Powerscaling Was Never Cringe.


コメント (21)
  • @strikermodel
    I have a really good power scaling story. So, I used to work in an after school program for an elementary school right? Two boys came up to me and asked "who would win in a fight, Goku or Superman?" My first thought was 'Ok, there are too many factors.' So I said "they *wouldn't fight, because they're both peaceful and want to protect earth." *We know Goku will not throw the first punch for a sparing match, so don't say he'd force it. They then said "well what if they had to fight?" Now, as their supervisor, I couldn't sit there and commit to this, I had to keep an eye on everyone, so I went to plan B "Well, it depends on what version of each. We have base Goku, SSGoku, SSJSS Goku, Superman, Silver age Superman, Superman 1 million, ect. " I expected them to relent and decide it wasn't worth asking, but they called my bluff and asked "Ok, normal Goku and Normal Superman." I gave them my opinion, they listened, thought about it, and then one said "Ok, makes sense. I still think X would win though because Y." Nobody got mad, nobody called the other a liar, they just respected one another's opinions and debated for the hell of it. Freaking 8 year olds man! Still proud of those boys to this day. They achieved a higher power level than adults 3 times their age.
  • @gorfoo657
    I think favoritism is the biggest culprit, like how people hold characters so high standards and just say nonsense to not have their fictional characters ego's hurt. Also, great video as always.
  • The problem with powerscaling is that battle between characters people care about are almost never remotely close. The answer is almost always "yeah this character 1 touch speed blitzes your verse sorry". So it encourages people to make the most disingenuous highballs/lowballs too make it so their characters stand any chance
  • @XD_ist
  • The powerscaling problem isnt the actual powerscaling. Its the fact that some man children get genuinely pissed when you disagree with them.
  • @BUR404
    At the end of the day, Powerscaling is just one the many fun ways fans can engage with a series and other fans. It’s really no different from the speed running and Cosplay communities Can it get toxic? Sure, but that can be said about everything ever
  • @chance4827
    Powerscaling is fine. Powerscalers are the ones ruining it for everyone. If they stayed in their own spaces we wouldn't even be having these conversations
  • @Future_Doggo
    Just casual power scaling is fun. It's when you become a fanboy and make it your entire personality, it becomes cringe.
  • Yeah, the biggest problem in power scaling is basically favoritism... "I want the character that I like, to win" that mentality ends up turning a good discussion into absurds downgrades or wanks... (Not even gonna coment the fact that it's fictional so there's no base rules/laws of physics or something like that, so it can vary a lot depending of the author, and opinions specially when a feat is not explained in the series, then the explanation lies in the opinion of the public, wich varies, a lot...
  • @Nevahwins
    I'm confused why something can't be cringe and fun at the same time, but maybe I'm just too free. Being cringe or being called cringe isn't the end of the world, it feels weird to me that both sides are so hung up about it.
  • @l0sts0ul89
    In the wise words of Billy: "Power isn't cringe scaling, you're cringe" lol But seriously I think it just comes down to when calling any other group or fanbase toxic or cringe: yeah every fan base can be bad but key word CAN. There's always gonna be bad apples in every orchid it's best to ignore them and pick the better ones. It also annoys when people try to bring up Stan Lee's: "It's the writers choice" and act all high and smug about it when it's just annoying. There is no writer in a Vs Debate that's the point of one, there's no one really able to answer the question so people debate and power scale it you're just avoiding the question and not saying anything worthwhile. I think that's all I have to say. Fun video META 👌
  • @vllajko306
    There are too many people that think character A is overall better because he is stronger than character B and that is probably why powerscaling is viewed as something cringe. I personally just like hearing a bunch of dudes bring those characters to life with physics
  • Powerscaling and fanfiction are basically two sides of the same coin, powerscaling is basically nerd fantasy football. No hobby is inherently toxic (unless your hobby is trolling), but certain communities make things toxic. As long as people don’t normalize being an asshole things will be fine and if they do then they won’t.
  • @francesco9977
    Same, dude. Saying this as a powercsaler here, I'm honestly doing it for the most shallow of reasons. Example: Me: "Wow. That character has cool powers and looks cool. Me wanna know how strong he is. Oh look. Another cool character with cool powers. I wanna know who beats who." That's literally just it. I'm the type od fan whose biggest focus on a character is their powers and looks. I also look at their personalities and backstories and motivations etc., but I mainly like characters for how cool they look, and how cool their powers are. Thats why I like stuff like JoJo, Chainsaw Man and Overlord. Their powers are cool-looking, complex and interesting to observe, and they look so stylish and badass while using them. And naturally, being so focused on powers and coolness, I tend to look at other characters from other media to see who would win, because their different powers have a cool way to clash and interact, and I find that fun. I said FUN. (Also I just like debates. What's with being part of a debate club and having played stuff like Ace Attorney, Danganronpa and Umineko.) At the end of the day, that's all there is to it. It's meant to be FUN. The biggest problem is the idiots who take it too seriously and snivel and whine when the outcome they want doesn't bear fruit. Those should just be knocked out Markiplier Punch style. Same for those who go out of their way to attack powescalers that are genuinely nice just because they're cringe. Know your place, and if you're looking to attack powerscalers, attack the toxic ones. Keep away from the good and nice ones.
  • @CuriousInLCL
    Great video making arguments even a casual like me can get behind, I'm glad that you addressed the toxic side of the powerscaling community as well. I did not kill a man in downtown Mississippi, 2008.
  • @ivanbluecool
    I like power scaling I just hate people making stuff up or adding so many handicaps to their side and pretending it's a fair fight Like Goku vs Vegeta in Saiyan saga. Vegeta won that fight hands down. Only way he lost was getting 3 more people helping Goku. But if it was a real one vs one Goku would have died. People remember it as Goku beating Vegeta. Same with how people imply what the character can do instead of what is actually shown. If one character has martial arts as well as the same level of skill they win automatically. Basically it's an ego trip for people
  • The Super Saiyan Blue Goku versus Krillain battle can be explained based off of Gokus extreme Ki Control. He was holding back significantly trying to not hurt his friend. At the end he got too exited and nearly ended the life of Krillain by using too much Ki for him to handle.
  • @stepbak
    Powerscaling and debating is fun, its just that the ppl are annoying. Even if theyre not being toxic, they can just be annoying at times. They either cant comprehend a joke, sh*t on others fun, or are actually chill and understand that powerscaling is just to have fun.
  • @gelatogremlin
    It 100% can get cringe. I love powerscaling in moderation but when people take it to serious and act like they have a score card of how many times they have to be right or something. that's when it gets quite annoying, only thing is its pretty common for people to act like its competitive or something.