Authoritarianism: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

John Oliver discusses the growing number of authoritarian leaders around the world, their common characteristics, and whether or not one of them is currently our president.

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コメント (21)
  • @mimim7026
    Doesn't matter what country you're in. The answer to, "Could authoritarianism happen here?" is always YES.
  • We had an "strong leader" in Germany about 80 years ago. Didn't work out, can't recommend anyone doing the same mistake.
  • @rend3ring
    I love rewatching John Oliver videos when I'm doing dishes. And this one never ceases to remind me that I still haven't watched A Star is Born...
  • “his repeated attempts to delegitimize elections by declaring results he doesn’t like fraudulent” well that aged well
  • @route99
    Always beware of people proposing simple solutions to complex problems.
  • @Kfroguar
    "Pasta Hitler" is my favorite Mussolini nickname
  • "Democracy can be (by design) frustrating. Checks & Balances can be irritating & slow and might not deliver the outcome you wanted but removing them opens the door to something much worse" - John Oliver So true
  • Democracy doesn't die in darkness. It gets murdered in plain daylight.
  • @LegoWolf
    "Mussolini is Mussolini." Wow, what great insight, Mr. President. I get the feeling that Trump has absolutely no idea who Mussolini is.
  • God this is so much better watching after he's out of office. I'm actually able to laugh and not be absolutely terrified at the same time
  • "So this is how liberty dies... with thunderous applause" A accurate quote
  • "It’s a democracy. If they can keep it." - Benjamin Franklin, after being asked if the US was a monarchy or democracy.
  • ... As a German and a former history student, I get really uncomfortable as soon as someone ignores the genocide and focuses on the infrastructure instead.......... (In Germany, „But he built the Autobahn“ was used to make Htler seem “““better““““ after the war, making his crimes seem irrelevant because INFRASTRUCTURE)
  • Ah, yes, Putin’s lowest approval rating: 104%
  • Seriously, protect John Oliver at all costs! He is a genuinely insightful & honest man and one of (if not the most) important voices we have currently at this time. Much love, respect, & admiration.
  • @jennh3106
    The more I grew up, the more I realized adults didn't know wtf they were doing.
  • @yeyyayyey
    Well that just happend now.. Stay strong America.
  • @sonyashus
    In 1996 Putin said: "It seems to us all - I will not hide it, and sometimes it seems to me as well - that if you put things in order with a firm hand, then all of us will live better, safer and more comfortable. But in reality, this comfort will pass very quickly, because this rigid hand will begin to choke us." A few months ago he told that he doesn't remember saying that.