Claudia Hoerig Interrogation Video Part 1

Published 2019-01-23

All Comments (21)
  • @bitobaco
    The soundproofed walls work...I can't hear a thing!
  • @ladyhvac5195
    "I paid for everything " "He paid the electric bill and the mortgage, but I paid for everything." Girl, that means you didn't pay for EVERYTHING. 🤦‍♀️
  • @sanataj
    In 2005, Karl Hoerig met a Brazilian accountant and English teacher, Claudia Sobral, who was living in New York City at the time. They fell in love quickly and were married in Las Vegas that June. Claudia moved to Newton Falls, Ohio, to be with Karl. On March 15, 2007, after not showing up for duty with the Air Force Reserve, Karl Hoerig's body was found at the bottom of the stairs in the home that he shared with Claudia. It was believed that he had been shot a few days before -- once in the head and twice in the back. Authorities immediately suspected Claudia Hoerig, but she was nowhere to be found. CREDIT: CBS News
  • @eddypaul8959
    The sound quality is too poor to keep watching. Shame really. I would have loved to watch this.
  • @hbgoldylox
    Did they confuse this room with a studio?? Pads are great for a recording studio but TERRIBLE for an interrogation room/recording smh.
  • @kymesue9575
    In this day of high quality audio and video equipment, you would think these interrogation rooms would have both!!! It would certainly help to see better and hear better an interrogation and yet they seem to have the absolute worst equipment!
  • @goose7574
    This woman is lying about a splash! When you're only a couple months pregnant, you're not going to have a splash in the toilet. I've had numerous miscarriages. This woman is lying. I've had one even at 14 weeks, and even at that time, except for the size of the "clot," it's very hard to even tell where the actual baby is. Sorry to be so personal, but people who have experienced this will know what I'm talking about.
  • "I have nothing to hide" but I went to Brazil after I murdered my husband, got married and opened a business. Tried to hide in Brazil. Oh yeah, I guess I did have something to hide.
  • @slwtgf
    I go into these interrogation videos blind- the opposite of my husband, who can’t resist the urge to Google court + verdict details while viewing. I like to remain unbiased and no preconceived notions during this preliminary phase..Thank you for all your work and time to obtain + research these videos here!!
  • @nettiea9384
    She seems to be enjoying herself. If I was in an interrogation room id be scared and shaking in my boots!
  • @Juniper122
    jolly for a MURDER SUSPECT. She's flirting with these detectives. Slick!!
  • @stayhumble4ever
    I have seen ALLOT of bad quality vids, but this one takes the cake
  • @VJ-fm6vz
    the difference between her mannerisms here vs. when she was on the stand at her trial is astonishing! She doesn't have any tics or twitching here, she doesn't act confused, and she understands what they're saying quite well. She's very conniving to say the least
  • @flowergirl4612
    Her smiling and acting like shes just having a chill day with friends is frightening. You can tell that she uses her charm and looks to manipulate people. But I will say, out of all her actions in interogation and in court, the way she keeps that smirk on her face, just makes my skin crawl.
  • @mrs.c5022
    Not even the auto-captions can figure out what’s being said!
  • @beklouise9952
    I wish there was a description of the video instead of having to google the story, im clueless at first at what im watching 😤
  • @goose7574
    This is a real "Psycho-sociopath" at work right here... Or, somebody with super bad luck and stupid decision-making skills.
  • @euniceloy7120
    I know nothing about this case. But when she starts talking about buying the laser light for the gun, so she could understand about the recoil, I thought, no you want to make sure your shot hits the target. This women took 11 years to come up with this story.