Former Intelligence Official David Grusch on Non-Human Biologics

Former U.S. intelligence official David Grusch testified that ‘non-human’ remains have been recovered from crashed UAPs during a line of questioning from Rep. Nancy Mace at a House Oversight Committee hearing 😳
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コメント (21)
  • @joshnizzle
    None of the main stream media is even talking about this. Or if they are it’s very little. It’s ridiculous.
  • It's fun what the universe is unfolding in these times
  • Second hand anecdotal evidence is the best evidence to present to congress.
  • Why is this not a bigger deal? I must be missing something, so I am going to watch the full hearing.
  • If this was fake why would they be having meetings and talking about all of this and spending millions if not billions of dollars on these things?
  • I don't believe they want to know the real truth...
  • My question is, were any alive when contact was made and are any still alive and what have we learned as far as communication.
  • @angelone8564
    People have been lied to so much that when the truth comes out, they still don't believe it.. this guy is telling the truth. We are NOT and never have been, ALONE.. get over it..
  • He talked to a guy who knew someone that saw someone talking to a person that might have seen them.
  • @mosubekore78
    He said about the existence of non human biologics, that on its own is already sensitive enough, but he can't tell of whether there's documentation or not, because it's sensitive. Government allowed him to talk about this top secret, but not silly details? Clearly a psy ops.
  • @PossumPunx
    The fact that people are buying this is NUTS