ( meaning anyone) all the way through if he feels he knows what you are necessarily/about to say. Thx for taking time for attempting to explain. God Bless
  • This guy is being ridiculous. Regardless of who is right, it is more important that we display the fruit of the spirit. " Ye shall know them by their fruit"
  • How can anybody believe in modalism after watching this? Praise got slaughtered.
  • @caustixsoda8125
    Standing, is PRAISE saved? I am shocked he has placed his faith in a make believe God. Very sad, I like PRAISE too. Hopefully he does actually repent.
  • @Del-Canada
    I really wish people would disable or change that ridiculous sounding Skype ringtone. 😸
  • @Schneule
    While i strongly believe in the trinity and agree with Sam completely there, i don't like how he treated Praise. I don't know the context of this debate but the interrupting, insulting and the dominating in general will not convince Praise or anyone else who believes in the oneness. If you are despised because of your beliefs, it will make you harden your heart even more from my experiences. I know that it's wrong and heresy too but i don't think that Praise knows / realizes that and is therefore intentionally lying. If so, he does only to himself i think. "I don't appreciate a child of the devil", "Stop barking", "Are you that stupid", "Stupid demons", "These demonized spiritual bastards", "This guy is a joke". Then throwing him out. Really? Is that what Jesus taught us? I can't stand how he even tries to justify insulting your opponent? I would kind of understand this behaviour towards really evil people who are obviously intentionally lying and deceiving their audience but even then it's inappropriate to call them stupid in my opinion. And from what i watched from Praise, i genuinely think that he is really confused about his own belief and don't want to give it up, even if it makes no sense because it's hard to change your view in general and he maybe does not want to admit it to himself? I don't know but i just can't think of him being a "demonized liar". That's too much for me, sorry. That's not how you make people change their minds i think. Yes, you can be hard in your words and sometimes there has to be spoken from authority but that went a bit too far in my opinion. You are free to disagree of course.
  • I don't like Sam Shamoun. Not a nice guy. Great debator. However, he can be a jerk. Going to pass on tis one.
  • @NephilimFree
    So the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are not one? Jesus said they are. Scripture calls Jesus (OT) "the heavenly Father" and (NT) "the Almighty". They call the Holy Spirit (OT) "God". Genesis 1:1-3 state God created the world, Jesus created it, and the Holy Spirit created it. These are one God. So how does someone think they are right calling them 3 "something" other than God? You can use the word "persons", essences, presences, or any other term, and you will not be adding one bit of truth to or knowledge about God.