5 Weird Things Narcissists Actually Believe

Break the Trauma Bond in 5 Steps:

00:00 introduction

01:21 1. They delusionally believe they have the full capacity to love

02:40 2. They believe they have been mistreated by every ex of theirs

04:24 3. They genuinely believe you betrayed them by changing

06:03 Course announcement

06:38 4. They believe they never mistreated you

08:25 5. They believe their next partner is going to be better than you

コメント (21)
  • @Tuebor
    It’s also good to know that when you (finally) state that they are not allowed to speak to you in the horrific manner in which they have been, that they will rage like a lunatic, screaming at the top of their lungs, fighting to still be able to speak to you in that way. They are so fucking nuts.
  • They start to believe their own lies , it’s so funny !!!!! they get so scared once the cover is blown off of them and they exposed for who they really are , it’s hilarious 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂!!!!!!!
  • I could write a book about my life with my deceased husband and all the things he did to me.. He's dead and I can't seem to let anyone in my life. I don't want to go thru that hell agai.
  • So true. I've seen all of that in different narcissists, they're always throwing their rubbish onto others. Never trust them.
  • The two that most resonated with me were 1) believing his own future-faking lies, and 2) genuinely believing he was the victim of every one of his exes.
  • @dyoung2739
    The narcissist is definitely their own worst enemy & don’t trust anyone when,in fact,they shouldn’t trust themselves.
  • @chatsu5441
    Not just they narcissistic but also they are sadistic too
  • @duromusabc
    Love to a narcissist is lust , desire , passion, infatuation, obsession, seduction (coyness and flirtatious) - but in reality none of those is love at all not even intimate love nor romantic love They can mimic intimacy and romance but it’s fake and contrived
  • Unwilling to put in the effort required to build genuine self esteem (by doing the basics that others are willing to work on, like meditation/prayer, eating right, getting exercise, pursuing goals/hobbies, daily affirmations, etc)… NPD's gain their (fake AF) sense of self worth by crushing/collapsing the self worth of others.
  • My husband had the nerve to tell me once when I wanted to leave him that my nursing license was half his. He thought since he worked a low paying job while I went to school that he put me through nursing school even though I did all the work and used grants and scholarships to pay tuition. The gall is insane. He also told me i never thanked him for staying with me after my mother died. Say what???!!!
  • @MeanEileen916
    😳😳They are definitely their own worst enemy!!! The denial causes this and jealousy accelerates it. 🤯🤯🤯🙏🏼
  • Thank you, Danish. In your comment where they say...."You're never going to find anybody like me". My response to this quote in the video.......Yes, I certainly hope not. 🙂
  • @a.williams10
    "Think the worst and you'll be certain" is the motto that always works with a narcissist.
  • They were wrong. I wasn't a tool for them to have their way with. I am a free person. They don't know me. Thanks, Danish. ❤
  • @a.williams10
    All so true. They're not to be trusted at all. Keep away from them.
  • I have been traumatized by my narcissistic parents, had relationships with narcissists but I’m so glad I’m learning. I feel stronger and more comfortable and stronger after much therapy. I see the narcissist for who they are. A person with a very fragile ego who only feels better when they put you down. It is not about you. It’s about them. Always. Don’t people please.
  • @sonya23453
    A very comprehensive vlog. Whatever you say, goes straight to the heart of survivors who have seen and experienced hell on earth.