The psychology of narcissism - W. Keith Campbell

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Narcissism isn’t just a personality type that shows up in advice columns; it’s actually a set of traits classified and studied by psychologists. But what causes it? And can narcissists improve on their negative traits? W. Keith Campbell describes the psychology behind the elevated and sometimes detrimental self-involvement of narcissists.

Lesson by W. Keith Campbell, animation by TOGETHER.

コメント (21)
  • Fun fact: the flower was named for Narcissus because of how it arcs towards the water; as if it’s looking at its reflection.
  • @marveldk
    My therapist said that my narcissism causes me to misread social situations. I’m pretty sure she was hitting on me.
  • A lack of empathy is a big indicator of narcissism. This indicates that the narcissist is unable or unwilling to understand the desires, needs, or emotions of other people. They find it challenging to accept accountability for their actions as a result. From my own experience, narcissistic people are extremely resistant to changing their behavior, even when it's causing them problems.
  • @mimic5121
    Narcissism isn't generally about thinking they're better than someone or not.. It's more about thinking of one self as the main character in a movie and everybody else exists only in relation to their self-image (supporting casts). Narcissists feel shame, no guilt. They are vaguely dissatisfied with their life. They often feel rage, sadness, anxiety with high intensity and frequently. They don't feel joy or happiness outside of themself.
  • @shimpiyaa
    Narcissus died because he heard about my birth. He was afraid of competition
  • @mikeh5399
    I’m way too great to be a narcissist.
  • I'll never forget my father telling me "Why do you care more about making your mom upset than you care about making me upset?" when I told him I was having nightmares because of stress about wanting my mom to be happy and healthy when she was going through a rough time.
  • I've realized that over the years of rise of social media, we've gotten a front-row seat to how narcissistic some people can be.
  • I’m definitely not a narcissist, I’m probably the most humble person ever despite the fact that I’m one of the smartest, best looking, most competent, and overall best people I know
  • @x-2954
    When dealing with narcissism, you should know that it’s not personal. “It isn’t personal” is one of those cliches used to cushion all kinds of bad actions taken by people who need an out for being immoral, but in this case it actually gets near the truth. Narcissists don’t know how to love or be a friend; they can’t afford to spare the energy to learn, because they’re always in a state of high emergency, cataloging potential threats and redoubling their defenses. When they claim to love you, it means nothing. They may even think they mean it, but they don’t understand the concept - they can’t feel it. They never attach to you or anyone else. Other people are paper cut-outs to the narcissist, like those cardboard figures of celebrities you pose next to for a selfie. Narcissist value their own children only as mirrors of themselves. When they destabilize you or attack you, it means nothing. They are stuck in an endless conversation with themselves, in which you are an inanimate object, to be assigned their own faults and used as a surrogate punching bag for their hatred of themselves. When they toss you out, it’s no more meaningful than a junkie tossing away a needle; when they try to reel you back in, it only means that they tired of the new drug and need a hit of the old. None of this is personal. They’re too terrified to have personal relationships, opting instead for extraction of admiration from a subservient partner whose range of action they strictly constrain. This is not personal. None of it. The narcissist does not know who you are - it doesn’t know how to know other people. Like the vampire or the chainsaw-wielding creature in the horror film, it’s from another world, bereft of the concept of human connection. Moreover, People wonder why they end up hurt, seriously hurt, and even killed for their own actions. Cheating is a choice and there’s simply a lot of ignorance in the process.... Thank you so much for helping me out Metaspyhub@gmail. com. Your advice and services helped me so much. You are a lifesaver !!! The information you gave me about my cheating partner when you gave me access to his phone was everything I needed to get,.. thank you very much..
  • Loving yourself & being obsessed with yourself is absolutely fine , just make sure you don't bring other people down
  • When Narcissus died, the entire creations around wept for him. The trees, the river, the animals and the birds, everyone mourned his death, as they no longer could enjoy his beauty. After sometimes, they all gradually forgot about Narcissus, except the river. The river kept on crying and the water become salty, making it non drinkable for the animals and birds. To solve the problem an angel arrived and asked the river why she was still crying for Narcissus. The river remained quite and kept on crying. The angel asked whether it was because she no longer could enjoy the beauty of Narcissus staring at her. At last the river replied. "I am not crying because Narcissus is no more there to stare at me. It's because I will miss seeing my own reflection in his eyes when he stared at me" -The Alchemist.
  • @mitsyuaya
    me watching this: “am i a narcissist?”
  • @7w7-2
    It’s a strange disorder at first. It takes a while to understand the behavior could be that petty, superficial, and juvenile. What amazes people is that they seem so charming, bold, and magical. Both men and women can fall in love with the same person. It is a paradox that such talent in one aspect of life could exist next to such idiocy in the next moment. But, the most difficult lesson is earned later when he or she becomes the very last person you should ever trust on anything. Essentially this desperate, frightened and unlovable individual wants to be hugged and protected by anyone stronger or wiser than he/she. All their selfish, bombastic, and reckless behaviors are designed to create more space and exceptions for the actor. The boundaries that are shattered may be sacred to you, but meaningless to them. This is how they stun onlookers and seize the moment hypnotizing their prey. Imagine what a deer does when headlights catch them halfway across the road. That’s what they try to achieve with bigger and bigger audiences. Furthermore, they are always testing true believers for the extent of their situational loyalty. This repeating fraudulent cycle explodes opportunities to gain leverage and do crimes upon the unwitting fools that he intended to set up all along. So, his game always creates and follows the same cycles. Once you get used to the way he/she speaks, thinks, and connives, you can see if its you about to be set up, or whom among the key players that show loyalty. The narcissist giant blindspot is two fold: 1) they make a bunch of repeated mistakes, and 2) never expect the person that is setting him up to be caught. The narcissist rarely does anything he’s never done many times before. And, in most of the mistaken actions he doesn’t learn, improve, or vary in the end result. Lastly, the narcissist never works alone, he always recruits willing volunteers to abuse. Often these people are from the hypnotized or the smitten that become abusable volunteers that will always let him come back in. The cycles are always a version of what he did before. That’s why the narcissist is so predictable. If you need to find out about a cheating narcissist; send a request to: Metaspyhub@gmail. com
  • i always thought i was a narcissist, and i kinda am. I realised that i am not only a bit egoistic but i'm also a bit of a vulnerable narcissist. I get irritated or annoyed when someone is actually being better than me in something i'm good at, or when someone tries to say that they're smarter than me. I never told this to anyone for obvious reasons
  • It’s hard to be humble when your perfect in every way. Yo Yo! Sup? Word up. Come on my peeps, that other guys way to far ahead,, make with the likes already!
  • Legend has it, we all have one person in mind while watching this....
  • @dorian3260
    As infants, we all begin as narcissists. We need to be taught to care about others.
  • I think the label "narcissist" is thrown around a lot to label someone who is confident and that we don't like. We have become a society that reacts too much and understands too little. I think an even worse epidemic in society is not the narcissistic tendencies people exhibit, but rather our sudden urge to label someone we don't understand or even appreciate as someone who "obviously" has a mental problem. As someone who has a diagnosed mental health "label", I think a better way to explain someone who is acting in a different manner then we might like or even expect, would be to go and talk to that person, and let THEM explain to you what it is that might be causing them to be perceived in a certain way. Most people have other attributing factors that are leading to their less then ideal behavior, and we should judge less and understand more, before throwing around labels like "narcissist".