X Men '97 Clip-Magneto was Right


コメント (21)
  • @Zangetsuv2
    Man traveled all the way to one of the strongest magnetic points in the world to unleash the biggest EMP ever. What a chad.
  • I'm surprise no one is talking about the fact that the person that made the "Magneto was right" speech was a human, and a human from the united nations on top of that
  • @Asher_Tye
    "Do not make me let you down." Then they let him down.
  • @ReijiNakashi
    The war was declared in Genosha, Magneto didn't declare it, he was just defending his kind
  • Charles "i hope im not late" bruh you was about 3 episodes too late
  • @CeliMe007
    Magento the original king of "Do you really want to fuck around because you will find out in the worst ways possible."
  • @Vegadra
    Magneto really went through every possible way to try and help mutants, and it all failed in one way or another.
  • Cable: (has a futuristic grenade to disable a sentinel) Magneto: "Cute" (becomes a planetary-wide EMP nuke)
  • @Crimson28
    “I’ve been at the mercy of men just following orders. Never again.” - Magneto
  • @umapessoa240
    My man did all that in his underwear, talk about a power move
  • Dude says 1 word in the whole episode and its STILL the coldest line in the whole episode
  • @hockey1973
    Finally, in a mainstream x-men show someone showed just how strong Magneto is. After all the jokes about how "just use a wooden gun and magneto can't do anything" or "just use wood against him, ha ha, it's magnets lol" they finally showed what this guy can actually DO. Dude. . . he doesn't just "do magnet stuff", he can tap into the earth's magnetic field. You know, the thing that protects us from the sun's radiation? He can literally just turn that "off" if he wanted.
  • @wingadept8793
    "When I was a child, my people talked while others prepared for war! They used reason when others used tanks, and they were destroyed for their troubles. I won't stand by and watch it happen again, I WON'T!" -Magneto