Found this Scammers 400+ Photos and then Telling her!

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Scammers typically target the elderly and attempt to steal money by several means.
1. Your Bank Saving or Checking accounts
2. Investment accounts or 401k retirement funds
3. Credit and Debit cards
4. Purchasing Gift cards
5. Cash withdrawls
6. Cryptocurrency

Scammers are ruthless criminals that have no problem stealing every last dime from their victims bank accounts. Please protect yourself as well as family members who might not be familiar with these type of scams.

コメント (21)
  • I heard scammers get scared when their parents find out they scam. That's why I was excited to hear you'll call her dad
  • As an Indian , i myself had faced many calls from scammers , sometimes they call you with a very common name, and pretend to be your college/ school friend , and they try to scam you!!
  • The way he learnt Hindi shows how much he is dedicated to this social cause. Indian govt should literally hire him
  • She instantly forgot the script and started chatting casually when she heard about her personal details. Amazing!
  • @indianhoon
    Babu has saved her GF name as RAND.....that killed me hahahahahahahah !!!!
  • I am from South Africa and I was scammed by this "Jessica" of R 5000 .Glad you cought her out..I never got my money back.
  • "is his name RAND" 💀💀 ... you Absolutly destroyed her with this question my guy 😂😂 great work ✨✨
  • My grandmother has dementia and these people took over 80k from her by telling her we were hurt and had no insurance or that we would hate her if she didn't send money. She lost everything so thank you so much for fighting these guys and protecting victims.
  • Love that these crooks are getting their own medicine. Seeing them freak out and suffer is the absolute best. Stealing from the elderly and disabled is what gets you a special place "downstairs".
  • @pk_394
    You are doing good work, scammers will think twice to scam anyone.
  • @joydaniel1327
    I just stumbled on your videos and am enjoying every bit of it . This is exactly the trauma they put innocent people through. Thank you for this awareness.
  • @mechanicbri82
    Man, I love the work you do. Please don't ever stop.
  • I think you guys are great ! I get these emails and calls all the time . When I call them out they start cussing me out ! Thank you so much for working this I think it’s great !
  • @EllaBee90
    "You sound like a scammer." Says the scammer. They're hilarious. 😂
  • The pain and agony we had to go through because of these scammers. May god let them get the taste of their own medicine 💯
  • @deeboi7228
    Bro I still think this isn't enough of a lesson they should learn, people like them should be publicly brought out and everyone should know them..