House update: Still plugging away

Published 2023-03-26
Still plugging away at it, as soon as this room is done I can get the nerd room up and running. So looking forward to that, then I'll come up with something for the cellar. Picked up some parts to make some wireless temperature and humidity sensors, so that'll be my first project I think. The kitchen is going to have to wait, just can't afford it, the refurb budget is basically gone.

This is the laminate floor app I used (Android, might be an iOS version)…

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All Comments (19)
  • @BrianLough
    It's really coming together David, living room and my room and the hall all look great!
  • @zlx
    Idk why I find watching these videos so therapeutic, but glad the house is going well. Also absolutely stellar 'tache!
  • Thanks for the update David - It's really looking great! Even the tash :)
  • @ChunkySteveo
    Keep up the great work David, and keep up the updates!! That 'tash..!! 😍
  • @jerril42
    The place is looking much better. It's good you have a more finished room to sleep in and rest comfortably. That is a lot of work. The cookie duster looks good on you, you are handsome either way. Take care David. Thanks for the update.
  • @mrj4615
    I smile all the way through your updates because every snag you come across I've encountered myself at some point or other. It's a great feeling when it's all finished - keep battling through it! 👍🏻
  • @vesa4782
    Thanks for the update David. Looks really nice now. Hopefully there will be lot more videos of the house :) And later electronic/computer videos, too. Do you still have the Flashforge 3D printer? That was my first too but I have upgraded to Ender-3 pro and updated that quite a bit.
  • @garthhowe297
    I thought my house was old, but I never had a gas light
  • @aly369
    Just doing the same thing with my bedroom. Removed the picture rail and exterior walls insulated plasterboard and ceiling done with new plaster. Cost me £1.3k but was well worth it.
  • @typxxilps
    10:52 good news it that you got the weak parts out of the wall before plastering and you get it right. Lot less stress now than it would have cracked in 5 years. Good progress, but awfull lot of work ahead.
  • @typxxilps
    Just to give you a nice thought for the time when it is harder then hard to get further regarding renovation or better restoration: Never forget how much luck or foresight you had to buy that house in 2021 before the interest rates began to explode - I guess in the UK too, but here they went up for 10 year mortage / loan for a house like yours from about 1% to now over 4% and still rising. Some people here are now realising that they have to save a lot of money cause they had spent way more cause money was so cheap and forgot about the payback day or end of mortage and the queation of the rates then and how much they would have lowered the loan till then. from 1% to 4% means for a lot who had spent to much and did not pay back much that they face a 3 times higher interest rate offer / costs than before due to too low back payings and the high interest rates. But UK still might be different even though I know that the growth rate of the economy is quite low and far from anything promised or predicted before Brexit for the post era Brexit. At least you have still a long time to prepare yourself, but here some friends had been going wild when they bought or build their house with debts that were OK, but only for the 1% era and without any thought or idea about the usual 4% we had for houses in the previous era / 10 years before the 2008 crisis. But you have purchased, no rent anymore and everything you spend and do is an investment and saving for your future, far better than paying rents month by month. And you add values to the house that will pay off. Do not forget to think about solar power and a split AC for heating a floors or bigger room which is a lot cheaper especially with the UK octopus tarifs. Renovation is one thing, but generating your own power a different, saving a lot of expenses also using that power for air to air heatpump heating. That will pay off sooner than later due to high energy prices that will not be lowered so soon. We are building another 25 kWp array and a 8 kWh LFP battery after we have gotten 2 Mitsubishi 5,4 kW heatpumps / split AC to deliver heat quick and cheap, even though the old oil heating is still there, but only used for water.
  • use a longish plank of wood behind the hammer when levering off the picture rail on the lath and plaster wall, will stop the hammer head damaging it???
  • @MoleGuy
    I’m wondering if this was planned or my comment last night inspired this video