Multiple attackers judo throws drill - Noel

Published 2010-09-25

This is part of Shihan Alejandro Ivan Serralles Sagalowitz's traditional Japanese Jujutsu (Nihon Dentou Jujutsu Ryu) class in the Defense Center dojo in Santo Domingo. Our style is Kempo Aiki Jujutsu and our school is part of Shuko Kai International, a global school of martial arts led by Shihan Kunio Miyake.

This clip shows yours truly taking the center of the mat and defending from the entire class by blocking (shuto) and countering with the throws pertinent to my belt... and a few others I shouldn't have used but like to practice.

This is NOT meant to mimic real life, street fight conditions, where obviously attackers will not take turns or allow one to find the right position for the throw. It's meant to help build speed and confidence in performing a fast throw, as opposed to more formal practice styles.

I try and attempt an O Goshi, Koshi Guruma, Osoto Gari, Morote Seoi Nage (with no lift, so more appropriately a wrestling double leg takedown), the most pitiful Uchi Mata known to man, and an Osoto Gari.

All Comments (6)
  • @tywainwright1
    This is the only Judo dojo I have ever known to do multiple attacker situation drills. I love it!
  • @GodHimselfClan
    just a tip practice your uchimata i have trouble with it also lol
  • @fookiemonster
    @GodHimselfClan Absolutely, I shouldn't have even tried it, my sensei didn't like that I attempted it. I was supposed to try other techniques, but I had been trying to learn the uchi mata on the side.
  • @ingjujutsu
    oyete te he dicho en varias ocasiones a todos que no agarren en koshiguruma como si fuera de judo, arropen con el brazo ligeramente el cuello, morote gari de romulo no sirvio, y el uchi mata tampoco... sabes como son ambos de velocidad porque te los enseñe