
コメント (21)
  • “Literally, shut up.” YAS 😂🙌 Something happened to me in 2016 too!! The braid explains it perfectly AND it just happened again also. I just feel a new energy integrating within me. Mystic Mastermind sounds so awesome! I love this!
  • My name is Dennis David Pranio. I was born in 1988. May 23rd. I'm now 36. I had a spiritual awakening at the age of 23 and it was through my meditation practice. I've been going through systematic torture for atleast 6 or 7 years now. I watch your channel all the time and love you brother. I feel the same for me. Threatened. Don't know when it started exactly but its happening. So just saying I identified with what you said. Blessings from the highest heavens and thank you for being somewhat of a guide for me. Your readings are on point. You really do have a gift. I know because truth sees truth. 🕊 🕊 🕊 🕊 🕊 🕊 🕊
  • I've been waiting for these type of conversations for a while now. Thank you immensely Austin, you're an absolute inspiration, and an amazing guide. So much love and gratitude for you. Sending you love, light and protection💗🌟🔥 Stay Sacred🙏❤🇿🇦
  • I agree 100 % My son is 35 years old now ... And has Autism he became non verbal at 2 yrs. Old I feel that he is my blessing but I know he has spiritual gifts and I wish for him so muchoreasin him expressing him self & growing more , learning more
  • I like the idea and creation of this, great community development through astrology
  • I'm not a starseed. But I'm here to raise the frequency. Keep at it! We're heading into some fun shenanigans
  • This makes so much make so much more sense💯 I have these same "opposing" perspectives. It can be challenging to even decide on what I belive at times😂 we also have a very similar pasts. Thank you for your time and energy spent for us to receive our messages. Can't wait till bootcamp, I absolutely love spiritual drill sergeants💯🫡
  • I've been told many times I'm a lightworker and starseed. Makes sense for Pleiades / "Seven Sisters", as I was utterly fascinated by that star cluster and remember my Mom telling me the story that went with them when I was around 5ish because I was so interested. I always felt comforted by looking up at them. Life as a child was a struggle- undiagnosed autistic and adhd kiddo that was treated like I was "dumb" at public school whilst knowing how smart I am inside. Hyperlexic and could read and write before kindergarten. Same as my 2 kids were, as if happens. Plus the CRIPPLING anxiety I dealt with (and still do sometimes). Was born in 1979, graduated a touch early in 1997 when u were born, Austin! Hehe
  • I've known I am a Star seed✨ consciously, since around 2012. Star seeds have been arriving on earth 🌍 for many years but a really LARGE number of Star seeds came here "in mass" between 1965 - 1970's. 1969 for me which I love because 69 looks like yin yang ☯️ ✨ The hardest part about being a Star seed is our childhood, because I always felt like an oddball, which I NOW know is a GOOD thing. We don't "conform" to the ways of this world 🌎 because the way of the world is evil 👿
  • Austin, I can’t afford right now but I’m genuinely SO happy and excited for you and I wish you all the best of luck with this! I can see how vibrant you are telling us about your new venture and I love seeing you like this. Been a sub for years and will continue to support where and when I can. Good luck! Jade - UK ❤
  • People can’t handle successful people. The energy of jealousy and hate are real. Return to sender
  • I love you, you are a Great Warrior, all of you New Children are our Only Hope, Please Do Not give Up! never
  • @Kelb11
    This is gospel truth… I pretty much just said this to my sister in law, regarding my nephew diagnosed with Autism… immediately on YouTube you confirmed what I said. Thank you, much love to you 🤍🙏🏼
  • signed up. I'm all for exposing my chart openly no problem. Whatever it takes to learn.
  • Dude, I believe you. My 21 year old son is going through something similar to you. He was in the astral, everyone thought he was going crazy, and I went to visit him. He ran at me and I was afraid he would hurt me, then he stopped and his eyes widened and he ran away. Later he told me that he came at me with his sword, full spiritual power and that he saw my dragon and it burned up his sword. So dragon guardians are real. He said he killed me in an old timeline but that meeting we collapsed the old timeline and healed it, changed it. All of this sounds crazy I know, but it's my love and understanding of my son, and the spiritual realm, that makes me certain it really exists like this. I don't think you are going crazy at all. You're brilliant. We MUST understand these younger souls are here to help us and that we need to take them seriously and learn from them. We need to lose the old paradigm that those that are older know better. Thank you for being raw and real and sharing. Blessings!
  • Cool. The fifth is the most interesting and mystical musical interval too. Open, free, neutral, wild, spacelike…
  • You made cry 😢My daughter was 20 last month. She's a Gemini. Since she's born i saw something especially on her she could see so perfect... She was smart and happy!!❤ Until star school.... She suffer so much!!😢And system play with us to the point she became depressed..😢And fight for to get a diagnostic...😢 She has ADHD. After all we went she became more depressed,she has anxiety and became an alcoholic..😢😢😢😢 Total different person 😢😢😢