Amazing Battle Scene HD - Poland-Lithuania fight Teutonic Knights

Published 2011-04-24

Jogaila and Vitovt with their combined Poland-Lithuania Army win a complete and decisive victory over the Teutonic Knights (Teutonic order) in the Battle of Grunwald (Tannenberg) 1410.

Battle of Grunwald Grand Duke Vitovt Lithuania Vytautas Poland King Jogaila Tannenberg defeats Teutonic Knights Order

All Comments (20)
  • @leathergoo
    Not to be that guy. But a battle scene usually has a battle in it.
  • @arnasb.6414
    Thats how it was good when poland and lithuania were together they were like brothers ! i am lithuanian love to poland ! :D
  • @Kamilgckm
    in 1410 Poland was christian. Since 966 Polish has christian faith.
  • @Haerdrada
    It was our greatest defeat in the middle ages, the Poles fought there really good; Respekt und Hochachtung
  • @foytaz
    Amazing that after more than 600 years there are still people who believe they are equals of those true malemen at Grunwald 1410. No matter what side you on now, if you're 2015 AD you'd shut your fuckin' mounth and praise those heroes from the past.
  • "So... you bring your brothers to our duel ? Funny, i bring my too."
  • @konan54455
    Aż mnie ciarki przeszły, kocham takie filmiki.
  • @alteye1
    Fun fact: out of the approximately 27.000 men strong army of the Teutonic order, only less than 400 were actual Teutonic knights.
  • @bogdankeler980
    Well,Ladies and Gentlemens the fact is that Poland and Lithuania forming a Union which was unbeaten. After to the Union joined Ukraine and Belarus creating together Rzeczpospolita a kind of present the European Union, which was at that time unique in the world.
  • @MunkhbaatarE
    "Music was good."                          - My left ear.
  • @robertzych6977
    15th July 1410 - Battle of Grunwald. The battle was one of the largest battles in Medieval Europe and is regarded as the most important victory in the history of Poland, Belarus and Lithuania.The battle shifted the balance of power in Eastern Europe and marked the rise of the Polish–Lithuanian union as the dominant political and military force in the region.
  • @alexanderchenf1
    To all those Teutonic crazy fans: Poland and Lithuania converted to Catholicism hundreds of years before 1410. Teutonic Order can launch war legitimately only for converting pagans or protecting Christendom. The Order in 1410 invaded Lithuania regardless of the absence of caucus belli. Poland being the ally of Lithuania answered the call of the latter and in the Battle of Grunwald, when Lithuanian army fled, the Polish army defeated the Order and saved the day. Originally, the Order was invited by Polish king in order to quell the pagan of northern Poland. The Order after achieving that goal, became aggressive occupant and sought to invade Poland and Lithuania all the time. Many battles were fought in which Poland and Lithuania were the defensive side. In the Battle of Grunwald as in many other battles between Catholic Poland-Lithuania and the Order, the two countries were good guys and the Order were bad guys. Poland since 14th century established a system of elective monarchy, in which noble democracy was built, commoners were treated better in Poland than in the Order, and cities enjoyed privileges. After defeating the Order and founding the Commonwealth, the two countries would together sing a song of liberty, religious tolerance, democracy, scientific progress and prosperity in the age of autocracy and political absolutism. Again, in this battle, the Order was the bad guy and Poland-Lithuanian Alliance was the good guy.
  • @Carniolan
    Teutonic knights were one of the most spoiled orders in middle ages
  • @GothicNight21
    So great !.. If this clip were from USA probably would win a lot of awards.. I repeat, is GREAT and awesome.. :)
  • @SavukaS
    Lithuanian - Polad = Long Live !!!! LT