Psychodynamic Theories: Drive Theory, Ego Psychology, Object Relations Theory...

An overview over the history and scope of psychodynamic theory: Freud's Drive Theory, Carl Gustav Jung, Alfred Adler and the Neo-Freudians (Horney, Fromm, Rank), Ego Psychology (Anna Freud, Heinz Hartmann), Object Relations Theory (Klein, Kernberg, Balint, Winnicott), Self Psychology (Heinz Kohut) and more!

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Freud Playlist:    • Sigmund Freud  
Jung Playlist:    • Carl Jung  
Adler Playlist:    • Alfred Adler - Individual Psychology  
Horney Playlist:    • Karen Horney  

00:00 Intro
00:46 Freud
02:13 Carl Gustav Jung
03:06 Adler and Neo-Freudians
04:32 Ego Psychology
06:37 Object Relations Theory
09:42 Attachment Theory
10:47 Self-Psychology

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//BOOKS I recommend
📚 About ALFRED ADLER: “The Courage to Be Disliked” ☞
📚 Finding your PERSONALITY STYLE: “The New Personality Self-Portrait: Why You Think, Work, Love and Act the Way You Do” ☞

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#psychodynamic #theory #psychodynamictheory

コメント (21)
  • The way you break down, organize, and communicate these sometimes dense topics makes me feel that they are not ungraspable. As a therapist in training this is sooo helpful. Thank you for your work!
  • @nafeesa14
    We need more videos of each of these individually please ❤you make these theories very graspable ❤
  • This is a great overview of psychodynamic theory and its evolution. I appreciate how you explained the main concepts and differences between the various schools of thought. You made a complex topic easy to understand and interesting to learn. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and insights!👏👏👏
  • @lucykus5905
    This was so helpful! thank you! :) I could listen to you talk for hours!
  • The music is a bit noisy, if you can remove that would help the audience to focus more, I am really thankful for your valuable content, it helped to clarify a lot.
  • I found this video is very helpful. Also, your sententeces are clear and understandable. So, thank you.
  • Incredibly coherent and accessible mapping of psychodynamic theory and its branches and developments. Very useful. Found your stepping into ego-psychology and the self psychology of Heinz Kohut, and the reference to fear of disintegration of self, especially powerful. I have engaged with young adults whose life situation was obstructing their securing and sustaining of self; but had not theorised what I was empathising with as fear of disintegration of self, perhaps because unable to consider such disintegration of my own self.
  • Thank you for this wonderful input. I would add some criticism (limitations), as was done for Kohut, on Kernberg part. I see much too often therapists paranoically seeing patients’ aggression everywhere. How can you even help with that attitude? More Kohut, less Kernberg please 😉
  • That ws really helpful. There is so much to all this and your explanation was very insightful. Thanks very much
  • @nop4357
    Your voice is so calming and lovely. Thank you for such a great video!
  • What a great channel, so glad I found it! Thank you.
  • Your flowchart in this video is excellent / somehow hadn’t made the connection that attachment theory extends laterally from object relations - thank you for connecting the threads between the perspectives / nodes of literature! 🌲
  • Amazing channel. Packed with information, all to the point. You do not waste any time. Your "German English" is fascinating too. Einfach enzückend. I love the ending 13:09 “In the end, growth does not happen without the right amount of frustration.”
  • Attachment theory, though devised by Bowlby, is not a theory of the unconscious. It is, essentially, behavioural
  • This is helping me SO MUCH with a beast of an essay, thank you!
  • Great channel, thanks for your incredible work it spreads a better meaning or understanding to the topic of discussion.
  • @fuki9460
    I recently subscribed to this channel and I truly appreciate the systemic breakdown of the theories, contributors, origins and the therapeutic approaches. What I took from this was actually the concluding comment that "growth does not happen without a proper amount of frustration". It is definitely a reminder that being on the path of unlearning and re-learning and adaptation is such a turbulent process sometimes, especially long-standing behaviors or habits that one wishes to change.
  • Another great video! Got a subscriber here 😊 I love the ending comment. It's a common reflection I am having recently, we can only get to where we want with a healthy amount of frustration, anxiety, and pain, of course that has to be balanced with a healthy amount of love, kindness and understanding 😊
  • I've understood the notion of re-parenting and use the term in the context as something that the patient is doing to and for themselves; it's an inside job and doesn't occur from therapist or from any outside source. It's learning to meet your own needs and learning how to self-soothe and self-nurture. Anyway, very informative video. Thanks.