Government Surveillance: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Publicado 2015-04-05
There are very few government checks on what America’s sweeping surveillance programs are capable of doing. John Oliver sits down with Edward Snowden to discuss the NSA, the balance between privacy and security, and dick-pics.

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • A british guy, who hosts an American TV show went to Russia to interview an American that can't live in America anymore.
  • @mobydicki9060
    You can literally pinpoint the moment when Snowdens heart breaks in half.
  • @farooqyousaf9516
    The fact that this was Snowden's first major media interview back then just shows how amazing/underrated John Oliver is. I heard someone in some interview reveal that 'Snowden's people wanted to do this only with Oliver as he does the best journalism'... That's exactly what you get from this whole episode. It's both funny and smart, without painting Snowden either as a hero or a villain. You do see that Oliver has a soft spot for Snowden, but his journalistic ethics stop him from looking too biased.
  • @macmundie
    Jesus, you can see the soul leaving Snowden’s eyes while he watches the New York interviews.
  • @noobnomu7792
    poor Edward Snowden, the look on his face like "is this what I sacrificed my freedom for"
  • @Khorothis
    John Oliver, teaching smart people how to translate their smart ideas to concepts everyone can understand and relate to.
  • John translating the serious and complicated issues into idiot friendly explanations is a MASSIVE service to this country. Its 2021 and this sadly is as relevant as the day it was published.
  • @giggabiite4417
    I just want to say, even 7 years after this interview, you're not forgotten Snowden. What you did was incredibly brave, and incredibly patriotic. Every now and then I think about you and wish that you will soon be pardoned
  • @Mentiac
    Snowden totally missed a chance to call it "Junk mail"
  • @armashuvitz
    Welcome to America: where the comedians are the journalists and the journalists are the comedians.
  • @lloydal8359
    it's depressing to see how Edward Snowden is basically forgotten in the US. But then I remember my government didn't even have the balls to do a live interview with him and instead kissed the US' ass even after we found out that the NSA spied on our chancellors phone.
    "spying on friends is not ok" was the harshest words our leaders could find - it's infuriating
  • @altusshow7574
    "If we sacrifice our values because we're afraid, we don't really care about those values."

    Said by a man, a hero, who threw his entire life and any safety he might have in service to his values. Mr. Edward Snowden cares about his values.
  • Best quote towards the end of the video:

    "You shouldn't change your behavior because a government agency somewhere is doing the wrong thing. If we sacrifice our values because we're afraid, we don't care about those values very much."
  • @yankeeedandy
    Edward Snowden is an American hero, end of story.
  • @DmonHiro
    Man, John was AMAZING in this interview. Like, he was 100% serious, and asked the hard questions.
  • I hope Edward Snowden knows by now that not all Americans are oblivious to his many sacrifices for us. It so saddened me to see him watch how oblivious people were when asked who he is. He is a hero, NOT a traitor. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. And, thanks to John Oliver for his comical take on a very serious issue, while also bringing the subject matter to a level all people can understand. Much respect for both of these men.
  • @rawb
    Holy shit is this so well done. I could not stop laughing during the second half of that interview.
  • @sennataylor592
    I feel like while John Oliver comes across as harsh/dismissive towards Edward Snowden in the interview, he knows that Snowden is vastly more intelligent than the majority of Americans and often forgets that when he talks about government surveillance, so John was trying to get him to 'dumb it down' as much as possible so the average American could care about it.
  • This piece deserves the highest journalistic accolade. John Oliver is brilliant.