Trying to find the worst horror movie


コメント (21)
  • @cecekaye5981
    More like trying to make the worst YouTube video
  • @desuge
    i actually remember seeing Bats in the theater and for the first like 10 mins the film was upside down and everyone just assumed it was a stylistic choice because of the subject matter lol
  • pioneering a new movie ranking system based solely on how much the title of the movie exists in the actual film, with bats sitting firmly at the top
  • @User-kt8nh
    the first movie being named theres someone inside your house and having nothing to do with a house and then the second one being named bats and ONLY being about bats is so fucking funny to me
  • I like how in "Bats," they had to redesign the bats to look like horrible winged goblins, bc actual bats are predominantly pretty dadgum cute.
  • The best characters arcs are built on internal conflicts we all struggle with. Greed vs selflessness. Courage vs fear. Being afraid of bats vs working exclusively with bats. Timeless stories we can all learn from
  • To be fair, if somebody monologued about the house I was looking at like that weird guy did, my response would probably also be “okay, thanks man.”
  • @emmaolsen8787
    Not even joking, that last director taught me my film class in high school. He always talked about producing movies and we looked him up on IMDB and were shocked to say the least
  • @symski
    "doesn't like bats and yet chose a career path entirely devoted to them" bruce wayne sweating
  • The most unrealistic part of Dream Home is that Black couple would NEVER be that adamant about keeping a house that a random white guy could just walk into and then was super creepy about.
  • @nicomom9534
    "This is no ordinary house. In many ways, it's like any other old house." Great writing.
  • @claudiau2620
    To be fair to Jimmy, one of my roommates LOVES entomology and could tell you everything there is to know about solitary bees, but she absolutely hates touching insects and is creeped out by them.
  • @skyhideaway
    i really want a horror movie where the protagonists want to buy a house and instead of telling them how dangerous and haunted the house is, the neighbours keep praising the house and talking about how perfect it is. this goes on until it starts to get unsettling because even people who have never seen the house or set foot inside it keeps talking about how it's the ultimate dream house and how it will drastically improve the lives of the people who are buying it.
  • It's amazing how each subsequent movie made the previous one look so coherent
  • "Ok, thanks buddie" had me rolling. The husband understood none of what Mr. Creeps was trying to convey
  • @asimpleram
    I’ve seen “ai generated” be used to describe things that are bad but Dream Homes script managed to do the “ talk in circles whine saying absolutely nothing” that ai does perfectly it’s kinda impressive
  • @CrowScareify
    Them forgetting to edit the “cut” out had me busting a gut lol
  • Dammit. My job of studying bats is once again at odds with my fear of them. Drew's line delivery is so perfect always.
  • @archive3339
    I love how they keep insisting that the 75 year old house is Victorian like hello history is calling you
  • @tessiepinkman
    Dream Home's production looks like something they just threw together after having wrapped up the filming of some random porno, and the director was "feeling it" and wanted to do a horror-flick. The "quality" of that script (if there even was one), the acting, the directing and the overall production are giving those vibes. It's so far from a B-movie that it's like a Q-movie, if we're going by the alphabet.