The Power of God | Wooo! LITHUANIA!!!

Published 2012-01-07
Excerpt from Shai Linne's song "The Omnis" from his latest album "The Attributes of God".


In the Father's galaxies my God has the Glory, cause distance for God is a non-category.

Amazingly, God is able to be in Haiti and Greece, Jamaica and Sweden, Barbados, New Zealand, LITHUANIA, Egypt, Malaysia, Tunisia and The Arabian Sea simultaneously.

Before Him everything is naked and exposed, that means there will be no escape for His foes.
God's presence and His wrath will torment the sinner in hell, but those who trust Christ with Him will dwell forever forever forever forever...


Who is like Him -- there is none. Triune Holy, Three in One. When all is said and done -- God is amazing, amazing.

His power can not be compared, exhausting knowledge none can share. At all times everywhere -- God is amazing, amazing.

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