Synchrons vs. Evil Twins: Prepare For Trouble (Sunny) and Make It Double

Ladder continues to be rough as I wait to finish accumulating the gems necessary for my next pull for the Adventure engine. Things are depressing enough when you're having to learn a new meta-as-fuck archetype and a broke-as-shit splashable engine that just lets the meta get meta-ier and those without it are at its mercy.

But it's important to cling to the meaningful stuff. A match with some back-and-forth to it. Some luck. Some bluffs. Some suicide plays... and a reminder that it's better to be a third rate duelist with a fourth rate deck than a fourth rate duelist with a first rate deck.

Seriously never understood Kaiba's insult. You're saying someone's operating at a level above what their toolkit show allow for. How is that not a compliment?

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