Netflix's Awful Christmas Movies

Publicado 2020-12-14

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @drewisgooden
    These movies killed so many of my brain cells that I forgot Emma Roberts’ name.
  • @princerufioh
    i love how sir coles accent just... disappears when he starts talking "modern" like every british person died in 1776
  • @Erin-jp4lc
    Did anybody else realize that the knight before Christmas is just the first Thor movie? Guy is about to become a higher rank of something (whether it be a knight or a king) but gets sent through space or time to modern day, gets run over by the love interest driving a car, everyone thinks he’s crazy because he’s talking about where he’s from, they go to a cafe to get breakfast where the guy is impressed by the new food he’s eating, asks for “another” but acts improperly. And we all know Loki shares characteristics with the hag.
  • Me: "Mom, can I have Emma Watson?" Mom: "No, we have Emma Watson at home" Emma Watson at home: 14:48
  • @aricaine5024
    "Get away from those children, you share characteristics with the hag!" my favourite line holy shit
  • Obsessed with the fact that he refers to princess and the pauper rather than prince and the pauper. The impact Barbie has. Unmatched.
  • the most unrealistic part of this movie is not the time travel, but the fact that a middle school teacher has a GUEST house
  • @aquatiger8
    you cannot convince me that Vanessa Hudgens didn't sign up to do all those Christmas movies because she wanted to kiss a bunch of semi-attractive men
  • @zg2202
    Emma Watson, Emma Roberts, Emma Stone... enough to get confused
  • @finnyoak
    Drew: Starring Emma Watson Movie: stars Emma Roberts Me: Now wait just a minute...
  • @bunny5728
    There can only be 1 Emma in Hollywood now: they all must brawl over the name.
  • Fun fact, in a knight before Christmas, they mention aldova, the place in a Christmas prince. And the people from a Christmas prince are at the wedding in a princess switch, it is a MCU.... or a CCU Christmas cinematic universe
  • @Caeljharden
    Emma Watson is such a great actress. She plays the role of Emma Roberts flawlessly.
  • @IreneRudnyk
    I also loved "The Chess Show" and "The Stranger Kids"
  • First off, love that Old Crone looks like an elderly instagram model. Second, love that they actually went and named a knight "Circle". I can't believe I agonize so much when I name characters, and these writers went with "Sir Cole" and called it a day. Edit: Also, I love that Santa looks exactly like Glenn Close as the Boo Box guy in Hook.