MCU Characters Who Will Make Up the Young Avengers

Publicado 2021-11-25

Phase 4 of the MCU has really started to branch out and lay the seeds for an exciting array of new team-ups that aren’t just the normal, everyday Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. You have Valentina Allegra de Fontaine’s growing group of Dark Avengers, you have General Ross’s potential version of the Thunderbolts, and you have the kid versions of main heroes, basically a group of kids who probably don’t know that there was once a time when Netflix was solely a place to rent DVDs. It’s those special heroes who I want to focus on today. I want to talk about all the potential heroes we’ve already met, like Speed and Wiccan, who could fill the ranks, as well as discuss the exciting new heroes like Iron Lad who could make a big impact.

There’s just so much to discuss with this superhero team! The biggest question I want to answer first is just who exactly would lead them? I think it has to be an established hero in order to segue into this new era, so that’s why I think a hero like Spider-Man would be perfect for this role. What better way to see how he’s grown than to have him take a leadership role on a team? If Spider-Man is off doing multiverse stuff, then I actually think White Vision would be a good candidate to lead the team. There’s comic precedent for this and it would be an interesting dynamic with characters like Speed or Wiccan. Oh and yes, of course I’m going to talk about Kid Loki and all the mischief he could get up to in the future.

So join me today as I discuss the exciting team up that I hope to see in either Phase 4 or 5! Who do you think should make the cut? Let me know down in the comments below and be sure to hit that big like and subscribe button or else we’ll never see Harley Keener again! Better not risk it. Let’s get started.

00:00 Intro
00:38 Spider-Man
02:20 Kate Bishop
03:47 Kid Loki
05:06 Speed
06:18 Wiccan
07:05 Iron Heart
08:10 Eli Bradley
08:58 Stature
09:43 Iron Lad
10:45 Hulkling
11:25 Ms. Marvel
12:19 Miss America
13:08 Harley Keener
13:46 Vision

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Written by: Jacoby Bancroft
Narrated by: Jacoby Bancroft
Edited by: Ben Bromley

For copyright matters please contact us at: [email protected]

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @cbr
    If you had $8, and every hero from this video is worth $1, what would your Young Avengers team be?
  • @samhall8880
    I really enjoy what they are doing with the Young Avengers, introducing them little by little and giving the fans time to get to know them before the big team up. They will probably tone them down a little bit though, some of them are really OP. And I'm really excited to see Wiccan and Hulkling together, they're just such a cute couple.
  • @geo1419
    Peter would actually be perfect for the role of leader of the young avengers, especially if the whole thing was based on them learning to control their powers, cause he went through a similar thing at a similar age, because when he first got his spidey powers, he wasn’t the best at controlling them, so he could help the other kids learn and develop, whilst having that experience and knowledge to a certain degree, of having to learn to control your powers. This would mean that whilst he couldn’t help them with the way theor powers work, he could help them be prepared to develop these powers into fully powerful powers on the mental side, and would help deal with any stress or pressure that they are presented with in this journey. Edit: Thx so much for the likes!
  • Tom recently said that he doesn’t want to play Spider-Man after he turns 30. He even takes about how they should introduce Miles and use him instead as the new Spider-Man
  • @trexadvent4726
    Do you think Cassie was stealing Pym particles when her Dad was in the Quantum Realm and Hank, Janet and Hope was snapped away? Is this how she becomes Stature in the MCU?
  • Im so happy about this theory for Peter he’s my absolute favourite character of anything ever
  • @corcerercr7606
    5:17 Just to add a bit of fan theory: remember in Shang-Chi when the slimy monsters from the ancient village prison spoke into his fathers head as his dead wife's voice? I think that they are doing the same to Wanda as another attempt to get out; as if the 10 rings can break through, Wanda defiantly can.
  • The idea of Peter being the leader of the young avengers reminds me of a book series I’ve read called Epic Zero and in it there is a young superhero who is part of the best superhero but he was also the leader of his own young superhero team!
  • @classzedits
    white vision in the next phase? i love it. being a non-aging hero, he can be the best mentor for the young avengers.
  • @domtom9594
    The kid from iron man 3 should be ironlad with iron heart. Have that new gen War-machine and Iron-man vibe.
  • @max-fi3ru
    Can't wait for Billy maximoff 💙💙💙
  • @hanselawogu4064
    Maybe have Miles Morales be in the Young Avengers too. In the new Spider-Man movie it is hinted that he could be around and with 3 new Spider-Man movies set to release I think it’d be easy for them to introduce the character. Also I just love the idea of Miles Morales being in the MCU!
  • As we saw in Endgame, Hawkeye aka Clint was teaching archery to his daughter, and now Kate lives with them so what if they both (Kate and Lila Barton) have a nice bonding and they make a good duo in The Avengers like Clint and Natasha did.
  • @kirisokami5041
    if they’re going comic accurate, we won’t be getting the young avengers for awhile, or at least not till after we deal more with Kang
  • @trexadvent4726
    How do you think we will see Hulking in the MCU since Mar-Vell has gotten a completely different origin story in the MCU? Will he be from another universe just like America_Chavez?
  • If you've riden WEB Blaster at California Adventure, you noticed that Harley Keener is mentioned as part of the storyline behind the ride. He is also wearing a prototype repulser cannon similar to what Happy used in What If... Zombies. Also mentioned in the que are two possible upcoming characters in the MCU (well one possible and one rumored to be featured in Ms. Marvel), Moon Girl and The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl.
  • @islalarose4750
    I really want to see Nova, he's one of my favorites in the animated Spidey team
  • Vision leading the Young Avengers reminds me of Red Tornado supervising Young Justice.