You were wrong. You have all you Need

Published 2024-05-05
Brush Sauce Academy Art School - Newsletter & Freebies / Mentorship Info:
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All Comments (21)
  • @TylerEdlin84
    Guys im getting better with more regular newsletters , i often include notes from the outlines of these videos, be sure to check out the brushsauce academy page to sign up and get other freebies as well.
  • @BubbleTea_Cat
    I am also trapped in a prep loop. I have bunch of ideas that keep haunting me and that I don’t start because I have the feeling that I’ll only disappoint my self. I am starting to push myself to finally start making finished pieces so I have something to show for and proof my self that I CAN actually do this but like you said this nagging voice is hard to fight while drawing. I also miss a community and feedback about how well I am actually doing.
  • @azreonn
    Oh my gosh, yes. The over-prepping. I spent close to a YEAR over-prepping, I don't even remember exactly WHAT I was prepping for either. It's only this year that I really started working. It really feels like you did something when you spend days thinking and planning, but in the end you didn't do crap. The hardest part is sometimes just STARTING something, and I suffer from that almost daily.
  • @RevellAndRepend
    One thing that a lot of people often forget is that creating art is just a difficult thing in general. It requires multiple parts of the brain to all work together efficiently to get any result. Let alone a result that you actually like. It's a mentally taxing task, and only a small percentage of people can do it, or are willing to put in the practice. Thanks for the vid Tyler, community can really make a difference for people.
  • @TheMaxxbiff
    I've been wanting to create art for a living for decades and it never seems to get off the ground and its 100% my fault. I have these moments at work where I say to myself "I am good enough" and I will think of all these ideas like t-shirts, cards, posters, prints, etc. and than I get home and the motivation all dissolves into mist. I can work outside in grueling conditions day in and day out knowing I am physically getting worse every year but I can't seem to sit in a nice comfy chair in in my air conditioned office with some nice music in the background and flipping create any of these ideas.
  • @omegapainter
    Something I need to implement is to be more patient with myself and not worry about so much about the parts of life that I don't have control over. I'm going to college now taking 19 credit hours in business and looking to graduate this time next year. The toughest part is realizing that I will be a year older and won't have made progress on my personal projects. I have made sure to have some sketching and composition study in each of my days, but most of my remaining time each week is going to a video-game job because of the upcoming deadlines. I have grown a lot of additional discipline since January, but I so easily forget that with all that I am doing, I am actually being very productive. I can't compare my artistic output before college to today as the sole measure of my productivity. I may feel like I'm going backwards, but it is like an arrow. The further it is pulled back, the further it will travel when it is finally time.
  • @Nenkanuko69
    The thing that also helped me is too slow down. Social media makes us think that art should be made everyday but it's not true. Even for professional artists some pieces might take like 50 hours or even more. The quality is not about how good your muscle memory is but how many thoughts you put in your work. Btw I like this cute one-wheeled robot! (middle-right on the bottom) He reminds me of this charismatic robot from Borderlands 1 but yours looks much cuter. I imagine him being charismatic
  • @itsmyaisabelle
    i love it when other artists talk about this stuff. so many of my peers don't talk about it it makes me feel so alone. i think it's because they don't want to appear weak in their field at work. i dunno. but i struggle with this stuff.
  • @Badartist888
    I studied creative writing at university and spent time in my stream and with students from other streams. The ones who had success all over them did more than study. They also did projects from start to finish. Wrote novels in the holidays, filmed sketch comedy, made 3d projects for fun, etc etc. I wasn't one of those guys. Over the years I've been teaching myself to do those products. Doing NaNoWriMo and short stories. And now learning drawing but also doing some fan fic comics work. When learning play is important as is also project work. Learning the skills is one thing, learning how to use those skills is another. If you want to do the thing, at some point you gotta do the thing. And that point is often before people are willing to pay you.
  • @hollowedboi5937
    There's a lot of overwhelm and over preparation. It makes sense with how much practice and dedication is required to get to a point you may like to be, and all the problems that come with making money and being hirable. But hell does all this thinking ruin us. If we got a plan and execute it, if we take care of our minds and bodies, and if we stay human while being dedicated by reconvening and connecting with people we should be good. Let's live with intentionality, then trust in the process.
  • @omedha.4176
    You are speaking out of my soul with your recent videos, I find myself falling into the trap of pre planning watching videos and trying to become better before attempting projects also think that its a wrong attitude towards things. You really have all you need for the current moment right now, do what you want to do, instead of pushing it away. I also feel like the word talent is discrediting to use, it makes it sound like it is a god given gift something you didnt work up to. While it is definitely true that people are born with different strengths and are more receptive towards different things (logical thinking, thinking in systems, observational skill, imagination..) I do think that these things can be developed. What I do think talent actually is, is the deep interest and curiosity for something that eventually, if you stick with it long enough and push boundaries, developes into a skill. Thank you for sharing you personal views really interesting to hear!
  • @bobc4d
    your quick bots are amazing and well done for "someone who doesn't do hard surface". your talk is inspirational and motivating.
  • @RenDrawsWarbirds
    Thanks for your wisdom as always, Tyler. Well needed words in a world that currently feels very cutthroat. I've spent the last year and a half drawing and redrawing the same twelve comic pages because I just couldn't settle on a style or be content with what I had, there's been a lot of "oh, but comics don't look like this" or "the art isn't clear and readable enough" or "These page compositions are so static". A while back I simply decided I needed to finish the thing because this project has haunted me long enough, and just that shift in mindset has put me in a place where I was able to move on, and by now I'm almost finished.
  • @rondyart
    I've really been struggling with my art and feeling like I have no Idea what I'm doing lately, so THANK YOU for this video! It's a really encouraging and a great start to the day!
  • @carpetfire3060
    Your videos are helping so many artists stay motivated and inspired! That's the most important aspect of the art community to me. Just knowing there's fellow artists that will see your work and encourage you and help you grow. Thank you for making the videos!
  • @Cytryz
    I gave up. It’s probably eaten away at me for 15yrs. At this point occasionally i watch an art video but most times I just stuff away the feeling. It never really goes away. At worst it makes one want to ctrl/alt/delete themselves for years. The nagging thought is daily. It probably would’ve been better to have just done it. Yeah so do the opposite of that and it’ll be good, otherwise at the other side of all that all you are left with is feeling hollow with no purpose in anything. But if that appeals to you, by all means imitate. Otherwise just draw/paint/sculpt/whatever. Probably while you are at it, make sure you keep your old work and routinely, monthly/weekly go back and look at where you started and tab through the years to present day as a reminder you are getting better. Take special note at what you struggled with. Write a lil note for each piece. I’m sure you’ll feel better.
  • @RFazor
    Thank you Tyler… Doubt, fear… it kills everything
  • @ardmary22
    Hi! You are a great teacher! Thanks for your mental support!
  • @pvkom26
    The bots are incredible! Sometimes we can be too hard on ourselves to the point where it skews the way we see our art.
  • @RichardK_art
    I can't express well enough, how much thankful I am for this video! I really needed to hear that!