The Facebook Clown That Threatened A School: The Terrifying Tale of Flomo Klown

Published 2021-10-25
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2016 was a year filled with many notable internet phenomena. One of the more disturbing was the rise of the "Killer Clowns" across sites like Instagram and Facebook. Many clowns would go out at night hoping to scare people, while others worked online to spread fear. One of these digital clowns was the Flomo Klown. The Flomo Klown would post violent threats across social until the people behind it crossed the line and got some serious charges pressed against them. This is the fall of the flomo klown. The Facebook Clown That Threatened A School: Fall of the Flomo Klown.


All Comments (21)
  • It's insane just how much the online landscape has changed in just 5 years. The internet in the mid 2010s feels like an alternate reality at this point.
  • @Meenaia
    Having lived in the South for some time, I've learned that the people in this region do not scare easily. "You step on my grass, Ima put somethin in yo butt" may just be my favorite quote now.
  • I know a clown IRL, she's a total sweetheart who babysat me and taught me to contact juggle. She is in a troupe but mostly goes to children's hospital to entertain kids. She had to tone down her makeup after 2016 (mostly just glitter and confetti freckles and stuff), but it's good to know at least a couple professional clowns are still working
  • @Snarl_Marx
    My mom is absolutely terrified of clowns. So when all this was going on, even though we lived in a small town with no clown sightings even close to us, she was still so anxious going out at night. I felt so bad for her.
  • @Neillan
    The really sad part is the legitimate clowns who lost business because of the terror these creeps caused. The fact a grown woman was involved with this is just disturbing on many levels.
  • It would have been great if another group started dressing up as mimes to defend the town from the clowns.
  • Closer to 2016 actually, a girl at my school got criminally charged for this , rightfully so. She was decently popular actually and had a lot of friends it seemed and very confident. I think she was a year above me. Anyway she made a fake Twitter and messaged her friend as a “clown” saying they were going to shoot up the school that week. Supposedly it was supposed to just scare her friend which she sent it to, but the friend sent it to the whole school and everyone was freaking out not wanting to come to school . I remember being a bit skeptical but still scared. Not soon after , it was found out she (we will Call her R , the girl who made the fake Twitter account .) was found to be the one who made the account. She got taken out of school and not exactly sure what happened . She was 16 so not sure exactly what they did. Anyways, she did eventually come back to school a while later. It was really strange to see how different she was after that incident. She went from popular and confident, to bullied and didn’t like talking to anyone . idk that anyone would Read this but wow it was just crazy to see how choosing to do things like that change a persons life so drastically
  • @thedinkster2163
    I was a cop during this time. We got a call to a rural back road for an assault. A guy tried to scare the wrong troup of people and he was beaten with a chain or something of the sort. Never found out who beat him, but he was pretty roughed up.
  • I remember feeling really bad for actual party and circus clowns because of this event. It really hurt the clowning industry.
  • On Halloween when I was little, a guy followed me in a clown costume. It was genuinely upsetting because he followed me for blocks. At that point I wasn't scared of the clown, I was scared of getting kidnapped. There's a difference between being fun halloween scary and stalker pedophile scary.
  • I actually went to a school named "Semmes Middle School" back then, and one of these clowns threatened our school, causing us to close down for a little bit. Lots of parents were scared, and a teacher of mine started carrying a gun. Quite an interesting time.
  • Watching clowns get rocked by people who had a violent fear response was my favorite part of 2016.
  • @dittoface
    I'm pretty sure I remember a bunch of cops surrounding someone because they had a clown custume on Halloween, stuff was wild back then
  • @DeerBoi_
    I remember when this was going on. It happened in my country too. where I live it's common for children to go to a playground on their own. nothing ever happens. But I remember when I was sitting at home and my nephew who was around 8 or 9 at the time called me, terrified that some killer clown keeps threatening them and keeps walking up to them on the playground. He was the oldest in the group and looked over everyone (therefore he already had a phone) and the youngest was around 3 or 4. I live a few villages away from them, about 7 minutes by car. immediately got into my car bc the parents were all at work so the kids wouldn't be all alone. you never know with those freaks.
  • @rajarai2803
    Imagine the amount of stories this guy's gonna have, when he finally becomes a grandad. His grand kids are gonna love him.
  • @Jojoban69
    The clown craze was definitely a very memorable phase back in 2016. Believe it or not, we actually spotted a clown near my school during my 8th grade year in PE. We were doing a 1 mile run and according to some of the kids, the clown was just standing there in the alley eating a bowl of chili. A pretty odd yet innocent clown sighting.
  • @otakukid11
    This reminded of the story of the first "Killer Clown" sighting in the Philippines. Dude wanted to start the trend, dressed up as a clown and recorded himself doing it. He got his ass kicked by the first people he tried to scare, a bunch of street kids who were huffing solvent.
  • We were having a family Turkish bbq at my uncles ranch, and in the late night around 4 or 5 clowns started lingering around the front. My uncle was fed up with them and said to his brothers, ‘follow me’ They walked over to the gun shed and pulled out a shotgun each, then they ran to the clowns and started shooting into the air, and the teens ran off shouting ‘FUCK FUCK FUCK!’. I just thought you guys would like this story as it shows how fun it is to turn the tables on the people who deserve it.
  • @parthxus
    When this was popular, I’m certain I almost ran into one of these clowns. Me and a friend were walking around this trail back home, when I thought I heard footsteps behind us. I told him and he said it was nothing or some animal. A few minutes later, we both here a laughter that sounded like a clown, we looked at each other and booked it back home. It was a public trail for everyone to walk around, but still, it was creepy as shit.