Audiophile Cable TRUTHS: About THAT VIDEO!


コメント (21)
  • Yes, there are LOTS of industries "out there" to sell you anything you want to buy. It doesn't necessarily mean that what they have to sell has legitimate claims. Maybe go over what IS snake oil in the speaker cable market versus what isn't?
  • Circular logic warning: there being a whole industry out there does not equal proof that RF interference impacts audible sound quality. Please show evidence and do not just quote others who say that it does.
  • Amir from AudioScienceReview (highly educated) tested a $2500 set of Audioquest cables that did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING and had no provided measurements from the manufacturer just pretentious marketing, total waste of money. Same with The Audioquest Jitterbug, does nothing when tested seven ways from Sunday. I've always read home audio speaker cables really don't need shielding unless maybe its long runs or passing over lots of electrical equipment... may have to do some testing of my own. I have 2 family members that are also electrical engineers, I'll have to see what they say about all this.
  • @PSA78
    Will cables make a difference, yes, in the extreme cases (lamp cord vs actual speaker cables). But building an argument on anecdotal evidence and calling those who wants relevant empirical evidence for flat earthers... Well, I guess science isn't for everyone.
  • @yoddeb
    So the argument that the "cable industry" is not bullshit is that there are companies working in the cable industry. Ok.
  • 1. The fact that a company sells a product doesn't show that it works. 2. Do a null test. 3. Do an ABX test.
  • LOL! I kept yelling, "Re-bar, re-bar" at the screen while you were doing that vid. When it comes to "senior moments", I'm the KING! And I'm only 60!
  • @cbts001a4
    the question is, how do these Industries develop the cables, if not with science, with what else ? because if it was developed with science it must be a technical way to proof it
  • @kevintomb
    This is called "Creating a solution, to a problem that does not exist" Someone will always buy something, if they can be convinced it solves a problem, even if they have no problem. Marketing 101.
  • The beauty of this hobby is that you can make your own decision about cables. No matter what anybody says, electrical engineer or enthusiast, try the subject cables in your own system. If you like what they do, keep them. If not, return them. Seems much simpler than these never ending circular arguments.
  • "There is an entire industry" Yes and an entire way of life built upon ignorance. It's doing well these days.
  • If you plug a unterminated speaker wire directly into a Mic Preamp you might see a few dB of noise above the absolute floor from RF/Emf. That's in a Mic Pre, that is sensitive to millivolts. Speaker level is so much higher than that, that the same RF/Emf will literally be in the values of 100,00ths of the signal level being pushed from an amplifier. You are more likely to pick up RF/Emf from less than optimal grounding on the chassis of the amplifier than the speaker cables. The Speaker Cables are the VERY LEAST sensitive component of an audio signal chain. It's the last place I would spend extra money. Just my Opinion, do whatever makes you happy.
  • One part of me is screaming "snakeoil!!BS!!" and the other part of me is sitting here and wondering how I could try to prove myself cables matter. In my opinion so far they matter in regards to aesthetics and impedance but everythig else has to prove to my ears
  • @tonep3168
    This is a hard watch... And yes, the Earth is very, very round.
  • I don't know why people have to argue, if you don't believe don't buy cables, use home depot speaker wire.
  • The human body acts as an RF antenna. The only way to make sure it doesn't interfere with your audio equipment (ears) is to cover yourself with a space blanket and to twist your legs and arms (counter-rotating if you're flexible enough).
  • ... and you are just quoting another speaker cable manufacturer's "sales pitch" as "data". So no proof there.
  • Love your video Danny. I repair and refurbish speakers here in the UK but not to the level you do 🙂. That word you were struggling with is pronounced 'Disco tech'. Keep up the good work. We all learn a great deal for your insights. Cheers. Matt
  • @fugazi84
    There'is only one way to finish this discussion. You have gears to mesures speakers. So you take mesurements for the same speakers, same gears, but with different cable.
  • @mfr58
    I found enormous amounts of switching noise radiating from LED light tape, the drivers being housed in a metal, grounded box....also I've found some LED lamps that make digital radios cut out when the light is switched on. It's clear that high frequencies can run around analogue and digital audio circuits and create inter-modulation and other effects and now that we have so many switching power supplies and microwave coms, the issues are bigger than ever before.