Nobody Understands Power Scaling

Published 2023-10-24
Hi. I'm Nemesis Bloodryche, I make a lot of videos, some of which are related to Power Scaling and VS Debating. People love to make assumptions about the community dedicated to such things, to make fun of us and harass us using the words of a dead man as a tool to attack others.

Please, stop doing this.

This community has a lot of problems, none of them are directly related to the innate elements of the hobby.

If this ends up starting major drama I'm going to scream. And probably take the video down to avoid letting it be used as a weapon for people to attack each other.

Also here's like, my patreon if you wanna look at that:

All Comments (21)
  • Plenty of people have good points to make and I understand that there is definitely something to be said about how arbitrary it is which laws of physics do or don't get followed in this hobby. But can we maybe stop the just, ridiculous amount of slurs I've had to delete comments over? This hobby is just fun and shit, intense heated arguing over this stuff and whether people are inherently bad for enjoying it is pushing the line on what's ok, but slurs? Really lads? here are the tracks Trapped in Despair Birth by Exile Blackout Action Unforgiving Justice Fear the Worst Hope For Sin YOU DONE SH*T OF FUCK Invitation to Pyroland A Destined Fantasy The World Rings Out
  • @pablogarcia6188
    I know its always whoever the writer wants to win, but I also think its important to keep charters power consistent
  • @Solverse_
    “The winner is whoever the writer decides”, “Alien X is omnipotent” and “dragon ball characters are immune to all hax” are probably the bane of my existence.
  • @hdckighfkvhvgmk
    The point people often miss when criticizing the practice of powerscaling is that the concept of powerscaling and vs debating itself are inherently fine, however it incredibly often leads to massive toxicity when people get too heated in discussions where their favorite character(s) lose(s) or people think that character being stronger equals their media being better and it devolves from there. It's kinda similar to shipping in a fandom sense, conceptually fine but it breeds so much toxicity that it becomes a massive problem; and when people get toxic about it, it creates a counter-culture to it where outsiders view everyone who does that the same. They're like 2 sides of the same fandom coin.
  • Also let’s not forget, a character being “stronger” then another character does not mean they are automatically the better character. You can like a character more then another and also still keep your point of view in that character
  • @tannertrusler674
    As pretty much a newbie of the VS community, it’s good to have this video. I had no idea when it came to Power Scaling and all that until only recently with Gojo vs Makima but it’s nice to hear from other people that the VS stuff is meant to be fun if you find it fun. And I do. So thanks, Nem. Hopefully, you won’t have to take this video down because of its contents. EDIT: Thank you to those that have liked this!
  • @PauloJrchannel
    This video actually has a bunch of information I've always wanted to convey, but could never put it into the right words. Very cool.
  • @Neon2hu
    Makes me glad to see a video like this. My recommended has been full of people shitting on the hobby for no reason, so seeing someone who actually understands it for once is so refreshing. I hate people who take powerscaling WAY too seriously, but even they're not as annoying as people who feel the need to constantly put down the hobby just because they don't get it, in my opinion.
  • @fishnewt1331
    I think what people fair to realize is that when you watch or read or partake in any part of a source material, how you interpret a feat does not mean they will come to the same conclusion you did. Our “job” (using it very loosely) is to interpret the source material as accurately as we can. But it does not change that we are still doing it from our limited lense. So, unless we get the exact mindset by getting a Word of God (which can easily change for companies like Marvel and DC who change writers frequently), it is still very much an opinion.
  • @darakin5172
    I thank you for explaining the "moon level" "mountain level" cause i didnt fully understand that myself, attack potency vs scale
  • @Norrabal_anims
    I feel like the "attack equals defense unless stated otherwise" only really works for systems like Ki that are a life energy that also has been shown to defend. Stuff like magic in other shows isnt usually implied to be the case, unless stated other wise.
  • @AbimayoXD
    Me and my friend Danny were debating separately on whether Vader or Obito would win and our other 2 friends in the call quoted Stan lee and specifically said “Nobody cares, The person who wins is whoever the writer decides” and I tried to explain why it mattered to me
  • @opalander
    "The winner is whoever the writer wants to win" people when they get knocked out by someone bigger and stronger (it was God, the writer's fault they lost.)
  • @Marisa_arts
    The funny thing is that I do both. The Story comes first but I want to have consistency with the power scale and logic. But, this is important, I forget sometimes about it and just go with the scene and feel of what I am trying to write to make it both intense and impactful while having fun. Stan Lee's statement of "I don't care about the Power Scale, of who wins or how powerful they are. If I want Spider to win against the Hulk, I want Spiderman to win that day, on another day, I may want the Hulk to win." should be taken as a means of being I kind of want to tell this fun story while keeping the power of each in mind, who would win might be based on what the narrative leads for the actual winner, not just the fact that "This guy has a bigger number, there for he wins." talk that most people get into, when talking with friends and looking at the stats and abilities of each character armor or whatever it is, it is kinda disappointing at times, but then ask, okay, but about if it was a narrative tale, "Who do you see winning in that sense?" so we talk about that, which then goes into a fun thing about how it would go and how far! Since the story part is always fun to have for it than just Power Scale Winner is. While I care and look into it, I have seen a lot of people using the VSWiki and just Power Scale and not take into account a lot of the talks for narrative that goes with it, to me, it gets tiring to hear that or see it more frequently than not as both a creator and a Scaler, more so the former now a days. I have create a setting where you have a single rule that is placed and plan to show the effects of what happens when you ignore or don't bother with using or training that rule. It is called, for those who want to use it as a writer of any kind, Narrative Control and With Strain, or what the VS Community like to call "Gag" or "Atomic/Matter/Realty Control/Manipulation" all characters have this ability and is shown to not cause much harm or negative effects around them, but it is also a form of gaining great or grater power as you need to direct that force and power somewhere else as you can not simply get rid of it, which this secondary effect is that it is only going to unleash the full force on the intended target and anything else would take a smaller or splash back of the power shown as it goes into the greater universe at large. Think of DB(Z/GT/S/D) and how the character who are clearly beyond Moon Power and don't destroy anything that isn't the intended target with a clear Chunking of the World they stand on. This is the main justification of the powers, and most know about this and train it up for better control, so those with this type (look at the quoted area in the paragraph) use on a daily and yes doing a Destroy the World! move is not seen as anything special or good, while they can control the powers to not kill everyone when fighting, they still need air, food, water and means of living, so Word Destruction moves are a big sin on the grand scale. If I wanted to see a fight with no narrative and see a one sided ass whooping, I'll look it up online, is it fun, yes, but also at the same time I would like to see the story for it if it had one, this is not saying I don't enjoy a good fight or one sided beat down, no I do, does it mean I enjoy the story for it and want all fights to have that, no. What I'm saying is this, I am human and I am hypocritical to this as well. That doesn't mean that I am 100% wrong and should thus be dismissed, no, it just mean I have a bit of a complex and conflicting thing for this as I both watch and create these things. I think all writers or creators have this issue where they love and enjoy a good mindless fight or a passionate and intense narrative fight more so than those who just watch the show. Yes this includes nuance for the story that people can ignore lol. (I had that happen a lot for it since it is you know, not really seen as important in the talks) I would love to just write the Cross Over Fight and have be fun and tell a fun story with the characters I made, but that doesn't mean I have thought about the FULL IMPLICATION OF THE POWERSCALE FOR THEM AND HOW IT IS GOING TO AFFECT THE NORMAL STORY, no, it was a fun thing I did because I wanted to do it. No writer does, we just want to tell a fun tale more often than not, if we just stuck with what VS Debaters want and just had VSWiki the Comic, it would be harder to just write for and, personally, find it boring to even read and watch as it just becomes a slough to get through and even the writing for it. if you are wondering. Yes I use a Multi-tier system for the writing world and cosmology, yes it is big that it hurts to think about, yes, when I state it to be infinite, it is not a Hyperbole, it is the full definition of Infinite. Yes, most gods do not or can not grasp the full size of a single universe, let alone the full Infinite Milti-Outerversal of Creation that is the Cosmology of the setting, if i put it down in the chat, and you read it.... well if Nemesisbloodryche ask, I will put it in the reply or in his pin lol No, I ignore this 99.9999999% of the time as it is not important for the stories told in the setting. Those who knows me and how I write for the entire thing knows why it is like this and why I don't care to delve into much other than explaining things. Yes, I use a VSWiki term to say how big it is (Outerversal is just a stupid thing when you know the term and think about how many characters do this that aren't Gag Characters). Again, if he/they/she/potato soup/purple hair ask, I will explain it and why.
  • @pedrohlm9734
    Thank you, I always hate when someone outside of the community tries to have a moral high ground over us in order to justifice bullying us for simply having a hobby they don't like.
  • I still very much consider myself a newbie in this fandom/community and honestly I just enjoy watching people debate. I'm not gonna crunch any numbers myself but all the other stuff is pure fun.
  • @NonAryanDuck
    I dont think you understand how goated this video is
  • @TheDeviantDon
    People also gotta scale in character weaknesses as well, and what they can’t actually do. This is a major issue I see many people seem to gloss over as if their character has no weaknesses at all, it’s jarring, and killed power scaling for me long ago.
  • @saphironkindris
    I'm going to speak specifically about Death battle here, I think that people are especially hard towards them because of their production budget and Quality. Naturally, they become 'de-facto answers' that people can point to to avoid re-writing out all the numbers themselves. This means that when there's an inaccuracy in one of their videos, it will pervasively persist any other time that character is talked about in a power-scaling sense. In this regard, I think people SHOULD be hard towards them, to make them strive to be as accurate as possible. Of course, nobody can consider EVERY variable unless they have a truly gross amount of free time, but it should be as accurate as possible. Now to the community at large, yeah, there's a lot less of a burden on you to prove your point if you're just arguing with some bloke in a forum somewhere or on Twitter.
  • @AscendedEmperor
    Power scaling has and always will be subjective thats the fun nobody is truly right or wrong theres always arugements and evidence for both parties involved.