The Riddler Scene In The Batman That Went Too Far

Published 2022-03-03
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Despite early rumors that hinted at a possible R-rating, Matt Reeve's "The Batman" is arriving in movie theaters with the expected PG-13 rating. But while the film has been cleared for audiences 13 and above, that doesn't mean that the movie doesn't delve into some extraordinarily dark places. Paul Dano's Riddler in particular is closer to the zodiac killer than the goofy, riddle-loving jokester of the animated series. And while the Riddler does some pretty unsavory things to various Gothamites in the new film, one scene in particular has left audiences feeling squemish. This is the Riddler scene in "The Batman" that went too far.

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All Comments (21)
  • @Looper
    What were your thoughts on this scene?
  • If Riddler was horrifying with this scene, just imagine how frightening Scarecrow would be if he could appear in this "Bat-verse".
  • @LilTy702
    This wasn’t a superhero movie. It was a thriller/action movie about a guy who likes to dress up as a bat and solve crime. Amazing film, every actor in this movie was on point and it was great
  • @nathandrake9129
    The opening scene scared the hell out of me. Not sure why, it just felt so real.
  • @stormyy5384
    You can tell Paul learned from all the greats before him, studied, had a game plan, and put his entire heart into it. My jaw was dropped by some of his dialogue and mannerisms. He’s helping to create a baseline standard of incredible acting. Bravo young man.
  • The fact that they made "The Riddler" a terrifying character is so good. And for a thriller investigation/action kind of movie, he was the perfect villain to create the dillemmas Bruce was cracking his head to solve. Paul Dano and Robert Pattinson were absolutely amazing in their roles.
  • @walterdbrown
    I love that I loved the Riddler. But as soon as I learned Dano was playing the role, there was no doubt Reeves was going to find a way to dig out those dark places that man can go. The movie is fantastic, but Batman fans are going to love it even more.
  • @drewmeyer9679
    I love this Batman! It’s darker, gritty, and more realistic. It’s a young, inexperienced, obsessed with crime Batman. His personality is alienated due to him being consumed with being Batman. His fighting is realistic, Batman is human so he gets knocked down too. It shows his detective skills as well.
  • @goose7632
    I’ve heard that some people hated the ending, I personally loved it. It shows that Bruce is beginning to understand that being vengeance and instilling fear into crime isn’t the way to be a hero. The way to be a hero is to help people when they need it. He really begins to understand this when he unmasks on of riddlers followers (the man Bruce talks to at the funeral (I think)) and after being questioned who he is, he responds the way Batman does, “I am vengeance”.
  • I don’t think it was too far at all, when I saw the trailer I knew this riddler would be different but not how much. When I saw the movie I loved the riddler, he just felt right in general and the movie
  • This is silly. Nothing in The Batman went too far. In relation to The Riddler, he was a great, terrifying villain, that keep you on the edge of your seat, while making you think. Batman is a dark character, as are his villains. TERRANCE OUT
  • @Incog2k6
    It still boggles my mind that Nolan flat-out refused to use Riddler and even went as far as to say that he's one of Batman's most unrealistic villains (well, I'm paraphrasing, but it was something to that effect). If anything, Riddler is one of the villains that is perfect for live-action adaptations. He's perfect for Saw or Seven-style scenes, and I'm so happy that Matt Reeves translated it perfectly into this movie. One of the most memorable villain portrayals in recent times for me. I guess that Nolan simply was tired of doing Batman movies back then, hence why he just went with Talia and a thug version of Bane. Too bad.
  • @barry2349
    Riddler has cemented himself as one of the best villans of cinema,Paul dano deserves an Oscar for this protrayel
  • @TheWWEfanCB
    Just saw this Thu, 3pm. That scene wasn't bad at all. If at first, it felt like something out of Saw. Then they didn't show anything happen, it was only implied. The explosive going off around the D.A.'s neck was worse, I thought. Again they didn't show any gore but made it super tense. You see him struggling to stay alive riddle after riddle, then suddenly you see him adamantly choose death, rather than rat out the boss. It was jarring because that goes against our instincts as humans. You saw that subtle yet frightening switch in his decision.
  • @hyalinamusic18
    That rat trap was straight out of George Orwell's 1984. I loved this version of The Riddler. I'm excited to see more of him in future movies.
  • @suavgod
    Quit being soft lmaoo this why we barely get any rated R heroes/villains
  • Too far? The only thing this movie missed was it being R-Rated and some proper gore.
  • @Boricua0082
    If people feel the Batman is too dark then I suggest a safe space back over at marvel
  • @iannsurman
    This is a brilliant film. The Arkham scene with Batman and the Riddler was incredible. I couldn’t take my eyes off Paul Dano. The more grounded and grittier depiction of the Batman universe was perfect. It’s even better on second viewing.