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540 subscribers

About Goose

❤️Hello Everybody...❤️

At some point, I plan on creating a channel for Survivors/Victims of SA, DV & Bullying. I will also be talking about addiction (chemical dependency) & substance abuse.

As a survivor, and someone who's personally dealt with Addiction (and with family/friends who have struggled), I want to create a safe place for people to come and either: talk, vent, or get info on where/how to get help.

Please feel free to sub, so you'll get a notification when I finally get the strength & courage to start it...
Take Care


Also, because many people have asked...
When I start my channel I will also be discussing nutrition & personal training. I went to school for Nutrition & PT (graduated back in the early 2000's). After losing my own father to a sudden massive heart attack at 20, it pushed me in that direction. I don't want anybody to ever have to feel that pain again, if it can be avoided w/tips & tweaks to their fitness & nutrition plan!
❤️ 🏋🏼‍♂️🧘🏼‍♀️❤️

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