I Was BANNED From Drawing | Art + Storytime

Published 2022-11-14
Alternative title: "Why does my 5th grade teacher hate big anime bazonkers so much?! THE WORLD MAY NEVER KNOW..."

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★ Anime Frontier 2022| Fort Worth, TX | December 3 - 5
★ Catty Bat Art Market 2022 | Dragon's Lair Comics and Games, Austin, TX | December 10
★ Holiday Matsuri 2022 | Orlando, FL | December 16 - 18
★ Ikkicon 2023 | Austin, TX | January 20 - 22

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All Comments (21)
  • @SillyCheese_
    i got told off as a kid a lot without knowing what for, and as an autistic 5yo i just figured "hey if i just stop doing everything completely, i cant possibly get in trouble!" so basically shut down and stopped talking and then the teacher had an awkward talk with my mum about it😭😭
  • Reminds me of when I was in fourth grade, I drew a picture of a wrench with eyes saying "I am a wrench." My teachers made a big shitshow over it as they thought I was being self-deprecative or making a crass pun but....I just drew a wrench stating the obvious. I was so embarassed. Looking back, they probably thought that I was calling myself a wench. Like I totally get it now, but ofc nine year old me didn't know what the fuck was happening!!
  • in elementary school I wasn't allowed to doodle for no reason, every teacher I had would try to prevent me from doodling on every piece of paper I had. now I'm allowed to draw on almost all of the paper I want, and I discovered the magic of digital art
  • @lawnmower16
    Telling a child artist not to draw straight up is like the worst thing you can do to them. You gotta be more specific. Tell them why they can't draw _in this particular instance_, whether that be the content of their drawings, the place they're drawing, etc. There are big gaps in my drawing as a child that came about due to people telling me I should draw or that they didn't like me drawing
  • @Sin_Ligereep
    Wow, your teacher really did you dirty. Not only did they make a big deal over something that honestly wasn't that big of a deal, but they didn't even explain what you did wrong. I already had big bazonkers by the time I was in 5th grade, so if I had been drawing girls like that and my teacher flipped out, I probably would have thought there was something wrong with me too and had given me body issues. Probably the best thing you got from that experience is getting all that experience drawing Hamtaro hamsters. X'D
  • Why did the teacher just tell you not to draw inappropriate things? Judging by the drawing you showed it doesn't even look that bad. Tbh if that happened to me when I was younger I just start bawling I was very fragile when I was younger.
  • @salderr
    This video has taught us some important lessons. Like how girls have eyes, hair and legs. Also how hamsters are not anime girls
  • @bluerain2082
    oh my god i would shut myself off from the world if that happened. that must have been such a traumatizing thing to say to a passionate kid. I love your art now I am so glad you are thriving. Shout out to the creative kids
  • I had a history teacher who, in the first week of class, actively told me and the girl I sat next to that we SHOULD be drawing in her class if it helps us concentrate. I liked her. She was a good teacher
  • @linlupin
    I was worried for a second of like "ohno did we have the same Spanish teacher in middle school?" bc literally my 8th grade Spanish teacher was GUNG HO about not letting my ADHD ass draw in her class thinking that was why my grades were really bad (its almost as if the system works against how I learn or something)....... but then my grades got infinitely worse and she took it back. I was still drawing tho, just in a way that made it look like I was taking notes, so the focus was on stealth, spite, and trying desperately to not have a breakdown in every class.
  • @Indigos_blues
    this brought me back to in 3rd grade when I got in trouble for drawing a cheerleader in a two piece lol. it wasn't even a bad one either it was like an inch of skin
  • in middle school i spent a lunch with my principal ,because i enjoyed drawing charecters with swords for hands and the teacher thought it was two middle fingers. and was made to promise i would never draw like that again.
  • @human761
    We NEED to see a new hamster drawing after all these years
  • @Will-o-Wisp
    Hamtaro drawing stream when?! This brought me right back to elementary school drawing way too much Hamtaro and getting my sketchbook taken away because I was drawing so much that I wasn’t even trying to pay attention in class
  • @Crow.Theodore
    In high school I would often get into trouble for drawing but it was my only means of being able to concentrate so I did it anyways and one day my geography teacher saw me drawing while he was teaching and he came and picked up my sketchbook. I was so scared he was going to confiscate it but he just went, “hmm that’s pretty good” and moved on. And he was known to be super strict so I was shocked
  • @ZarinaRoseYT
    This story reminded me of something that happened to me in uh 6th grade? I was drawing before class and these two guys came up to me noticed my badly drawn person (It was still a sketch of a girl. Body wasn't that bad but you could tell that it was a person and a girl but like no face/clothing ya know kinda the weird stage lol) and they asked me to draw NSFW for them... I didn't I told on them- Because I was so grossed out by it that I remember at the end of the class I stayed a bit and then told the teacher what the guys asked me. Idk what happened idk if the teacher got on them about it or what. They never asked again :p Edit: I think I wrote this out when I was tried this makes kind of no sense I'm not editing it to make more sense it still gets the point across lol
  • @Mapple318
    Once my math teacher banned my artbook (i was like 14 so i understood why). Altought, instead of stoping drawing in her class, i brought an empty school book, called it "class notes" and used it as artbook.
  • This sounds familiar to my start in high school. At some point in high school I got into Team Fortress 2, an online shooter that isn’t afraid to get red like doom when you attack someone. One class, I think we had to write a poem, so my autistic cheeks wrote something that I thought was just me fantasising about the game and it’s graphics and wanting to get back to playing it but as an adult, I came to the realisation of “I don’t get why they were so wor- OH GOD” Simple minds don’t think things through, they just do what the brain says is good. I can only imagine how worried the teachers were
  • @Skyeleafe
    When I was in 6th grade, I was out on punishment and banned from art. I followed my punishment, but that didn't make me draw less. If anything, I drew a lot. Even out in the open, and didn't get in trouble.
  • @Smacketeer
    I, too, loved drawing in my classes. My 6th grade teacher hated when I'd draw on my assignments and told me that when I got into middle and high school that "drawing on assignments wouldn't be tolerated by other teachers." I challenged her theory and had quite a few teachers who didn't mind my doodles and actually kinda liked my work, as long as I was also getting my assignments completed. In 10th grade I had a couple of teachers who told me I needed to "stop drawing, period," but with that, I only drew more and two teachers in particular just gave up trying to get me to stop. In contrast, my biology teacher loved when I'd draw in her class. I'd see her standing close by with her arms akimbo, and I'd feel all color flush from my face, but when I'd glance up, she'd be smiling and telling me she liked whatever I was doodling. I let her keep one of my assignments, in which we were prompted to make a short comic about aliens destroying all of Earth's trees and plant life. My math teacher also loved my work. I drew her something special for the end of the year and she had it pinned on her wall near her workspace. There was just one time she had to tell me to keep something "school appropriate" since there was a one-off time that I drew a monkey with a cigar on one of my assignments.