Published 2023-02-18
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ROBERT CYWES M.D., PhD, ERIN SMITH PSYCHNP and SHERYL FOX RD ARE clinical PRACTITIONERS in Florida and COVER THE ENTIRE USA AND WORLD VIA TELEHEALTH. Our mission is to educate about CARBOHYDRATE ADDICTION in treating obesity, diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Replacing carbs with REAL FOOD while simultaneously replacing carbs as a toxic, harmful response to emotional tension with a diverse healthy set of emotion management tools for lifelong sustainability of mental and physical health, happiness and well-being. Converting people from toxic sugar burners to healthy fat (keto) burners while addressing the CAUSE of addiction to carbs from an emotion management perspective. Sometimes using obesity surgery and devices and helping people who have had bariatric surgery stay healthy.

Text/Call: 561.517.0642 for a consult or an appointment
Set up a consultation if you are looking for sustainable ways to treat obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cholesterol and thyroid disease. If you need bloodwork/physician confirmation or if you are considering or struggling after Bariatric Surgery we can assist.
TEXT, WHATSAPP or CALL our “batphone” +15615170642 from anywhere in the world. We do secure telehealth, Zoom and Whatsapp phone and video consults all over the world.
We order bloodwork and Coronary Artery Calcium Scores as part of a consultation.
Please record your consult but inform Dr Cywes, Erin and Sheryl.
For COLLABORATIONS please email: [email protected]

Follow @carbaddictionmom and @carbaddictionrd on Instagram and Facebook to see how we live our lives and to understand how we raise our son in a carnivore family

**DISCLAIMER: Any information on diseases and treatments available at this channel is intended for general guidance only and must never be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or qualified healthcare professional. Always seek the advice of your physician or qualified health care professional with questions you may have regarding your medical condition. This site and these videos exist to provide information and support about nutritional health and do not provide medical advice and should not be thought to provide medical advice. We can only give medical advice if you establish yourself as a registered patient and consult with us in our medical practice - JSAPA. We always recommend working with a team of knowledgeable and experienced practitioners, including a physician such as Dr Cywes and a Registered Dietician such as Sheryl Fox in our practice. Do not self-diagnose. Always seek medical guidance when you have a medical condition.
Although all measures are taken to ensure that the content of the YouTube channel is accurate and up-to-date, all information contained on it is provided ‘as is’. We make no warranties or representations of any kind concerning the accuracy or suitability of the information contained on this channel. Robert Cywes and his team may at any time and at their sole discretion change or replace the information available on this channel. To the extent permitted by mandatory law, Robert Cywes shall not be liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect or punitive damages arising out of access to or use of any content available on this channel, including viruses, regardless of the accuracy or completeness of any such content.

All Comments (21)
  • @olive87
    Once I stopped counting carbs, weighing my food, writing everything down, it was such a sense of freedom!! Eating is so simple now! Shopping too. Simply yes or no. I''ve always hated vegetables so that's an easy choice. I've been eating carnivore for the last 4 months, 2 meals a day and eat until I'm full. I've lost 38 lbs so far and I'm now off my blood pressure medication. I've never felt better!! 56 years old and going strong 💪 Thank you, Dr. Cywes for another great video!
  • Don't try to control a relationship that you've already lost control of, love that!!!
  • @htownandi6263
    It was back in 2015 when I went to support a family member who went to rehab for heroin addiction that I realized I had a sugar/carb addiction. It wasn't until 5 years later that I hit my own personal rock bottom. I slowly started a keto lifestyle then transitioned to carnivore. Its 3 years later and still going strong. Your videos, Dr. Cywes have been a godsend to me to help me understand the correlation of all the components that were leading me down a destructive path. It wasn't ever that I was eating too much it was always that I was eating the wrong things and that's why I could never lose weight. Thank you for all you do.
  • I hated " doing keto" until someone in a FB group said they avoided the counting nonsense by just eating meat and eggs. 2+ years carnivore now and healthier in my fifties than I was in my thirties. Ultimately, there's no need to eat ANY vegetables.
  • @GigiEmbrechts
    I would love to have you do a video on thin people with carb addictions, I am not one of them but I know so many people who believe because they are not fat and are they are healthier. My sister fed this to me all my life. She never ate meat, veg but drank coke ate tons of Doritos and drank tons of beer. She was thin so she never worried about her diet. I have struggled and still do. Unfortunately she got diagnosed with Alzheimer’s at 62 so please do a video explaining that thin people need no carbs also, it just may save their life.
  • @noonchyo
    Vinny Tortorich told me 10 years ago "your liver doesn't know the difference between an apple and a donut. Carbs are carbs." That always stuck with me.
  • @ranger2316
    I'm not sure if you covered this, but what you are working towards is a new you. I'm 69 years old and went on a carnivore diet about a month ago. I'd previously been on a Keto diet with good results. What I immediately felt after completely dropping all carbohydrates was the aches, pains and stiffness STOPPED within 48-72 hours. I mean I couldn't bend over and tie my shoes without groaning and huffing and puffing. That was amazing. I have also notice the edema in my lower extremities has completely gone away and I have more energy. And, I have btw lost 18 pounds in the past month. Doctor, thank you so much for your clear, concise and informative discussion on this life style change. I am convinced it is the path forward for me.
  • You have been my teacher in a successful keto health journey in the last 4 years. And still I am in awe of every New Video. Not only you know what you are talking about, you have the ability to explain and share for everyone to understand it.
  • @LifeByKpop
    No yelling, no shouting, no screaming. Because those of us that know, know just how right you are. 💯 Agreed. 💪
  • This man is marvelous in making the understanding of scientific research simple 🎉
  • @user-hr8jr2uh5t
    Thank you. I am 80 and could not lose weight unless I did injections provided by a diet dr. Going mostly carnivore and doing intermittent fasting I’ve lost 15 lbs in a few weeks. I feel fantastic energetic and no days when I feel kinda fuzzy thinking. I feel like I’m 40 again. Amazing
  • @ActualSighs
    Spot on! The biggest issue I have had with carnivore is other people telling me what I "can't" have. 😂 The freedom from making a bunch food decisions is most liberating.
  • @zita-lein
    It’s just crazy how good every single video is. 😂
  • I have been doing Keto for 2 years and started carnivore on March 17th 2023. I am feeling absolutely amazing. Joint pains are gone, and I no longer need to go to the chiropractor. Indigestion is gone as well. I started doing press-ups, and in the first week, I did 35 per day, which was 5 more than I usually do. I have steadily increased the number every day and did 70 a few days ago! I can't believe it! What I added was boron, which was suggested by one of the many doctors I follow on YouTube. That took it to another level. I am 67 years young and will never eat vegetables again. No carbs, absolutely no carbs. I have not put sugar in my coffee or tea for at least 40 years. Another effect of this diet is that the plaque on my teeth has completely gone. After about a week, I could feel it coming off, a very strange sensation. Additionally, I no longer have bleeding gums. I only take thyroxine for my underactive thyroid. I hope to get off of it over the next year on this diet.
  • @velvethoot4507
    Pmsl 😆😆😆😆😆never met a fat person who rushed home after a rough day and pigged out on Brussel sprouts!! This information is pure gold and so very true. We def need more Doctors like him....period
  • @rjrnj1
    I love how you make all the medical and science information so clear. 🥰
  • Omg 😱 I loved this Dr. Cywes! I've been having a rough time lately and gained 20 pounds when I still needed to lose 10 more so now I need to lose 30. Well I've lost 6 of that. I've been keto for 4 years and lost 150 but going through a divorce I fell off a couple of times. So now I've decides to just eat like I'm a newbie and starting over. 🙃 thanks for this video, it was awesome! Perfect 🥰 💞 👌
  • Love your Brutally Honest communication! ❤ We need more Drs like you in this world
  • Thank you, this makes so much sense to me. I lost 92 lbs fasting and reducing my carbs but have had a hard time maintaining the loss and have gained about 20 lbs back. I have recently gone carnivore and it is now slowly coming off. Currently I am only eating beef, eggs, coffee and a small bit of butter in my first coffee and water of course. This helps me to see I'm on the right track!