Publicado 2022-04-21
The majority of modern humans are likely to develop CARDIAC disease as we age. Most doctors focus on the cardioVASCULAR system because it supports the LIPID-HEART HYPOTHESIS as to the cause of plaque buildup in the vessels or plumbing system. But there is another critical system that regulates the heart and is equally or more likely to become dysfunctional…the NERVOUS SYSTEM of the heart….the “electrical” system that regulates HEART RATE AND RHYTHM. In this video we discuss one of the commonest causes of arrhythmias and what you can do about it. Most doctors cannot reconcile this explanation because it conflicts with LIPID_HEART. We also provide some of the easy to understand science your doctor may be ignoring. Help them to know the scientific truth about how your body works.

Research Discussed...
Diabetic cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy.
Vinik AI, Ziegler D.Circulation. 2007 Jan 23;115(3):387-97

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ROBERT CYWES M.D., PhD is a clinically practicing doctor and surgeon in Florida. The mission of our media content is educating the public about a CARBOHYDRATE ADDICTION approach to treating obesity, diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Understanding the importance of replacing carbs in your diet with REAL FOOD while simultaneously replacing carbs as a toxic, harmful response to emotional tension with a more effective diverse healthy set of emotion management tools for lifelong sustainability of mental and physical health, happiness and well-being. Converting people from toxic sugar burners to healthy fat (keto) burners while addressing the CAUSE of addiction to carbs from an emotion management perspective. Sometimes using obesity surgery and devices as tools along the way, and helping people who have had bariatric surgery stay healthy and not relapse

Set up a consultation if you are looking for more sustainable ways to treat obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cholesterol issues and thyroid disease. Even if you are doing great but need physician confirmation or if you are considering or struggling after Bariatric Surgery we can assist you getting back on track. TEXT, WHATSAPP or CALL to leave a message on our “batphone” +1 5615170642 from anywhere in the world. We do secure telehealth, Zoom and Whatsapp phone and video consults all over the world.
If appropriate we can order bloodwork and Coronary Artery Calcium Scores as part of a consultation.

**DISCLAIMER: Any information on diseases and treatments available at this channel is intended for general guidance only and must never be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care professional with questions you may have regarding your medical condition. This site and these videos exist to provide information and support about nutritional health and do not provide medical advice and should not be thought to provide medical advice. We can only give medical advice if you establish yourself as a registered patient and consult with us in our medical practice - JSAPA. We always recommend working with a team of knowledgeable and experienced practitioners, including a physician such as Dr Cywes and a certified nutrition specialist such as Jane Brown in our practice. Do not self-diagnose. Always seek medical guidance when you have a medical condition. -------- #arrhythmia #atrialfibrillation #heartbeat #heartrate #tachycardia #bradycardia #CIMOD #diabetes #glucose
Although all measures are taken to ensure that the contents of the YouTube channel is accurate and up-to-date, all information contained on it is provided ‘as is’. We make no warranties or representations of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel. Robert Cywes and his team may at any time and at their sole discretion change or replace the information available on this channel. To the extent permitted by mandatory law, Robert Cywes shall not be liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect or punitive damages arising out of access to or use of any content available on this channel, including viruses, regardless of the accuracy or completeness of any such content.

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @edwardripley9873
    I'm a hospital physician and low carb advocate. I see this problem every day at the hospital. Cardiologist and most physicians simply cannot be reasoned with because of the LIPID-HEART HYPOTHESIS religion you refer to. Thanks for calling out the problem. Hopefully more people will listen.
  • @grumpyginger7475
    I tried to have a conversation with my cardiologist here in SoCal, and he just went to logical fallacies. The appeal to authority: the Cleveland Clinic does it, so I’m gonna do it, etc. Then he pulled the, “statins reduce the relative risk of heart attack by 34%” nonsense. He wasn’t aware I have done medical informatics for decades and know the difference between relative and actual risk. I am carnivore and statin free and doing amazing.
  • @eeehan77
    I had regular arrhythmias basically every day for many years and they were only getting worse, along with hypertension that I wasn't able to solve, even with common medications. I changed to a ketogenic diet high in fatty meats and not only did I lose a lot of weight, but after several months the blood pressure eventually came down and numerous other things I didn't even know were related also improved. And then I also realised those annoying arrhythmias had completely ceased. I had actually completely forgotten about them. They haven't returned.
  • @youtubeuser6418
    I just love it when I speak the things I've learned from this channel and other excellent channels to Drs and they look at me and ask "are you in the medical field??" .... Yes! Yes I am! It's called the medical field of me and I educate myself about me.
  • @VS-zx6xi
    I am obsessed with this channel!! I love learning about how my body works. Dr. Cywes is the best educator EVER!!!❤
  • @susanhayes6207
    I had a patient one time who always said, “You have to stay alert to stay alive.” Thank you for empowering each one of your listeners to stay alert to stay alive!
  • @patora13
    When my cardiologist saw my numbers (they got better) she made a comment about triglycerides being a little bit high (but in the normal range), and starting to write something down, I interrupted her saying that I would not take any medication. Astounding silence, than she gave up and told me to come back in three months for a check up.
  • @sophialewis5642
    The more I tune in and learn from doctors like yourself, the less I want to go deal with the standard of care model!
  • I found this extremely enlightening. Before I cut sugar and carbs July last year, I was experiencing arrhythmias constantly - my heart would get into episodes where it would feel like skipped beats and strange rhythms every minute that would run on for hours. My Apple watch never detected atrial fibrillation, but the ekg certainly didn't look normal. The arrhythmia seemed to correlate with my breathing. It was really getting concerning. I cut carbs/sugar completely, and the arrhythmias disappeared. Literally. Haven't had episodes since. Just one of many issues that just went away never to return. It's amazing to me. I thank the good doctor here for fighting the good fight educating people. It's like I have a new lease on life.
  • @eldenl1
    At 60 I am so glad I found Keto, Dr Ken Berry, Dr Boz and now you. I have been frustrated with doctors foe the last 20 years as my weight went up, my body ached and my depression grew. They just wanted to do minimal labs and tell me I was fine. Or threw medicines at me. I refused to take the stations thankfully. Wish I had found you 20 years ago. Glad I found you now! Down 55 lbs, and feeling much better. 110 to go.
  • My husband has dealt with afib for 7 years. I myself recently experienced several episodes of afib. This is the very first time any doctor has explained the cause of arrhythmias as related to deterioration of the myelin sheath around the heart’s electrical node pathway. I finally understand what the problem is (cause). Now what? We need a video discussing the repair of that nerve insulation. Can it be repaired with a low carb/keto/ carnivore diet? What else would help? How long might that take? How long are meds a necessary evil? As someone who hates rate control meds and does not want to be pushed into an ablation right away, what can be done to put afib in remission?
  • @apriltolbert2924
    Thanks for this good information. I’be been a nurse for 20 years with at least 10 years in cardiac nursing. It’s so sickening to constantly hear about low fat and low cholesterol when patients are coming in constantly with MIs with low cholesterol and on statins. The big push now seems to be a plant based diet. 🤮
  • @texas4ever
    Another clear, concise explanation that I would’ve never heard from my primary care doctor or cardiologist. Thanks Dr. Cywes!
  • It's so frustrating when you share videos like this with your family and they treat you like nut job, radical weirdos. I have family that are in dire need of changing their diet or reap the final rewards of their choices but our families are absolutely uninterested in well explained, scientific medical information that's different from their own thinking. For myself.... videos like this has saved my from a diabetic diagnosis in my early thirties and heart disease in early fifties. I'm very thankful and also eager to learn more.
  • I had six heart re-starts (cardioversion) in my late 40s/50s due to A-fib on a high-carb "healthy" diet (lifelong runner). SInce going keto 2010 I have had ZERO episodes. No one seems to care or validate that I made this connection. The medical system is downright medieval in regards to the heart, that is why the CHD rate is so high. Thank you Dr Cywes for the heads up and fleshing out the connection. I had assumed it was primarily the inflammation of carbs/oils causing the A-fib. I hadn't considered the myelination factor.
  • @Koronajewell
    I had heart arrhythmias on and off for years. This brings me a lot of answers. I hope I can reverse what damage has been done. Thank you Dr. Cywes. I hope you can someday make it so we can donate through YouTube to you.
  • OMG! You are brilliant! Did you put all these things together yourself? I just found your videos today and you have already answered questions that have plagued me for decades. I have medical knowledge and can follow your explanations which are so clear.You are an AMAZING teacher and I am so grateful for this knowledge. Thank you so much🙏
  • @kimmcnichols9650
    I follow Dr P Jamnadas.. he is a forward thinking Cardiologist … I would LOVE to see you and him in an interview!
  • @snaroff007
    ~12 years ago a Florida doctor prescribed a statin to help with some slightly elevated cholesterol numbers. After 1 week or so, I had peripheral neuropathy in my hands (something I've never had to deal with). When I went back to the doctor and described my side-effect, the doctor refused to acknowledge the statin was responsible. I brought her research and she wouldn't even give it a look. She tried to make me feel crazy for suggesting the statin was responsible. I fired her and stopped taking the damaging drug...fortunately, my body pushed back early! Even before awakening to LCHF/Keto a couple years ago, it was clear to me that a statin wasn't the answer to my problems. Great video...look forward to seeing you in person next week!
  • When we show some people who are teachable, what the Bible actually teaches, rather than what religion teaches, many of them change their religion. So some doctors might be teachable, the important thing is that they need to become humble, and realize when an adjustment in their thinking needs to be changed. This was an eye-opening discussion.