the luxury of privacy & the celebrity vs. influencer paradox

Published 2024-03-28
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written by Mina Le
edited by Mina Le and Charlee Reiff


Business email: [email protected]

➤ SOURCES………………………………………………………

0:00 - intro
2:52 - the row's phone ban
8:43 - influencers at fashion week
13:25 - privacy is a luxury
23:08 - the solitary artist
33:04 - conclusion

All Comments (21)
  • @annabowden3087
    I feel like The Rows no phone policy was a missed opportunity to have a fashion sketch artist and bring back fashion illustration into the main stream in a profound way
  • @meganrogers3571
    The Olsen twins is an interesting example of celeb privacy because they were really famous really young. I can completely understand overcorrecting to being really private after a childhood in the spotlight.
  • @LoraK31
    I think some celebrities follow 0 people because so many stans track who their faves are following and freak out if they suddenly follow or unfollow someone. It might be a way of keeping their connections close to their chest
  • @Mia_linking595
    These tik tokers making fun of those celebrities for no reason but acting like a fans infront of them.
  • This is just a reminder that you can move and shift your boundaries whenever you need to. Even you, person who isnt famous. Don't let anyone dictate what you can be comfortable with
  • @avasava7720
    I love that gatekeeping and being cringe are the worst offenses one can commit
  • @AlexielRaziel
    I have been a working model for about 15 years in a runway model for about eight. I can tell you that many of the professional models were/are getting less work because more designers are giving them to influencers because they want that social media clout. Not only do many influencers often not have a proper catwalk, but they are often very late, sometimes rude and don't have the basic good etiquette of understanding that your job is to model clothes and not necessarily to look pretty. .. which may mean that you may get a hairstyle or a makeup or clothes that you think may not be flattering to you. But the most frustrating part about it is that behavior would never fly for a professional model. A producer or designer would tell you to leave and you'd never be booked again. But the designers would let these influencers act like this because they didn't want the influencers to publicly talk about someone reprimanding them on social media... But still talk badly about the influencers behavior when they weren't around.. but NEVER to the influencers face. I personally watch this one influencer (who I will not name) rummage through the clothes for the show, and put on outfit. When the designer asked why she was wearing that outfit that was meant for somebody else. She told him she picked it because it was the color better suited her. .... It was a tussel because the outfits are picked out and fitted for each model in advance... I watched another influencer, redo her makeup in a style she thought made her look more pretty instead of going with the established design the MUAs were given for the theme. As a working model it is very difficult to see this, because there is a lot of training that goes into walking properly at the runway and it does get very frustrating to be turned down for work because you are blatantly told that you're 3,000 followers makes you less valuable than the person with no runway skills that has hundreds of thousands.
  • People are so used to everything being shown on the internet. Forgetting they are not entitled to see everything going on so once there is the privacy boundary people start to freak.
  • @lz738
    I like how that lamp behind your head makes it look like you are wearing a cute little red fez hat! I'm having a sad day. That cheered me up (momentarily, at least).
  • I think the celebrity vs influencer thing also has something to do with how people perceive celebrities as talented, hard-working individuals who earned their fame and status and so therefore earn their place in these fashion shows, etc. compared to influencers whom people perceive as getting famous quickly over some lucky viral moment and therefore are not deserving of everything that comes with that fame.
  • @frankiebelle
    Attending a Waldorf school from kindergarten through senior year of high school was truly wild. Because of the almost total ban on screens, I feel like I missed out on a lot of the pre 2012 internet. When I was finally allowed online, I spent almost all of my time glued to my computer. A little screen time is good, but a total ban can lead to becoming easily addicted when restrictions get lifted
  • @adamalidelacruz
    Your last point on Emma Chamberlain reminds me of what happened with Ashley from bestdressed. She stopped posting on YT for her own reasons and many of her fans were upset she never explained why.
  • @jasondermack7485
    As someone who’s given up on all forms of social media since January 2023 (except for YouTube and Letterboxd) I’ve been able to value the privilege of my privacy without being glued to what other people are doing. It’s been a savior toward my own mental health. Great and well-researched video once again. I always look forward to your work
  • @avastans
    Imagine thinking Austin Butler is pretentious for liking a popular, critically claimed cowboy western movie as a child. It's like people forget that the guy grew up in the film industry and regularly watched a plethora of movies with his family. Mind you, when they say "as a child," maybe he was talking about his favourite movie as a 12 year old, and a lot of 12 year olds would not say Toy Story. Like you mentioned in this video, I think it has to do a lot with resentment and envy. People think, "How dare this man think he's superior to me because he engages with art that I find challenging/different instead of consuming easily accessible art?!" when in reality, Austin is not assuming anything and is probably just saying his favourite movie. Nothing wrong with more easily accessible art, but if someone doesn't prefer it, they'll immediately get labelled as "pretentious" and "elitist". My nephew is 15 years old and his favourite movie is a Tarkovsky movie - is he "pretentious" or just an avid cinephile that likes to explore diverse genres? The rise in anti-intellectualism, assumptions, envy, etc, is saddening.
  • @alisonjane7068
    i don't know anything about austin butler, but, as someone who mimics accents / speech patterns without even realizing i'm doing it, i kid of want to give him the benefit of the doubt.
  • @EmmaAlves
    singer/songwriter here 👋🏻 promoting yourself SUCKS. especially for artists. the last thing we wanna do is ‘promote’ or ‘sell’ anything. we wanna create. but, sadly in order for it to be sustainable- and have people take us seriously- we need to have some sort of platform/audience online. love the video mina as per usual ! <3
  • @susiehawkes7299
    When Mina was talking about tech discrepancy in schools, I think that is unfortunately SO TRUE. I worked in an urban school as a teacher and had to put the kids on city/state computer programs daily to “provide instruction” and was encouraged to use the smart-board and computers every opportunity I could. The kids then went home and went on their personal devices, especially kids who were not in afterschool activities and whose families were working. I seriously got concerned by how much screen addiction there is
  • @toni_odufuye
    I really liked that quote about artists "needing" to skillfully package themselves as products for buyers to consume now. I've become quite disillusioned with so many parts of social media feeling like Ads- constantly trying to make me do or want or be something different... to create a feeling of lack that was never there in the first place.
  • i feel like because we are so used to instant gratification that mystery or change really needles us
  • @cat_clifford
    So many thoughts… as a mid 20’s artist living in New York who grew up during the rise of social media and has experienced the exponential rise of self marketing via that platform- thoughts of privacy and needing to use my phone constantly come up a lot for me. Lately I’ve been realizing that using social media has not only become an intense time waster and dopamine vampire, but also has dulled my inner voice to the point I ask myself “am I making this because I like this or do I like it because I saw it on instagram?”. I think artists- and everyone- have suffered a huge impact in our ability to create from an authentic place because I don’t think the human mind actually can process how many lives and ideas and products and art that we’re exposed to all day and night. It is very important to be able to recognize when you need outside influence, and when you don’t. And those times In life change and constantly have their own effects- but as a society we have lost that right to choose when. Yeahhhhh it’s really sad too cause I WANT TO THROW MY PHONE IN THE RIVER BUT I NEED IT TO MARKET MYSELF AND COMMUNICATE IN ORDER TO PAY MY RENT. Ahhhh