The BBB&E Challenge (Extreme Weight Loss Hack) 2024 BBBE Challenge

Published 2019-05-30
Severe Obesity is dangerous. Welcome to the BBBE Challenge! Here is an extreme weight loss hack you can succeed with when all other diets have failed. If you want to lose fat and keep your muscle then try this diet. Don’t waste your money on pills, powders, or other products, you can buy everything you need for this diet hack at your local grocery. Loss fat and improve health by eating BBB&E!

Weight loss diets usually require to you spend lots of money on products or subscriptions and then don’t work long-term. This diet hack is different. You don’t have to join anything or buy anything; you only have to eat real food (as much as you want) to get the benefits.


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Ken D Berry, MD, is a Family Physician and has been practicing Family Medicine in rural Tennessee for 20 years, having seen over 25,000 patients in his career so far.
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All Comments (21)
  • Foods you can eat: Beef, eggs, butter, liver, bacon. Use salt to taste, drink water, still or sparkling, coffee and tea. No other foods for at least a month. One or two very large meals a day within a 6-hour window. Fast 18hrs. No sweeteners, no breaded meats. Avoid all carbs. Got it! thank you!!
  • @rrbigdad
    Nine weeks ago my blood sugar was 300 this morning it was 89 and since December I have lost 40 lbs
  • I love that you mentioned sugar and carb addictions. I have both issues, and people think it's a joke when I say it, but I literally feel like a sugar crackhead.
  • @mongolmcphee7791
    I have just weighed in on the morning of day 8 of BBBE. I have lost 14 lb’s (a stone in the U.K) Amazing. Greetings from Scotland
  • @bravolima390
    Video starts at 4:25 Eat all the Beef you want Eat all the whole eggs you want of any kind Eat organ meat as much as you want Eat Bacon as much as you want Use grass fed Butter and real pink salt You can drink black coffee, tea and water No other foods whatsoever Eat once or twice a day within a six hour window. Make sure you are comfortably stuffed to remain full.
  • @jhatten1
    I have been doing this now for 28 weeks and I have lost 102 lbs!
  • I completed the 30-Day Carnivore Challenge with great success and I'm not stopping. I feel so incredibly amazing all the time now. I lost 20 lbs, my waist went down 2 inches, I sleep so much better and my stress level has declined tremendously. My blood pressure is a non issue and my resting heart rate has finally dropped down to an excellent level, for a 59 year old man. I was just starting to wear XL again, now I can fit into Medium shirts, little tight but loosing up more and more. I'm not stopping. I feel absolutely amazing, energy levels now are like when I was in my 20s - 30s... Thank you so much for all you do Dr. Ken...
  • @JAvoices
    I can testify that this does work. My doctor had diagnosed me with diabetes and put me on medication that was making me feel like a zombie, and I still had high sugar levels. Well, I remembered that back in my younger days when I used to do powerlifting, I used to only eat animal products and never had any of these illnesses. So, I decided to reverse my diabetes and told my doctor I would not take any more medication. I then started watching videos by Ken Berry that showed me I was doing the right thing. Of course, I experienced sugar withdrawal symptoms, but I stuck with it. In one month, my diabetes was gone, I lost 25 lbs of fat, and I have felt healthier than I have in years. Next month, I will be 64, and I have the energy of a 19-year-old athletic man. Try it, and you won't regret it.
  • Husband started this diet hack with the plan to do just the 30 days. It started 1/1/2022. Today is 8/13/2022 and he's lost over 120 pounds without ANY cheating! He has no urge to cheat. Started in the high 300s. He is happy, fully of energy, off a ton of medications. His shirts were 4X and now the 2X are LOOSE. His waist was in the high 40s and now is at 38. He looks so good! (I should say that after month one he did add a larger range of Carnivore meats and added lots of Salmon, chicken and any other meat you can think of. His favourites are Pork Belly and LIVER. Yum
  • @kennyblades5862
    I started carnivore 8 months ago was 380 lbs now I'm down to 255 still going strong. Never felt better in my life.
  • @RonaldKragnes
    1) Beef, Butter, Bacon, Eggs, Liver, Salt, Water, Tea, Coffee, Electrolytes 2) 1-2 Meals Per Day, Eaten In A 6 Hour Window (18-6)
  • @missbuckeye
    I'm 8 weeks away from a major surgery & need to lose as much as possible. This is exactly the kind of plan I was seeking. Thank you! 💜
  • @ms.gregoria2249
    Starting tomorrow and want to do every day of 2024. Start weight: 80 kg / 180 lbs Goal weight: 60 kg / 130 lbs Let's make 2023 our best year! 😍❤😍
  • @primowendy
    My husband and I have been on Keto for 5 months. He went from 231 to 194 and I went from 211 to 177 SO FAR. We're NOT done and we're never going back to eating all of that crap that made us FAT! We feel so healthy and energetic now.
  • @mikejw58
    10th day on carnivore diet. Went from completely regular food, to eggs, chop meat, bacon, steak, chicken and a little cheese OVER NIGHT. Trying to stay hydrated with water, electrolytes, magnesium, and one tbs apple sider vinegar a day. THATS IT. Probably Zero CARBS, Zero SUGAR. Lost 11 lbs since start. Nothing in inches.. Keto flu started about the 3rd or 4th day. Still feel pretty crummy, but trying to power through. Don't know how much longer I can deal with this Keto flu. I've been testing for Ketosis with the strips and only still registering small amount. I thought I would have been full-blown ketosis by now. I had cancer back in 2014. went thru chemo, radiation, and pumping bottles of Ensure through a tube into my stomach, for three months. If I did that, I have to be able to do this. Going to keep powering thru this. Let's see what happens. They're either going to find me dead on the floor or making a success of this.
  • I was never fat or overweight, I’m only 29, but my parents got on this diet from Dr. Berry and haven’t shut up about it. So I tried it, I always work out 4-5 times a week lifting weights, some cardio, some Olympic lifts etc. I’m about 5 weeks into it , and I gotta say I’ve realized things about my body that were so obvious but I didn’t know until now. I was absolutely more insulin resistant than most people. I feel so much better as far as mood, I have more energy from the time I get up to the time I go to bed. I’m losing the fat in places that I haven’t ever been able to shred it off of. I literally have never had visible abdominal muscles until this point in my life and I freaking did it eating bacon? It makes me mad that this diet is being suppressed in basic weight loss media, it’s so simple, and truly effective within a week it seemed like.
  • @hemidancer64
    Day 6 of this weight loss hack - I've lost 10.5 lb. I'm in full ketosis and burning pure fat. I'm a Type II diabetic, and my morning blood glucose usually runs anywhere between 140 and 180. This morning it was 96! I actually had to skip my diabetes meds because they would have sent me into a hypo. I'm actually starting to reverse my insulin resistance! I haven't felt this good in over a year. If you're looking for these kinds of results, give this a try. It's hard, but not as hard as being fat!
  • @larryivey1329
    Thank you, I started carnivore in June of this last year, I have loss 57 lbs....thank you for your videos. From 242 to 185, and off B/P and cholesterol meds, at 71 I'm feeling great