GUILLOTINE part 2: Most Dangerous Lemonade Stand

Publicado 2022-09-25
Part 2 of 5. Building my backyard guillotine
Part 3 ►    • GUILLOTINE part 3: Am I Edgy?  
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Part 1 ►    • GUILLOTINE part 1: Time to Build a Gu...  
Part 4 ►    • GUILLOTINE part 4: Society is Collapsing  

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Feature Credits:
James Lee

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Song during Chubbyemu feature:
"Frozen Hot Sauce" by Lifeformed

0:00 - Lemonade Stand Intro
2:02 - Permits? HOA?
2:44 - Heatstroke
4:50 - Fever Dream Nightmare
7:20 - Boobytraps
13:33 - Song
15:16 - It's Raining
16:10 - Algorithm Rant
18:22 - Suspended

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @rustycage
    At this point, I've accepted that no matter how much work I put into a video, change words in title, thumbnail, focus on audience retention, it still will only be shown to a handful of people. YOU all. So I appreciate everyone commenting and watching, It's my motivation to finish this series
  • @PsRohrbaugh
    It's hard to express how good this is. The music. The commentary. The cinematography. The editing. The storytelling. The pacing. Translates into a video that made my weekend and I'm about to watch again. If you're reading this comment, support Rusty on Patreon or send him a thanks. This saga should be on trending, but we all know that some clickbait will be there instead.
  • @draccqueen1770
    At first I was questioning WHY he would build a gilloutine. Now, I'm wondering why NOT
  • “The world is ending.” “Ok, so what did you do about it?” “I built a guillotine.” “You…what?” “I built a fucking guillotine, I don’t think there’s much more to be said.”
  • @mianhamdan9307
    Rusty out here making me worried about his well-being for more than half a decade LOL
  • @frickasmoke5716
    i loved the part where rusty said “ITS GUILLOTINING TIME” and guillotined everyone
  • @G.G.9001
    It's really depressing to see Rusty being treated by the algorithm like this. This new series is very entertaining
  • @dirtriser5775
    Watching rusty is like a court case u just hope he wins and wont get deleted
  • @Mr.Masquerade
    Uncle Rusty, I know YouTube bullies you into the background, but for each of us who watch your content, we are entertained, and we appreciate your dedication. I will say, for those who don’t watch your content it doesn’t ever pop up on my recommended feed sadly. I subscribed several years ago, and forgot about the channel for a little while because it stopped showing your videos, but I wanted to see if you’d posted anything new recently and saw I wasn’t subscribed for some reason. It’s been a while since I’ve watched your videos but if it makes you feel any better, I’m back to stay for a while. Hopefully one day you can overcome the YouTube algorithm and your channel will grow through the hard work you continue to put in
  • @MS-FM2
    ''hi, want some lemonade?'' ''sure.'' *pulls out guillotine*
  • @Nobutehuhh
    That smooth transition into what I assume is called, “kill the sun” was so incredibly well done. The sound mixing was perfect, both on that transition and the song itself, really sounded great on my headphones.
  • @wonkie3742
    Glad to see rusty branching off content into food preparation
  • @jussinimi1461
    I've never supported anyone financially on patreon or on youtube, but I've got some coins to spare so why not. I love the cinematography and story telling in your videos and will gladly pay if it means that we get more :)
  • @online12plus
    James Lee is actually such a terrifying villain
  • @kakarot3963
    Rusty: "it's a lemonade stand" Background music: GIIILOTINEEEE