What is the right religion?

As a young person searching for the meaning of life, I became lost in the quest to find the right religion or god. After much soul-searching, I came to realize that there is no definitive answer to which god is right or wrong—instead, the choice is ours to make.

Instagram @raulcamarena_

コメント (12)
  • I’m proud to be an atheist. Proud I had the courage to look for the truth wherever I found it. Proud I overcame the fear of hell and eternal damnation. Proud I rejected the need to conform for the sake of needing to belong. Not everyone can do it, and that’s why I’m proud of myself. Humanism most closely describes my life stance now, and I don’t need supernatural beliefs to con myself into believing I’m a good person.
  • @Steven-ud8kz
    Its funny when I grew up going to Catholic church, I just zoned out. I always thought to myself "when I grow up I'm done with this.... and what the hell is that one move they do with their hands/forehead/mouth/chest in the middle that looks like a Naruto Jitsu?!" Now that I am 40 with 3 kids, I go to church almost every Sunday, and I stream on my TV it when I can't make it (my local church streams their masses). I find that there are many bad ideas out in the world today, and religion seems to be a great shield against them. I do it for my kids more than anything but I have come to have an appreciation for it.
  • @dondidotchi
    It's nice that you are able to question even your faith that's critical thinking I was born in a Muslim family and me to i asked myself long time ago what if I was born in your family for example?
  • It cant start with any of these but just remember it ends in the divinity of christ
  • Nietzsche, while not believing in god, clearly stated that the rise of materialistic atheist belief is not gonna be a good thing. Now after an existential crisis that started 1 year ago and still continuing to find a meaning and spirituality in my life, I understood what he really meant. Comunque grazie raul questo video mi ha veramente fatto pensare. Saluti dall'italia 👋👋👋
  • I understand the sentiments and the frustrations of feeling like you’re searching for the longest time and feel lost but what I will say is that since you have some belief in God, why not raise your hands and make a sincere prayer asking God for guidance, if there is a true religion guide me to it, if there is not then let me be content without religion, and you should be guided, no harm right? Obviously I’m biased since I’m Muslim, and would like you to read the Quran as soon as you can because I think the guidance inside and questions answered should grant you the contentment you were initially looking for but this prayer I think is unbiased and sincere and hope it’s an idea you’d like, you’re still young like me, so I wouldn’t lock myself into a perspective, we all have much to learn
  • @LeenHawadi
    Well, although I do not agree with the idea of ​​the video because it does not make sense for us all to be the correct religion and on the Day of Resurrection God will not be satisfied with all religions, but it is good that you did not ignore your human nature and tried to search for truth,What makes religion true ? Are you interested in religious discussions? If that is Muhammad Ali, an Egyptian-Moroccan preacher in the Uk, for me his dialogues are wonderful. Search for all religions until you reach the truth.
  • @kacperz5683
    Well, saying that there's no right or wrong is not logical - there are plenty of religions and mostly they deny each others' beliefs. In other words: saying that they are all right, is like saying they are all wrong. Doesn't make sense at all. I understand the reason of the questioning you decided to conduct, however I have certain doubts regarding why to upload them in your languages-related Youtube channel? It seems as if you're trying to find people who'd agree with your view and solidify your opinion. Of course I may be wrong, but it's worth considering. I myself am catholic. But not because of my family. At 14 I basically could cut loose of any religion or change it to any one I wanted. I decided to pursue my faith regardless. And I found it to be the most rational one of them all - if only one knows all that it's saying and how it works. There are lots of misinterpretations and misconceptions among atheists and agnostics - especially in the internet. Bottom line: I don't agree, however I still respect you and will be watching your content.
  • @Akiza555
    Read the Quran and watch sheikh uthman