Pov: You fell in love young | a playlist

Publicado 2023-11-21

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • Timestamps! 0:01 - "Wanna be Yours" by Arctic Monkeys 2:45 - "We Fell in Love in October" by the Girl in Red 5:48 - "Sweater Weather" by The Neighbourhood 9:22 - "Summer Time Sadness" by Lana Del Ray 13:24 - "Apocalypse" by Cigarettes after S*x 17:44 - "My love mine all mine" by Mitski 19:58 - "The Night we met" by Lord Huron
  • @FayeTheK
    It’s crazy how everyone can say”eww him!?” Or “He’s so ugly” yet he will always be the cutest in my eyes. Crazy right?
  • @sxtori.m0ch1
    I started going to church to make friends, and fell in love w/ the guy everyone hates 😭theres nothing wrong with him, i think they just say they hate him because they like him too, i justr eally hope he likes me too- ive had a rough week. I overstimmed when he approached me (even though i asked him to) and threw a paper at him w/ my socials and he seemed so calm and it honestly calmed me too, ill update this if i get any friend requests on the socials from him or anything!! EDIT 1: RAAH NOTHING SO FAR, ILL JS WAIT TO TALK TO HIM AT CHURCH-- ILL UPDATE ABOUT THAT TOMMOROW (keep replying and liking this so ion forget 😭) EDIT 2: BRO HE WASNT EVEN AT CHURCH IM DYING (his lil sisters bff said that their dads home from the military so they couldnt be there, i hope they can be at zeal tho i will DIE if hes not), HE'LL BE AT ZEAL ON WEDNESDAY THO, I PROMISE ILL UPDATE AFTERWARDS GUYS!! its at night and our parents wont be there ehehehhehehehehehe... ehehhehehe if he makes a move.................. 😏i mean im not saying anything BAD,, maybe a kiss tho IF hes there and makes a move edit 3: help my grandma said that if he rejects me start a rumor he's gay 😭 i mean, he DOES play viola and only talks to boys........... idkkkkkkk.... if he says no maybe he is? either way fun 😂 edit 4: TOMMOROW IF HES THERE WE'LL SEE EACHOTEHR, IMA CALL MY BESTIE WHILE IM THERE AND PURPOSELY BUMP INTO HIM AND ASK FOR HIS NUMBER THATS MY PLAN, IDK I MIGHT GET ANOTHER ONE last edit, probably: It's over. I don't think he likes me-- literally NOTHING has gone right for me for the past like, three months. I asked my friends to tell him and he said in a slightly annoyed tone 'I know, it's obvious' and nothing else. I'm sorry for getting you all invested just for a sad ending. Bye. ANOTHER EDIT: WSP GUYS IM STILL GONNA KEEP TRYING, YALL REALLY MODIVATED ME TYSM, I WON'T GIVE UP UNTIL HE HAS A RESTRAINING ORDER AGAINST ME (maybe not that far) edit 7: ty guys for your support but.. his sister said he 'really really' doesnt like me and hes not even allowed to date, but idrk at this point, now i can be myself at church, and can grow to be a better person without the stress of him <3 ty all for your support, and i hope you have lovely lives!! UM.. SO A FEW MONTHS LATER IM OVER HIM, AND NOW MY BFFS BROTHERS SUPER INTO ME AND I KINDA LIKE HIM TOO BUT IM NOT READY FOR A RELATIONSHIP... Edit like 100 idek - oh shit I like the original boy again, dated the other one but we broke up also hey I got a turtle Another edit: the boy I broke up with is still obsessed with me, it makes me rlly uncomfortable :(( i think I might be aego aroace :{ I still like the original boy but I'm not sure I can be in a relationship because everytime I get committed to a relationship I lose feelings. I still like him but regardless he isn't allowed to date for four years :((
  • @laraevoce9744
    Who else is listening to these songs in 2024? Hahaha
  • @user-hj3cn9qw8s
    This comment section is probably the cutest thing I've seen all day:3
  • @tatekys
    ~I love his accent, and deep voice~ ~His laughs and voice cracks~ ~His love for staying up late~ ~His dirty blonde hair~ ~His blue ocean eyes..~ ~His girl screams when he gets scared~ ~His attitude~ ~His crazy, silly, serious, and dirty personality~ ~His messages, and calls~ ~Him constantly wanting to talk, and play~ ~Him being clingy~ ~Him talking in his baby voice around me~ ~Him making jokes that are stupid, but are funny~ ~Him trynna rIzz me up.~ ~His stupid pickup lines. (that work..) ~His stupid dirty talks~ ~Him comforting me, and being a simp for me 24/7~ ~Him being extra comforting when im on my . ~ ~Him asking if im okay 24/7~ ~Him checking up on me~ ~His small mouth, but he can talk for hours with it.~ ~The way his voice doesnt fit his baby face~ ~Him asking alot of questions and being a desprate baby~ ~Him calling me nicknames~ ~Him constantly telling me what to do (im an idiot.)~ ~His type (me)~ ~Him breaking off his door, when he yelled "FBI OPEN UP" while kicking it down on call~ ~Ilysm Ronin. he means so much to me <3 You probably dont believe me, but trust me. I GET SO NERVOUS AROUND HIM, WHEN HE TALKS OR NOT. AS SOON AS I JOIN A CALL WITH HIM I HOLD MY BREATH. I LOVE HIS ACCENT SO MUCH, IT MAKES HIM SOUND CUTER. HE HAS A DEEP VOICE, ACCENT. AND BABY FACE. I GOT SO LUCKY. sorry, but i couldnt help it.
  • The way everyone is talking about there loves and positivity and hurt and sharing with random people it just makes me wanna happy cry 🥹
  • @Safah34372
    These songs hits so hard when you have ONE SIDED LOVE😭💞
  • @charmander0806
    I fell in love a year and a half ago... When I first met her, I sat down at lunch. The first thing she said to me was "Omg your eyes are so cool" I thought she was weird but it made my day. She got my number and we haven't stopped talking since. We hung out at least 5 times a month. One day (this year) I realized "Holly sh*t, I love this girl" Just everything about her: Her hair Her voice (my god can she sing<3) Her laugh Her extravert-ness Her confidence These aren't even a fraction of the things I love about her I asked her out Nov. 6th of 2023 We have been together since our friends "shipped" us pretty hard. This girl has helped me so much throughout the time I've known her. I hope and can bring her as much joy as she does to me. I want to spend the rest of my life with this girl. <3<3
  • To everyone who's studying with this music: Checklist: • A bottle of water, at least 1liter. Your brain works better if it has enough water and drinking helps you to concentrate💧 • Your charger. You sometimes don't even notice that your device's battery is going down, so better have it plugged in all the time🔋 • Your headphones. You will be able to focus more with headphones, because it blocks background noises. Also, if it's a late night study session, you won't wake up anyone🎧 • a tea or coffee. Coffee keeps you awake, green or black tea can make you feel more awake as well.☕ • Your study/work stuff: your laptop/tablet/phone , a few pens, paper or whatever you need.⌨ •Anything else you could need, what about a heat pad, a blanket, a good lamp, your pet so you have a study buddy 🐈 Reminder: After an hour, you should stand up and walk a bit around. Better stop the music or put on different music for the break. Open your window, even if it's cold outside. Fresh air will make it better, trust me. You could also lay your head down on your desk for ten minutes and listen to a podcast. Or, if you have to read a book, listen to the audiobook of it. You can also listen to the audiobook while doing another thing, that's even better than listening to music while reading the book. 📖 I hope y'all had a good day/night, if not, that's okay too. Remember to take care of yourself and try to get some sleep tonight 😴🧸 (not mine! but copy paste it around!!)
  • @picklebaby851
    I want to be in love with someone so bad it hurts seeing a bunch of couples being happy and not getting to experience it myself
  • @babubhuiyan5416
    Wow! Everyone is writing about their crush! I feel inspired and belonged, so my turn! :) Enjoy! 12/29/23 At school, in math class we moved seats. I was sitting next to the popular group of boys surrounding me. One guy behind me caught my attention, he had brown messy hair, attractive cute smile, and honey brown eyes. He made me feel so comfortable at the table. Every time we had a chance to work by ourselves or with another, he would sit next to his friends which were in my table. I would listen to their weird conversations, and it made me feel happy. I tried to cover my smile, but I couldn't help it. My friends would make jokes and say, "She likes you!" It was so embarrassing. They would do silly things just do catch his attention. Overtime, we started to speak more, and I added him on video games. We grew close and I also made friends with his friends! Rumors at school started to spread about me and my crush, but I paid no attention. I mean, he was popular, and I was too anyway, so I expected it. I was walking with my friends to lunch when I heard a boy call my name. It was my crush! I turned around and smiled at him saying, "what's up!?" He took a deep breath and put his hands together, and said, "*name* I like you and-" I turned away walking away. I can feel that he was upset. I was too. I don't know why I did that. I felt down all day regretting my choice, but what can I do? I was afraid to love again after my horrific incident with an old crush. It tore me down and I wanted to apologize. So, the next day I walked up to him and apologized. I also told him I liked him back, but unfortunately, I am not allowed to date. I told him we can stay as crushes, but not date and he respected my boundaries. One time he texted me and said, "Did you know when you smile, I smile too, and I can't help it." That made me so happy, and I started blushing. We grew more and more closer each day, but I remembered this is exactly how I felt with my old crush. I knew I'd lose feelings for him one day and we will grow distant, but that's life and love like this is temporary, until my future true love. I am on winter break, and nothing interesting has happened. Me and my crush just started talking more and more and every day, I would wait for him to text me. One day, my crush was depressed, and I tried asking why, but he won't answer. So, I saw him in a game (sad one), and I wanted to comfort him and be with him, but my other friends kept pressuring me to play with them. I told him I needed to go, but I kept checking on him. I joined him in the video game, then saw my other friend telling him false information about me. Saying that I like 50 guys, which is not true, and he knew nothing about me! I tried all my best to convince my crush it's not true. My other friends joined me to help me out and I felt like the world was spinning. I quickly blocked my rude friend and tried explaining more to my crush. He finally believed me, and we started talking more. I also thanked my other friends for being there for me. I love them all so much. 12/30/23 Still on winter break. I miss all my friends and my crush. He still didn't lose feelings for me. But hey, it hasn't been 3 months, so I am going to be patient! I mean, rumor has it that if you like one person for 3 months straight, its true love. Hopefully it is like that. Every day, I jot down things in my diary about me and him, and it makes me feel happy. People at school would tease me and tell me about how dumb he is, but to my eyes he isn't what they described. He is so loving (I probably said that many times or what lol). Without him I am nothing at all! He brought joy and light to my life. I don't have much to say, but I will try to keep ya'll updated. 1/4/23 He didn't answer my messages. It's been 2 days and I saw him on. I was traveling for a few days, so I couldn't talk to him. I texted him I am home, but he still didn't answer. I don't know why, and I am nervous. What if he doesn't like me anymore, or what if something happened? I really feel down without him, and I can't do anything. I don't even feel like eating anything whenever I think of him and how he doesn't answer me. I am starting to worry so much. Hopefully he talks to me again... 2/1/24 Hello! It's been a month. Well, things have been going well! He replied to back to me, and I am happy! He was just busy lol. For a few days, he kept asking me what I like, like what's my favorite chocolate and stuff. I told him its Twix, and he asked, "white or brown" and I replied with white. He asked me before if I would prefer teddy bear, and I said yes because I love them! Valentine Day is coming up, so it's probably because of that! He even told me he has a surprise for me, and he asked if I would prefer public of private, and I said public, because I'm not even shy lol. I am so nervous, because this will be at school guys!!! Wish me luck... 2/22/24 I haven't written in a while. He asked me to be his Valentine's and I was so happy! He got me chocolate and a bear :) We grew closer, and I got more comfortable with him, and he did too! He started showing me his soft kiddish side, and usually he is like a "bad boy". He sends me a lot of romantic videos saying, "I love you..." and other things! I feel like he's the one you guys...I remember my old crush and I lasted for a whole year until I met the boy, I am writing about now. I feel bad still, but maybe my new crush and I will last longer. His birthday is coming up on the 18th of March, so I am deciding what I should get him! 3/28/24 Hi everyone, this will be my last paragraph I'll be ever sending. Me and my crush separated, and everything is done now. I felt like I wasn't treating him right, so I left him, and he was like "I understand" and said he loves me, but then later on he said he doesn't care if I block him on any socials. I know it was dumb, I got to talk to few adults about my problem. I honestly miss him a lot, and I know he doesn't miss me one bit, and that's because he stated he was happy I am gone from his life...I sent him a huge paragraph about me explaining everything to him (opening up) and he was so ignorant, and it hurts my feelings so bad. I just wish he came back into my life, but no. He also started acting odd, he got into a fight (physically) with his own best friend and told me it's my fault. I never meant to hurt him, and I hate myself so bad. I will never stop blaming myself. It'll never be the same anymore. I wish I never existed in his life, and I quit life. I tried so hard to get him back and communicate, but it's not working one bit. He doesn't even want to see me at all...This is the end of my story... Edit: He was dating one my friends right after the situation and the n they broke up. We became friend after, but we are not friends anymore now due to problems. ALSO, he called me annoying too lol. old: Hopefully one day we don't become distant, and we keep talking like we used to. Hopefully nothing tears us down. Maybe one day we can be together, but that's my story! Hopefully ya'll enjoyed reading story lol! I'll try to update more. If you have any questions, reply back to this comment. I will try to answer back!
  • @elisha.
    I love how the comments are either talking about their love life, poems or just giving positivity ❤
  • You know its gonna be a good playlist if the first word in the playlist is "i wanna be ur vacumecleaner" 💀
  • @WhoisAaliyah394
    What do I love about him? I love his smile I love his laugh I love his hair I love his eyes I love his love for soccer I love his height I love the way he plays Soccer I love the way he stands up for himself I love the way he is respectful I love the way he matches my crazy side I love the way he is so generous I love the way he comforts me I love the way he keeps his cool I love him when he is sad I love him when he is happy I love him when he is excited I love him when he is mad I love him when he is crying I love him when he is with his friends I LOVE YOU SO MUCH S💕❤ Edit: may add more and a story..
  • I liked a guy in my class. I fell for him about a month after meeting him, he was really chill and had long blonde hair. All the girls said he’s ugly but I thought the complete opposite. We never really talked much but he was always super respectful and kind. Now, more than a year later he knows I like him. He never confronted me about it but he most likely doesn’t feel the same. He insulted me a couple of times in class for no reason, like answering a question wrong. That’s when I started overthinking this entire thing. I was heartbroken at first but I eventually got over it. I still find him attractive but I think that I was in love with the idea of him, not him as a person. I’m alright now and have a beautiful friend group of girls who will support me no matter what ♡
  • @kdramaworld.1
    those eye contact flashbacks with him when i hear this playlist i'm smiling for no reason rn 😚
  • @Ihateschool34
    I'd like to say that my boyfriend is probably the best thing that has happened to me. I don't wanna be that girl, but boys never really talked to me until now. I never really thought I was pretty, especially since my friends are literal beauties, but out of all of them, he chose me, he doesn't care that I have flaws that most boys make fun me for, he likes me for me. Some will say that he is only dating me just to date someone, but I truly believe if that was the case he wouldn't make me feel like I'm a princess, he wouldn't constantly get me gifts, he wouldn't always reassure me that I'm the girl he loves. Honestly I think that he's too good to me. Even though we've had our problems, we always come back to each other, no matter what. I'm just grateful that someone like him is with someone like me and I hope everyone finds a guy like this :)
  • @blackberry9110
    His smirk His cuteeee smile 😭 His dirty jokes His deep voice His black hair that he loves to touch His beautiful arms His eyessss The way he talks and teases me The way he stands infront me, dangerously close talking slowly- Ahhhhh I love himmmm 😭❤️❤️. Ive been loving him since August 2022. I want him to be mine so bad. I miss talking and laughing at the back of the class. " We were in the back seat Drunk on something stronger than the drinks in the bar " " Maybe its the way you same my name Maybe its the way you play your game" " All I can say is that I was enchanted to meet you" "I like you so much it's kinda gross" "Melting like an ice-cream when you smile". He left school last year September. But I'll meet him again on February 3, sports dayyy. He'll come even tho he left school most probably.